'Ugh....' Zick's eyes opened slowly, and the sun's rays directly hit his eyes, prompting him to squint his eyes.

An involuntary sense of revolting took over Zick. He had gone through all the memories of the person named Fuiren. It was truly horrible, yes very horrible.

'That guy kept spewing such clichéd words that I almost felt like killing him myself. This kind of cliche is not natural at all, it felt like he was doing it wantonly to piss me off...'

Thinking of it for a few seconds, Zick's expression changed. He noticed something.

Feeling enlightened, Zick thought: 'My emotions...I hadn't realized it, but now, I feel it. My emotions are very abundant compared to before, this is not natural.'

From the moment Zick had come into this world, Zick mostly did everything rationally, without a hint of emotions but recently the said emotions kept appearing again and again.

'Did using the awakened ability from dragon heart have some other effect? Or is it something else....' Zick felt uncertain, and he lifted his upper body.

The sight of the witch standing facing her back towards him entered Zick's sight. In front of her, Jerg brandishing his long sword could be seen. There were numerous wounds on his body as he attacked the witch with a red battle intent covering his sword.

Jerg's attack was easily stopped by an invisible barrier having no effect at all. The magic cast by the demihumans were also nullified easily.

'Hmm...' Zick felt The sticky feeling in his hand and waist. He looked at his hand, which held the cursed sword grace.

It was totally covered in deep red blood. The cursed sword also had blood on it.

Shifting his gaze to the source of the blood, Zick found Anelete whose neck had a huge cut in it.

'She was a normal human so just a simple touch from the cursed sword killed her....' Zick ignored her and got up.

'For how long have I been unconscious?' Zick questioned the witch.

'...More than two minutes.' The emotionless voice of the witch answered him back.

Seeing Varine and Seveleen was still unconscious, Zick didn't hesitate: 'I see and you can kill them all, leaving the two girls in my carriage. I have no relation with them so there is no need for holding back.' Zick smiled at the witch while looking at the sword in his hand secretly.

Abruptly, all of the demihumans including jerg, had their head cut flying in the air.

'Her strength is otherworldly just like in the novel.'

The witch turned toward Zick, opening her mouth with an expressionless face: 'Please use that sword to kill me, I have had enough of roaming around pointlessly. You may or may not know but that sword can kill a being like me.'

Zick's eyes flickered in a cold light: 'So she knows that this sword's ability can only be activated by its wielder.'

'If not, she would have tried killing me and taking it for herself, only to regret her decision. Getting the ownership of a cursed sword is a very problematic thing, luckily I knew the novel...'

Zick had Fuiren's memory so he was more knowledgeable about it than anyone else. There were many confusing things too, like the existence of seven continents and many others.

Leaving aside the confusing thing, Zick had benefitted immensely!

There were many knights, mages, and alchemy techniques that Zick learned through it.

He got the magic circle of how to make a devil's weapon and the seal that could stop the giant. The only loophole was that the seal aimed for the red portal and not a physical body.

'If it's possible to modify that seal to aim at the physical body, I can just use it upon the demon lord and be done with all this farce.'

But the problem was modifying it, it was so complicated that Zick didn't understand even one percent of it.

Zick put it aside for now and spoke to the witch seriously: 'I have thought it through, I will kill you but I need something in return.'

'What do you need?' The witch was willing to do anything, her answer was immediate.

'It's a deal, we can make a contract too. You need my help to kill yourself and I need your help to kill someone.'

Zick smiled, feeling this to be an opportunity: 'Help me kill the demon lord and after he is dead, I promise that I will kill you.' Zick brought up his hand and clenched it tightly.

The witch started considering it, she had already waited for thousands of years, and waiting a little more was not hard.

And seeing that Zick was ready to make a contract she trusted his words somewhat.

'Alright...Tell me the location of this demon lord.' The witch said with no hesitation.

The faster she kills the demon lord, the faster she would be released!

'....' Zick involuntarily stared at her blankly. He knew that she was underestimating the demon lord for sure.

'Will she be able to defeat him single-handedly?' Zick was uncertain.

