MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 112 The Tomb Of The Fallen Angel

As the female orc and an elf made their way through the dark tunnel, the only light source was the small torch held in Ava's hand. Its flickering flame barely illuminated the rough walls and uneven floor of the underground passageway.

The air was becoming musty and damp, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the tunnel.

Both knew that this tunnel was a dangerous place, and that they had to be careful. It's not everyday that you explore a hidden tomb filled with strong undead that drop no Loot or EXP.

"It's already our tenth potion..."

Looking at her system window Eli accessed her status screen and frowned seeing the number of health potions present in her inventory.

They've already spent more than a day inside the tomb and haven't found anything valuable. Just some withered beast bones and strangely shaped rocks.

Honestly, Ava was the only one still pushing through with the exploration. Eli was already on the verge of giving up.

They've been walking in a straight line for quite some time now and nothing except for skeletal monsters has greeted them.

"Should we contact Leo?"

She spoke her thoughts out loud while looking at the stalactites hanging from the ceiling. She felt adamant to do so, because Ava was sure that Leo would probably ask money in exchange for the information. The girl started to think that Leo was actually a money goblin who extorts Gold Coins from everyone equally.

"Yes you should..."

The situation was rough, even Eli who'd usually make some kind of teasing joke was not in the mood to do it. The level of fun she had experienced within the underground tomb was the lowest during her entire playtime of Fragmental.

She was desperate for some cool action and not continuous undead creatures swarming her with a single goal to bite their limbs off.

While Ava was writing a message to Leo, Eli took a seat on one of the debris nearby. Leaning against its cold surface she sighed feeling shivers run down her back.

Fragmental was really a game that replicates all of the human senses perfectly.


Suddenly as if a rusty lever was pulled a loud cracking sound echoed through the tunnel making Ava hastily turn her head towards Eli.

"What happened?"

Discarding the message she was about to send Ava carefully approached her friend, looking around for the cause of the sound.

"I'm not sure..."

Holding a massive scythe Eli also spoke warily glancing at the rock she was just leaning on. Beneath it she noticed a slight glimmer of light and stiffened.

"There's something underneath it!"

Pointing at the huge rock Eli tensed her muscles and leaned against it for a second time.

She grunted and strained as she pushed against the giant debris, drops of sweat dripping down her forehead.

The rock was really heavy, but it finally gave in to the strength of a muscular orc.


Wiping her sweaty face Eli took a deep breath while Ava patted her shoulder.

"Good job"

She gave Eli a rare, honest smile, only a few people had ever seen.

Both friends looked at the passage that was hidden underneath the rock.

It was a forest...

A normal forest with trees, bushes, plants...

The only catch was that everything within it was either grey or dark...

"What happened here?"

Raising her eyebrows Eli spoke. She knew that Fragmental could generate a wide variety of biomes, but she hadn't expected to see a grey forest. It looked almost as if all the life was taken away from the forest.

Without colors the vicinity looked dead. Well... not exactly dead...

Eli and Ava caught sight of a huge skeletal cobra slithering on top of the tree tops beneath them.



Both players looked at each other while keeping their mouths tightly shut.

'Should we even go there?'

The message was clear. The passage had a grey vine which they could use to climb down, but they weren't sure if it was a smart idea.

They just saw a Lv. 20 a massive Skeletal Cobra casually move across the treetops as if it was a walk in the park. One has to know that they weigh quite a lot and moving across the thin three branches should be impossible.

"Why does every reptile have to have flying skill..."

Looking at the Status Screen of the disappearing cobra Eli sighed. She was not a fan of reptiles. She didn't have a phobia like Leo did, but she certainly didn't like them.

"The ability to fly shouldn't be given to some creatures..."

Ava seconded. She didn't particularly dislike the snakes, she even thought of them as cute, but she also thought that Fragmental gave them something that shouldn't be given to a reptile.

"So... are we going?"

Eli finally spoke while clenching her Scythe. Even though there might be snakes and other dangerous undead within the forest, she knew it'd be a fun adventure nevertheless.

Ava heard the slight change in Eli's voice and sighed. Her friend was really an action maniac.

"Yes we can, but we'll have to be careful..."

As soon as she said that Eli nodded her head and using her slightly trembling hands gripped the grey vine tightly. She was not a big fan of heights.

Ava followed right after her and after a few minutes of slow climbing they both had hard surfaces underneath their feet.

[ The First Trial of the Fallen Angel will soon commence...

A system message informed Ava and Eli that something was about to happen.

"Any information?"

Eli spoke while reading her weapon.


Ava answered while preparing to cast a spell.

[ I am not alive, but I grow...]

[ I don't have lungs, but I need ai.r.. ]

[ I don't have a mouth, but water kills m... ]

[What am I?]

A few rows of text appeared on their screens. It was some kind of riddle... Beneath it there was an empty line left to write an answer.


Both Eli and Ava wrote the answer at the same time.

[ Fire is a correct answer...]

Both got it right and smirked.

[ In the beginning, there was only fire. It raged across the empty void, consuming all in its path. It was the source of all light and heat, the spark that ignited the world into being.

As the fire burned, it gave birth to the first sparks of life. These sparks coalesced and grew, forming the first sparks of life.

The fire danced and flickered, driving the birth of new life and the evolution of the world. It was the driving force behind all change, the catalyst for all growth and progress.

As the fire burned, it gave rise to the first plants, animals, and eventually, humans. It was the fire that sustained them, providing the warmth and light they needed to thrive.

But the fire also brought destruction. It could rage out of control, consuming everything in its path. It was a double-edged sword, both creator and destroyer ]

A robotic voice spoke inside their heads making both jump in surprise.

[ It is said that ashes come after the fire...]

[ Prove it wrong...」

The system message appeared and soon Eli and Ava felt their bodies turning into light particles.

They were transported above the grey forest and noticed a wall of flame approaching the forest at rapid speed.

Ava saw many skeletal beings trying to escape from the flames, but they were consumed by the fire and turned into ashes.

Everything was devoured by the cruel flames not leaving a single being or a plant behind.

In a few minutes or so the previously grey forest was now a wasteland of ashes and burnt trees.

Eli and Ava were transported where they previously stood, but now, whether they looked, they could see nothing, but ashes.


Carefully placing her feet Eli spoke. Walking on the ashes was like walking on the sand, but the ashes still had some heat making her slightly uncomfortable.

"What now?"

Turning her eyes to Ava Eli spoke kind of annoyed about their situation, even the vine that they've used to descend was burnt down.

While Eli was grumbling Ava was reading through the text given by the system.

She couldn't quite put her finger around it, but she felt that they would have to somehow bring the forest back to life.

Turning her body to face Eli, she spoke about her thoughts and received a look that'd make one look stupid.


The muscular female orc sighed and accessed her system.

"I give up... Time for Leo!"

Creating a quick text she sent it to Leo while Ava was looking at her with eyes devoid of hope.

"I'm not paying for the information..."

The beautiful elf said and sat on the burnt rock that was yet to collapse. She could already see Eli's money disappearing out of her purse.

'Maybe I should buy shares for his information?'

Eli felt that Leo knew a lot about the game. No matter what question she'd ask, he'd answer, Now, it was just a matter of price.


Somewhere in the vicinity...

A forest that has been turned into ashes was a devastating and tragic sight. The trees and plants that once made up the forest are now reduced to charred remains, and the ground was fully covered in thin ashes and debris.

The air was thick with the smell of smoke and the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow and loss.


Two green eyes were burning with hatred while staring in the distance.

Who dared to touch the forest of the guardian?

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