Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 146 Abandoned With No Hesitation

Within the ordinary carriage, beside the two roughly breathing demihumans, who had a thin layer of green glow covering them — Stopping the Revelner disease, Anelete sat with a pale face looking at Jerg's figure.

Before getting out, Jerg had warned Anelete about the danger posed by that white-haired woman.

Anelete had never seen him so frightened. There was a sense of tension in the air, affecting everyone.

The low-rank spirit had already run away before the white-haired woman even appeared.

Anelete carefully watched Jerg heading to the white-haired woman. Hearing the word that left Jerg's mouth, Anelete's mind almost became blank.

'What is he doing?! Not giving even a self-introduction or any formality...I know that he is scared but he will just worsen the situation like this.' Anelete decided to step out of the carriage.

'I have no business with you, get lost. Only you, you will remain.' The cold voice of the mysterious woman entered Anelete's ear making her steps freeze.

Anelete was already out of the carriage, hearing the white-haired woman's words as she stopped in her position.

It turned out that the white-haired woman was a lot more peculiar than she thought! She directly ordered them to get lost!

Anelete followed the person pointed by the white-haired woman.

Zick with a frown on his face entered Anelete's sight. Beside him, a black hair girl also stared forward blankly.

'Did he offend this woman somehow...?' Anelete faced downward thinking rapidly.

It doesn't seem like the white-haired woman had any business with them and was instead letting them go.

There was no need to think for long, Anelete was a resolute person: 'Everyone, retreat.'

Thus, Anelete decided to abandon Zick with no second thought.

This might have been a problem in the middle continent, but in the eastern continent, there is no problem at all. Zick has no influence or social standing in this land.

Zick's and Anelete's eyes came in contact, but they both didn't say anything.

Zick could understand Anelete's mind, this woman betrayed him with no second thought, and that was the person he knew from the novel.

Zick got down from the carriage, seeing the white-haired woman not making a move yet.

'She only cares about the demihumans till the very end...' Zick felt fury boiling within him but he ignored it. His mind and face returned to tranquillity.

'Who is this woman? Do I know her or Have I offended her without noticing? There was no one like her in the novel either.'

Everything was uncertain, one thing was sure his instinct was giving him a warning.

'This might be the place I die....'

THUD, Zick directly hit Varine in the neck knocking her unconscious. He let her hang on the couch like a dead body and moved toward Seveleen next.

Feeling that Zick had some bad intentions, Seveleen used her magic and moved out of the carriage.

[ 'Mister Zick, I don't know what your intentions are but if you come near, I will not hold back.']

Zick smiled hearing this as he looked at her: 'Are you sure you want to hurt me? I saved your life and is this what you're going to give me in return?' Zick intentionally aimed for Seveleen's weakness. He could feel the demihumans getting ready so he was in a hurry.

Seveleen at once felt her emotion revolting, but before she could suppress this emotion, Zick suddenly appeared right in front of her.

Anelete felt her heart jump, seeing Zick's body fully covered in black mana.

A transparent barrier appeared in between them, but it broke from Zick's two punches.

Mages were naturally weak in close-range battles.

With no hesitation, Zick knocks Anelete unconscious and puts her in the carriage.

'With this, it would be hard for me to make her fully trust me.' Zick thought as he walked toward Anelete who watched the whole process with shock.

The demihumans around her had already gotten back on their horses, hearing Anelete's order and Jerg had also returned beside her.

'Mister Zick, what might you be needing now? We both are smart people so you know that there is no use in further discussion...' Anelete spoke carefully, with suspicion all over her face. She couldn't understand Zick's actions at all.

'Hahaha, You have got something wrong. I didn't come for discussion.' Zick had a friendly expression like he was talking to a very close friend.

The distance between Zick and Anelete decreased.

'Then what do you want?' Anelete asked, feeling something wrong.

'Of course, your life!' Zick dashed forward with the cursed sword materializing in his hand. His eyes were as sharp as a sword, filled with killing intent.

This was a gamble. A gamble where he was putting his everything into.

'I alone will never be able to defeat this white-haired woman. I need Jerg to stay behind no matter the cost.'

Zick couldn't feel the white girl's presence so he didn't know her exact strength, but he knew that he had zero chance of beating her through instinct.

Zick was using his full power, the world seemed to have stopped as he neared Anelete.