Zick was not willing to lose a strong asset like her. He was knowledgeable about her curse through Fuiren's memory.

They were a kind of blessing that was bestowed by gods or being at their level. So there was a chance that the demon lord could kill her, he was a demigod after all.

'Actually, She would head towards the demon lord by herself if she knew that he could kill her. I have to stop that from happening, I have to make use of her to the fullest for myself before that happens.'

Therefore, Zick laughed lightly outwardly: 'Hahaha, Before that, we should make a contract.'

The witch wasn't against it, they both held hands the very next moment.

'Help me kill the demon lord and protect me, you cannot harm me anyway too. In return, I will kill you after the demon lord is dead.' Zick added a line with no hesitation.

The witch didn't say anything, she was going to protect Zick even if he didn't say it in the contract. After all, finding a wielder for the cursed sword, grace was an annoying matter.

They both opened their mouths at once.

'By the name of Zick.'


It turned out, the witch's name was Levienel.

A bright light appeared in both of their bodies and vanished. Their soul was now branded by a contract, and breaking it would lead to Zick's death.

'At what level of strength are you right at the moment?' Knowing that she can't harm him, Zick felt a lot better. The contract would make her body freeze the moment she tries to break it.

'In the high-grandmaster rank,' Levienel spoke with no hesitation.

'Then, you can't beat the demon lord with your current strength,' Zick said with such conviction that Levienel furrowed her brow.

'At what level is he in?' She asked, seeing Zick's confidence.

'He is a demi-human.' Zick didn't hide it anymore and looked closely at Levienelxs expression. There was no change, it seemed like she was deep in her thoughts.

? 'Fortunately, she doesn't know about the origin of her curse yet it seems.' Zick heaved a sigh internally.

Understanding the difficulty of the task, Levienel became serious. She was not omnipotent, if the enemy was strong enough, they could just seal her away. Though she would get out of it automatically through her curse, a lot of time would be wasted.

'What do you plan on doing then?' Levienel knew that Zick was a lot more knowledgeable than her in this matter so she asked him.

'I am planning on collecting strong and talented people for now. The demon lord and his army will be attacking the continents seriously within a few years so we have to be ready before that.' Zick knew what he was doing perfectly and he knew the difficulty of his current goal too.

But with Levienel, a lot of pressure was lifted from Zick. With her, he could get another strong subordinate, the biological golem!

'I might be able to regain a lot of my strength too....'

Hearing Zick being so certain of his future movement, Levienel nodded her head.

Zick's thoughtful expression changed, he became solemn: 'What is your curse's effect?'

Levienel heard this becoming silent at once, after a few seconds, she spoke: 'My curse causes life essence to be pushed away from me which means...'

'That, all leaving this would Wither away near you, That explains why you are in this barren region. But why is it not affecting me or them right now?' Zick pointed at Varine and Seveleen in the carriage.

'It is affecting others like always but....for some reason you and both of those girls are unaffected by my curse....' Levienel was bewildered internally too, this had never happened before.

Zick frowned: 'Has something like this happened before?'

Levienel shook her head.

[ 'I am protecting you.']

The voice of fuiren reached Zick.

'Ohh, then what about the two of them?' Zick said with no surprise.

[ 'It's not me, it is their own blessing that is protecting them.']

'Blessing? You mean God's blessing?!' Zick found out about it himself.

[ 'Yes.']

Such a twist made Zick silent, reimagining the memory of fuiren and his own, he found nothing at all in the end.

'There was nothing about them being blessed by God in the novel...and I don't know about what kind of blessing they have too.'

In the silence, Zick lifted his head first: 'For now, please dispose of their body.' He pointed at Anelete and The mendert merchant group.

Their bodies were covered in yellow flame in no time and were incinerated, turning into ash.

Next, using Levienel's power, Zick carried Varine and Seveleen to Chertel city in no time. Putting them in an inn, he wrote a letter and left.

'I hope this works, this way they would come looking for me and our relationship would also further become closer.' Zick didn't let an opportunity pass by him.

Returning to the Wuirsec region, Zick started discussing with Levienel about him and even inquired if she had any way to increase his strength.

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