In the pitch-black darkness, Zick's consciousness floated, feeling a sense of weightlessness.

Zick's eyes fluttered open, exposing his deep red eyes.

'Now what? I was going to order the witch to kill Anelete's group but suddenly I lost consciousness....'

At that instant, unknown memory flowed into his mind like an endless stream of the river.


Tens of Thousands of years ago, a prophecy from God was passed on to the people of the world.

[ 'The advent of the giant is nearing and destruction of the world is what they seek.']

[ 'A hero blessed by God shall emerge and fight the giants, saving the lives of all the inhabitants of the seven countries. He will be called....]

[ The Giant hero.]

Hearing the prophecy, the people of all seven continents were worry stricken. Turbulence spread all over the place with widespread confusion.

Among them, a young man with golden hair and silver eyes looked at the people around him.

'The World is in danger? How can that be...sister, yes, I have to take care of my sister somehow. I promised mother.' Determination passed through the young man's silver eyes.

His name was Fuiren, a commoner and the person whose memory currently Zick was entangled within.

Fuiren enrolled in the holy knight, by becoming an apprentice. He was currently in the Beleindrasvil empire, Known as a holy land by the masses.

Fuiren's talent was extraordinary, he climbed the ranks of the holy knight in no time. He was known by many people for his soft and kind personality.

Fuiren's work was to hunt people wielding the devil's weapons.

In this era, people could turn living beings into weapons through a forbidden type of magic circle. But this technique users were hunted down by the world. To them, these people were nothing but demons who sacrificed humans to make a sword or other weapon.

Fuiren hated this devil's weapon wielder to his bone too. Because they were the people who killed his whole family, leaving behind only him and his sister.

By Killing hundreds of devil's weapon wielders aggressively, Fuiren gained a title for himself — The Devil's reaper.

Fuiren soon became one of the executives of the holy knight's brigade.

While journeying to the lands, Fuiren came across the one known as the ravage leaver.

The ravage leaver was very famous across the continents, known as an immortal monster who wouldn't die even if its head was cut.

It was in between the dense forest, Fuiren wielded his golden white sword with two hands, holding it diagonally to himself. There were numerous wounds on his body, and a trail of blood fell from the corners of his lips.

'I can't defeat her!' Fuiren felt helpless for the first time in a long while.

In the beginning, he was shocked to find the Ravage leaver to actually be a beutiful woman with long golden hair, but thinking of the atrocious deeds she committed, he fought her nevertheless.

The result was his overwhelming defeat.

'....' Not saying a word, the ravage leaver started walking away.

Seeing her move away, Fuiren gathered his courage: 'Stop right there! I won't allow you to harm any more innocent people!'

The teachings of righteousness were deeply ingrained into Fuiren's body from a young age, letting him have such a mindset.

'...Do as you like.' She replied curtly and didn't stop.

Like this, Fuiren started following Ravage leaver to every place and challenging her every day. He could feel the difference between their strength so he further trained to the limit.

After half a year, at last, Fuiren was able to defeat her. He cut Ravage leaver's head off her body feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief.

While traveling with her, fuiren noticed that the Ravage leaver, Aishel, did not intend to harm the people near her. She just wanted to die and vanish.

Aishel carried a curse on her, which made it so that any weak people who came near her would lose their minds and die.

The reason she kept moving from one place to another was also that she was forced to. The curse became stronger the more she stayed in one place, it would become so strong that it could even affect people who are a thousand kilometers away from her.

Not being able to go near a city, Aishel had no map so, in this half a year, Fuiren acted as a navigator.

Learning about her curse, Fuiren made sure that no one else was implicated in any way. Slowly, he realized that Aishel was also a human like him.

He had become a lot closer to her too, and that is the reason he wanted to fulfill Aishel's wish to die.

After defeating her, Fuiren breathed out and put his sword back in the sheath. He clenched his fist while keeping his index and middle finger extended and straight, he moved it circularly in front of his chest and cut it in half with a serious face.

This was a gesture which was performed to send people off in the holy knight brigade.

But at that instant, something unbelievable happened. The head that he had cut off flew back to its body and reconnected in a second.

Fuiren felt like he was dreaming looking at it.

'No way....' Fuiren obviously didn't believe that Aishel was immortal. He thought it to be an exaggeration created by the people.

'As I said, it's no use, no matter what you do it's all pointless,' Aishel said before sitting on the huge rock in some distance.

'It's pointless, yes pointless, no matter what anyone does I can't die, I will live as an immortal monster like this forever.' A tinge of despair could be felt in Aishel's voice as she spoke blankly.

Fuiren didn't know what to do for the first time in his life, he felt that the world was very quiet, almost like he was excluded from it. He was not used to this kind of feeling at all, from a young age there has never been a thing that was impossible for him.

The night wind brushed past his face making him turn toward Aishel.

'Why can't I help her? She is clearly not an evil being and has never tried to harm anyone till now. Instead....'

Fuiren remembered the moment when Aishel saved a girl from sinking to death from a faraway place.

