Holding his bleeding chest the unknown creature scowled.

'It hurts...'

It hadn't been wounded this bad its entire life. It had high regeneration capability, but the sword the deity wielded was one of the kind not allowing the wound to heal.


The creature let out a growl feeling blood gushing in between its fingers. The being was slowly dying.

It had to take immediate actions if it wanted to survive another day.

Leaning against the cold cavern's wall it was stumbling towards its palace, the only place where it could treat the wound

Crawling through the dark tunnel it cursed and spat blood, but it certainly didn't help it to move faster, it only increased the hatred it had for the deity.

'Curse you, bitch, I swear I'll kill you and paint a painting with your blood'

Whatever sanity the creature had was slowly fading away as it lost more and more of its blood.

Fortunately, for the wounded being he was getting closer to its shelter. Swinging in all sides it somehow managed to reach its palace.

Previously inhabited houses surrounding it were abandoned, as if all the people disappeared at the same time.

It wasn't too far off from the truth, because all of them went to war against the deity. Those inhabitants were Unknown creature's army troops.

"She'll play..."

Gritting through his bloody teeth the unknown creature moved through the empty city, nearing the huge building at the end of it.

The exterior of the underground palace was a sight to behold. The grand building rises up out of the earth, its exterior made of shimmering white marble and adorned with towering columns and ornate sculptures. The entrance is marked by a pair of massive, ornately carved doors that seem to repel visitors.

Stumbling in front of the palace, the creature couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. No matter how many times it has seen the white palace, it was always impressive.

Hidden beneath the earth and away from the eyes of the world. The size of the building is impressive, with its high, arched windows and grand entrance.

Slowly approaching the door, the wounded being pushed them open, stumbling inside it released a sigh of relief and pain.

'I... need to heal...'

Limping through the grand halls and lavish chambers of the underground palace, the unknown creature found a staircase. The stairs took a turn and disappeared around the corner, not allowing one to see what was at the end.

Feeling its consciousness fading away the injured demon picked up his pace.

Making its way down to the basement of its palace, the being noticed that its sight was flickering and closed its eyes. The sword wielded by the deity truly did have terrifying powers, especially against corrupted.

If the sword was just any normal weapon the creature wouldn't have to seek the healing powers of the underground chambers to mend its injury.

Slowly moving down the stairs, it felt its steps becoming more labored as it moved further. The being knew that time is of the essence, as the wound on its chest is deep and bleeding profusely. But it also knew that in the basement of its palace, there is a powerful magic that can heal even the most severe of injuries.

As it reached the bottom of the stairs, the creature saw the faint glow of lantern light emanating from a chamber ahead. It limped towards the light, its body trembling with pain and exhaustion. Finally, it reached the chamber and collapsed to the ground, its chest heaving as it tried to catch its breath.

But even as the being laid there, wounded and exhausted, the creature knows that it is not alone. The magic of the underground palace surrounds it, and it can feel the dark energy flowing into its body, mending its wounds and restoring its strength. The creature closes its eyes and allows itself to drift into a peaceful, healing sleep, knowing that it is safe and protected within the walls of its underground palace.


Right before it could fully emerge into sleep the being heard a sound of something shattering and warily looked around.

Suddenly the being couldn't feel its limbs.


Trying to move its numb arms it didn't even notice that its legs were senseless as well.

'No way...'

The being wanted to claw its eyes out, but couldn't because it was completely paralyzed.

"I'll swear I'll find a way to kill that bitch..."

It spoke with difficulty before a huge amount of mana left its body and flew somewhere in the distance.

The body of the creature became wrinkled and its previously imposing form, now looked frail. The only thing indicating that the creature is still alive was its eyes, with fury and anguish hidden within them.

'Just you wait...'


Leo was trying his hardest not to look towards the desk where a guy with red hair was seated. The guy was obviously Theo and he was openly glaring at Leo with... some kind of anger, Leo wasn't sure.

'Does he have nothing else to do?'

Looking at the teacher explaining quantum physics Leo snorted. No way in hell Theo could learn the subject without listening to the lector.

'The more foolish my enemy, the better it is...'

Unknowingly the corner of Leo's lips curled up making Theo even more infuriated.

"Sir, Theo, could you please solve this problem?"

Suddenly an old lector with visible black bags under his eyes spoke while pointing towards the complicated formula written on the board.

Leo could've sworn he saw Theo momentarily freeze and panic overtake him, but the heir of one of the most successful businessmen around the world quickly controlled his facial expressions and turned towards the board, acting as if he was calculating the answer.


Knowing full well that Theo will not be able to answer the question Leo snorted. Slightly turning his head to the side, he saw Ava fully emerged in her own notebook, noting every word the lector said during the lesson.

'Still diligent, I see...'

Leo had already grasped how to solve the problem on the board and laid his head on his hands.

'Ava has yet to do anything unexpected... She's declining all the confessions, keeping her distance away from others except Eli, she also seems to dislike Angry bird...'

Sorting out all the events that occurred during the past two days Leo sighed feeling Theo's gaze locking onto him once again.


It all happened, because Ava greeted him as he took a seat beside her. She was already regarded as an untouchable flower of the school with a cold attitude and unshakable facial expression.

It was rare for her to even open her mouth and she just initiated a conversation with a handsome, very handsome, nobody. Well... a nobody, hated by Theo, the son of a very powerful and rich businessman.

Leo's classmates were already betting on how much time Leo had to live.

'Come on guys... there's already over 1.5 million on my head inside Fragmental...'

With a hidden smirk Leo thought. He knew that a man so big is bound to have powerful enemies. Leo just needed to make himself a name and he'd practically become a celebrity.

Killing a celebrity is certainly harder than to wipe out a normal human.

One slip up and Theo's father would be chained by his enemies waiting for him to stumble.

'It is not that easy...'

Trying to suppress the disgusting smile rising up his lips Leo felt someone tug his side.

"Have you solved the exercise on the board?"

Ava whispered while slightly leaning towards him. As much as Leo wanted to act indifferent, he couldn't, a beauty was at a very close proximity.


Trying to even out his tone Leo pushed the notebook he had towards Ava and buried his head inside his arms.

'I wonder what'll happen when she's going to reach Lv. 50...'

Recalling that the headgear is able to slightly change the face of its user Leo frowned. It was a function that is yet to be known to the public, but it's not a bad one. Especially when one is made more beautiful whilst playing a VR game.

Leo could recall how beautiful Ava got when she became Lv. 50. She also saw an improvement in her looks after receiving a Legacy.

Leo knew that a dark future was awaiting for all the university boys. Most of their hearts will be shattered...

'I just need to gain resistance...'

Hoping that sitting nearby Ava will grant him some kind of immunity to beauty Leo also thought about the charm resistance that could be acquired inside the game.

It'd certainly help him inside Fragmental, but not outside of the game.

'That's bothering...'

Feeling someone nudge him at the side once again he was given back his notebook. Going through his pages Leo noticed a small text at the corner of his page.

[ Meet me at the F15 field during the lunch break ]

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Hearing the bell Leo couldn't even ask Ava for explanation as she was already leaving through the door.

"Should I even go?"

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