Just when he was one meter away from Anelete, a great sword headed toward Zick's neck at an unprecedented speed.

'It's here...' Zick's eyes darted to the white-haired woman. She had still not moved an inch and was staring right at him.

At that instant, right before the great sword touched Zick's neck an invisible shield stopped it.

Jerg, who had swung his sword, was surprised.please visit p(anda-n0ve1.co)m

Seeing this, Zick's eyes shined: 'Success!'

'I have some worth alive to her for now it seems.'

Bending down, Zick got past the great sword and successfully held Anelete by her waist. At that moment, a huge fist made its way toward Zick's face. If it landed his head would be blown to smithereens for sure.

But Zick didn't fret about it and looked at it with expectation.

And as he expected, an invisible force stopped the punch.

Three black ice shards formed instantaneously and shot toward Jerg's face.

Feeling that he could resist the ice shard by his physical endurance, Jerg extended his arm and held Anelete by the shoulder.


The result shocked Jerg, seeing there were two light cuts in his chest skin. Black frost formed slowly but was destroyed with a single slam from him.

Jerg could not use his battle intent right now as it would affect the people around him for sure.

Immediately ten ice shards formed and aimed for the other demihumans.

'Don't move or your comrade will die!' Zick threatened with no hesitation. All this was possible thanks to his dragon eyes which allowed him to see Jerg's movement to a degree.

Feeling that the black ice shard could kill the demihumans, Jerg's hand loosened.

'Move an inch and I will kill your comrades with no hesitation.' Saying this Zick made some distance from Jerg with Anelete on his shoulder.

Seeing this, Jerg moved but the very next moment, the ice shard floating in some distance trembled and shot at one of the demihumans.

This made Jerg change his course of direction and deflect the attack.

'If you move another inch again, I will shoot all at once,' Zick spoke coldly.

After gaining ten meters of distance, Zick sneered: 'So you showed your true colors at last. Miss Anelete had taken care of you for many years but you chose to abandon her and choose the other demihumans. Hmph! Your action can't lie now can it?'

Just this one sentence made Jerg shaken, but he recovered in a second.

'What do you want?' Jerg growled, showing hostility like never before. He knew that Anelete was now a hostage, moving roughly could lead to her potential death.

'You....' Anelete spoke understanding the situation.

Not saying a word, Zick looked at the white-haired woman, she had obviously helped him in this fight.

Thinking of it, Zick had second thoughts: 'I don't know if I can win even with Jerg on my side....'

'Originally, I was thinking she would personally interfere and become a part of the battle, but this is beyond my expectations. From what she showed, she has above quasi-grandmaster rank strength.'

Actually, holding hostage became a waste now discovering that the enemy was unbeatable.

'Sigh....' Zick sighed, feeling his effort to be for naught.

'So what do you need with me, ah, and tell me your name,' Zick spoke while his sword was still on Anelete's neck.

'I am the witch and I want you to kill me.' The white-haired woman spoke crisply.

Silence descended on the group again.

Zick felt dumbfounded while looking at the witch. His brain stopped and started running again shortly.

'Was my knowledge from the novel wrong? I am sure it said that the witch had blonde hair along with a 12-year-old girl's body.'

There was Another thing that surprised him.

'Did she actually come flying for hundreds of meters to ask me to kill her....?'

The witch's territory and the wuirsec region have dozens of hundred meters distance between them, for her to come so far like this made Zick gawk at her.

'Just to ask me that you came flying to this place?' Zick spoke calmly.

The witch nodded her head.

Becoming speechless, Zick stared at her again. 'I guess, her head is as messed up as it was in the novel. But it is still weird for her to come here just for this, did she notice me being a transmigrator or something.?'

The cursed sword in Zick's hand at that instant glowed dimly in red light and trembled.

[ 'Please free her.' ]

[ 'I don't know what era it is or how you want to use this sword, please free her from her suffering. They don't deserve to live such a life....]

Zick's answer was almost immediate: 'Alright, I understand.'

A saintly voice rang out in Zick's head.

Hearing such clichéd words, Zick looked at the sword in his hand.

'So this is the culprit...' Zick didn't even have to think hard to know the situation.

Unknown memory came pouring into Zick's mind at that instant. His body fell, losing consciousness.

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