'She is kind and innocent just like anyone else....this is not right, she has the right to enjoy her life, she has the right to live the way she wants. Then why? Why?!'

Fuiren hadn't noticed but he held some emotions for Aishel, that is the reason he performed a send-off gesture for someone who is not a holy knight. If someone knew, he would be reprimanded for sure by the others.

From here on, Fuiren didn't challenge Aishel anymore and just followed her with a lost look. He was sent an order by an eagle-like bird to return but he ignored it and continued following Aishel.

At last, Fuiren found the answer to the unknown feeling he felt. But he hid it deep within, he was really unfortunate, the woman he fell in love with wanted to die and nothing more.

'The current me can't do it, but....but in the future for sure, I will grant her wish.' Fuiren returned to the Beleindrasvil empire.


After many years, at last, the day when the Giant descended appeared.

The world had been looking for candidates who could fit what the prophecy said.

They had found him, the giant hero, it was Fuiren who became a grandmaster swordsman at last.

With him as the leader, the whole world prepared to go against the giant who would exit the huge red portal that appeared on an Island in the north ocean.

Fuiren was aware that he would not be able to defeat the giants from The beginning, hence he made preparations.

A seal. A huge seal that uses the divine protection within him as a catalyst was created.

Before the giant could exit the huge red portal fully, Fuiren activated the circle he had prepared painstakingly for years. Many chains extended out of it and held the big red portal at once.

Slowly a translucent glow started covering the red portal, stopping any giant from coming out.

In the end, he succeeded, he fulfilled the task given to him. He saved the whole world. With this, his strength fell to the normal grandmaster rank.

The people of the world cheered as Fuiren looked at the endless blue sky.

'At last.'

'It has ended.'

'Now, I can fulfill my wish with no lingering worry.'

Fuiren headed toward the place where Ravage leaver, Aishel was at once. There was no hesitation in his movements, like a meteor he traveled across the sky and stopped in the middle of a lake.

On the shore of the lake, Aishel looked at Fuiren with a blank look.

Landing beside her softly, Fuiren smiled making his handsome face look even more attractive now.

Fuiren was a straightforward person, he didn't hide anything: 'I love you.'

'Hahaha, I know that you will reject me anyway so you don't have to say it. It would hurt to hear that In reality.....'

Aishel looked at Fuiren feeling confused. She had thought that he had gone away and would not return but he appeared out of nowhere like this again.

The words he spoke were also shocking, Aishel had not expected it and was left speechless.

'If that is the case, then why have you come here?' Aishel's crisp voice rang out in the calm lake.

'I came to fulfill my promise. I will kill you.' Fuiren spoke solemnly with sadness and lamentation filling him deep inside.

Making some distance from the lake and Aishel, Fuiren calmly closed his eyes.


Air blew harshly around Fuiren before a deep red magic circle started forming around him.

It was the devil's weapon-making circle!

And currently, fuiren was using it upon himself!

At once, Aishel was surprised and tried to bring out Fuiren from within through magic. But it was useless, Fuiren was stronger than her currently, resisted it with a simple smile.

Fuiren took out a round object and released the energy stored within. It was one-third of God's blessing that he received.

He had extracted it and kept it within his space ring carefully a long time ago. To activate the seal to stop the giant naturally he had to pay another price.

Fuiren sacrificed five dragons and the whole Qilin race who were the most compatible with the seal. He did an atrocious thing, but he didn't regret it. He has matured from before, he knew that to gain something, something must be lost.

Aishel heard him speak—

'Let my bones become the handle and let the flash of my body become the blade of the sword.'

As Fuiren spoke, the red magic circle glowed in an even brighter light.

A smoky breath left Fuiren's mouth: 'Let my mana nerves be the driving force of the sword, let my soul be the life of the sword, and let the blessing of God be the power to dispel the curse!'

Fuiren was the most famous person in the world and had a life full of enjoyment in front of him, but right now such a person was going to sacrifice himself. And by using the method he hated the most.

Fuiren started laughing loudly: 'I don't care one bit! This is my life, I will decide how I want to live it.'

'I want to sacrifice myself for Aishel, this is my own decision, and no one else has the right to decide for me.'

'I don't care if God had wanted me to fight against the giants and kill them. I fought for my sister and the people I care for, I don't care about the expectation of a being who I don't know!'

Fuiren's body started melting, getting absorbed by the red magic circle.

The red magic circle started becoming smaller and turned into a cocoon in no time.

With a flash, a threatening aura started filling the whole lake. The black sword came out of the red cocoon, levitating in the air.

A whisper reached Aishel's ear: 'Let me become the grace that you had been seeking in your life.'

Such deep emotions reached Aishel's frozen heart, making her shudder. The emotions that she hadn't felt for 600 years awakened. But there was no tear in her eyes, her tears had long run dry.

'Thank you...' Aishel said while trying to smile.

The black sword, grace shot right at Aishel, piercing through her heart.

This is how the cursed sword grace was formed and one of the immortal cursed beings died.

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