The sun was high in the sky as the two armies met on the battlefield. On one side was a huge, imposing force led by an unknown being, its face hidden behind a cloak of darkness. On the other side was a beautiful woman, a deity who was seeking to destroy the evil creature that had threatened the realm for so long.

As the armies collided, the sound of clashing swords and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but still they fought on, determined to emerge victorious.

The unknown being was a formidable opponent, wielding dark magic and commanding its army with ruthless efficiency. But the deity was not to be outdone, summoning forth her own powers to strike down her enemies.

As the battle raged on, the two leaders finally came face to face, ready to engage in a duel to the death. The unknown being unleashed its dark magic, but the deity was ready, deflecting the attacks with ease.

The two leaders began to circle each other, each sizing up their opponent. The unknown being struck first, its dark magic lashing out in a powerful attack. But the deity was quick, dodging the attack and counterattacking with her own powers.

The two continued to battle, each one landing powerful blows on the other. The unknown being fought with all its might, but the deity was a skilled warrior, her powers proving to be too much for the evil creature to handle.

The battle raged on, the sound of their clash echoing across the battlefield. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air was filled with the smell of magic and death.

"Isn't it time to give up?"

Looking at the deity with a grin plastered across his face, the unknown creature snorted. He was feeling joyous to defeat an enemy, that has been like a cancer to all of his plans

Around them, the battlefield was filled with the sounds of clanging swords and the cries of wounded soldiers.

Looking at the woman, the unknown creature couldn't help, but slightly respect her. She was a deity, and fought with grace and precision, cutting down any enemy who came within her reach.

Unfortunately, despite her valiant efforts, she was evenly matched with him, the unknown being, who was just as powerful and intelligent as she was.

Seeing that the deity had no plans of talking, the creature let out a roar that shook the very ground beneath the soldiers' feet, and charged at the woman with reckless abandon. The woman tried to fight back, but the creature was just a tad faster than she was making it harder for her to defend. They fought with all of their might, the deity's sword and the creature's claws clashing and sparks flying with every blow.

But despite their evenly matched strength, the creature now had the upper hand. It seemed to care nothing for the soldiers surrounding it, and focused all of its attention on the woman. The woman, on the other hand, was concerned for the safety of her troops, and tried to protect them as best she could while still fighting the creature. This distraction allowed the creature to gain the advantage, and it began to drive the woman back.

The woman fought bravely, but it was clear that she was losing ground. The creature's disregard for the lives of the surrounding soldiers gave it a ruthless edge that the woman could not match. The creature continued to press its advantage, attacking the woman with ferocity and determination.

But just as it seemed that the woman might be overpowered, suddenly an unknown power shot out of her body, making the demon take a step back.

Gripping the handle of her weapon the deity finally fought back with renewed vigor, her sword flashing and slicing through the air with deadly precision. The creature was taken aback by the sudden surge of strength, and for a moment, it was on the defensive.

But the creature was not one to be easily defeated. It regained its composure and renewed its attack, once again driving the woman back. The two leaders fought fiercely, neither one able to gain the upper hand. The battle raged on, with no end in sight.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the woman and the creature both stumbled, exhausted from the prolonged fight. They stood panting and sweating, each one sizing up the other for any sign of weakness.

"Just give up, you dumb bastard! You are nothing compared to my power and magic. I will crush you and your pathetic army, and your corpse will be just another dead body on this battlefield"

The unknown being spoke while trying to hide the sweat running down his forehead, he was utterly fatigued.

"What makes you think, I'll surrender?

The female deity spoke for the first time during their exchange. Her voice was soft, so soft it seemed as if the angel himself decided to give her his vocals as a gift.

"Your threats and insults are meaningless! You may be powerful and intelligent, but you lack compassion and concern for the lives of those around you. That is your weakness, and the most disgusting thing about you!"

The deity seemed to be mad, but her opponent couldn't be sure, she always had an expressionless face with no feelings displayed on it. The only thing indicating that she still had them, was her blue eyes that were filled with various emotions.


The battlefield shook from the laughter of the unknown creature, he was even imitating to wipe tears at the corners of his eyes.

"Compassion? Concern? Those are weaknesses, not strengths. They will only hold you back in this brutal war. I will crush you and your pathetic army without a second thought, and your so-called compassion will do nothing to save you"

The being smirked before adding another important detail.

"Your late parents would agree~"

He saw the body of the deity momentarily freeze and her facial expression stiffened.



The silence was very loud, even the sounds of the battle around them became quiet, it was as if both of them were in a different realm entirely.

"I may not be able to match your raw power, but I will not let you and your forces decimate my soldiers. I will fight to the very end to protect them, even if it means sacrificing myself. And I will not be swayed by your taunts and insults. I am a deity, and I will not be defeated by the likes of you"

The beautiful woman almost spat out which made her enemy even more happier.

"Avoid talking about your parents if you want, but you see... Their souls are still within my grasp, they are still suffering~"

Clenching his fist as if imitating the female's parents, the creature analyzed the woman... She was still expressionless, but her eyes burned with fury.

"You shouldn't have mentioned them... I will not back down, and I will not be defeated. I will fight to the very end, and I will bathe in your blood. When I emerge victorious, I will make sure that you and your forces are punished for your sins, your soul is going straight to heaven or rather to the chamber of eternal torture!"

"Delusions, delusions... You think, you think you have a chance of defeating me. I will crush you and your army, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You are nothing but a weak, mortal deity, and you will fall before me and your chamber of eternal torture... I'm so scared... don't hurt me"

With a sarcastic tone the creature spoke, preparing for another clash.

"Surrender now or die!"

He threw the last warning, but seeing the deity's unwavering eyes snorted.

"So be it..."


Receiving the sword strike with its menacingly sharp claws the being slightly staggered, but held his ground and pushed away the sword, extending his other limb, trying to tear through the abdomen of the deity.

Unfortunately for him, the woman was already prepared for his attack and bent her body in an unimaginable angle avoiding his claws and also letting her blade pierce deep into his flesh.


Letting out a roar the creature quickly made some distance between himself and the deity. He felt his power slowly diminishing from his body, he felt that he wouldn't be able to survive another attack.

'Stupid Holy sword!'

Glaring at the golden sword, the woman held him frowned before releasing all of his Mana all at once creating a huge explosion that shook the entire battlefield, killing most of the troops surrounding him.

The deity, of course tried to save her soldiers, but the explosion was too wide and she had to sacrifice hundreds to save thousands.

As the smoke from the explosion disappeared the unknown being was already gone from the battlefield.


The deity couldn't help, but let out a scream looking at the damage done to the environment and her army.

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