777 Refusal

Facing Robin's refusal to speak, Zara shrugged and said nothing. She knew that as long as her dad insisted on something, he would do it anyway. Then she went back to watching the bloody battle in the city and immediately opened her eyes to the last of them...

Only a few minutes had passed since her Dad called the shadow swords and she got her eyes off the city, but there was a big difference already

The battle started with 400 Martial Emperors of the Great Serpent against 700 from the True Beginning... Now, 15 minutes after the Cornered Rabbit strategy began, it became 310 against 657.

"This..? Are we really winning? After implementing this strategy, the death rate among our ranks decreased more than before!!" Zara sent her dad a sideways glance before returning to observing the city again, "But..."

Whenever she laid eyes on a Martial Emperor from the True Beginning Empire, she found him either covered in blood, or with a sword piercing his body, or at worst, missing a limb or two, "If this continues..."

"Let it continue. Victory will remain ours in any case." Robin laughed as he watched the battle, "It seems that Jabba's body cultivation technique has really paid off, maybe I should give him a bigger discount in the upcoming transactions..."

"Jabba's Body Cultivation Technique? You mentioned it earlier, but I don't see it having much effect here... I remember you issuing an order to have all the Martial Emperors use the Body Cultivation Array, but in the end, Jabba barely managed to strengthen the Array to give the body strength equivalent to a Sage. This extra boost of strength will be useful to Saints and Sages, but it will make no difference in the Battle of Martial Emperors." Zara shook her head, still watching the battle, but she quickly opened her eyes to the last of them, "Wait a minute..."

At this moment, in the direction she was looking, two sides exchanging blows. One of the two sides was a Jura Martial Emperor wearing his gold and black armor. He did not defend and used his sword to attack his opponent's leg, cutting it off with one blow.

"ARGHAAA!!" His opponent, out of intense anger and pain, attacked his opponent's neck with all his might, planning to cut it off with one slash, *swoosh*

But the sword stopped after it cut through half his neck and got stuck in the middle, "Ugh.. Ugggh..." The Martial Emperor of the True Beginning was still clinging to life, he pushed the sword piercing his neck aside and quickly retreated while holding his neck to prevent the blood from flowing.

"You're not going anywhere!!" Driven by hatred, the Great Serpent Soldier raised his sword and quickly flew towards his opponent to give him the final blow, but *Shaa* a black arrow pierced his head and blew it up like a balloon. ÷n the next moment, another lifeless body landed on the ground.

"Ugh... Th--... Tha' bas'ard!!" Meanwhile, the Martial Emperor of the true beginning Empire, whose neck was almost separated from his body, finally got his hand on his neck, the wound had already healed greatly and his head was connected to his body once again. He was no longer bleeding to the degree that could threaten his life, he even regained his ability to speak and started looking around, "Tsk~ I'll cut off a neck or two just for the fun of it!" After a few more minutes of waiting for his wound to heal further, he flew towards the nearest opponent and started attacking directly.

"This, was this planned?" Zara looked to her side slowly, "...Is that why all Emperors were asked to enter the Body Cultivation Array? Is that why you ordered your Phoenix Vitality Divine Tattoo to be added to all of their new armor?...Did you know this day was coming?"

Robin laughed, "Well, not exactly like this, of course, but when we fight against the odds, this simple thread determines the difference between life and death."

Of course, Robin did not think that they would be pushed to the point of using the cornered rabbit strategy, but he undoubtedly knew that they would have to fight against larger numbers or people of higher levels, so a few tricks had to be prepared...

What is happening now in the Battle of the Emperors inside the city is the result of three things. If one of them was absent, the entire system would have fallen, and with it, the army and the planet would soon follow...

First, physical strength: Physical strength in a battle of Martial Emperors does not really have weight, as they rely on the fourth stage of the laws, but using Jabba array on the Martial Emperors was not intended to be stronger, but rather to make them harder to kill!

The Body Cultivation Array that Jabba invented uses intense pressure to forcibly pass a huge amount of energy into the body and support every cell in it, so that the skin becomes stronger and thicker! Now a full attack from a person at the same level will barely cause scratches, and if the attack is direct, it may cause a deep wound... Killing a Martial Emperor from the Treu Beginning Empire with a single attack has become almost impossible!

Secondly, the difference in equipment and runes: The power armor worn by the true Beginning Martial Emperors repels most attacks, and even if it happens that the golden part of the armor is penetrated, there is a Phonix vitality Rune drawn on the black part made of Uracilium that is in the middle of the chest area of ??the armor.

With the Phoenix Vitality Rune that Robin had recently raised to the fourth stage, why should they fear injury? Even if one of their limbs is cut off, they just have to tie it up again with a rope and it will go back to how it was in a few minutes!

Third and finally, the presence of the Shadow Swords: Even with most of them leaving to bring in support, there were still hundreds of them around the city monitoring the situation and issuing orders to the Emperors to retreat or provide assistance, and they themselves would intervene to strike a certain strategic strike before going back to observe.

"Heh~" Robin sighed as he saw a few True Beginning Emperors being badly injured again, but he smiled…

All this planning would have been in vain if the True Beginning Martial Emperors had refused to listen to orders to attack in this reckless way, risking their lives... Even if the best doctors were standing around and one knew that he would inevitably be treated, who would have the audacity to jump into the fire or walk over a lane of swords?!

"We can do it... We can really do it if we just buy more time!!" Zara shouted excitedly

"Hahaha of course! I apologize for my initial disturbance, it was inappropriate for me... When the support comes, the fate of those below will be sealed, and then we will have what it takes to fight those fleets above face to face," Robin laughed loudly, "The youth in The city will be exhausted and will not be able to fight, but that's okay. We will only have to hold out for a little while until the support comes from the Eastern and Northern regions. When they come, victory will inevitably be ours! After they lose 5 entire fleets inside the city and receive great damage at the top, they will flee with their tails in between Their legs, and we will probably never see them again! This battle... Is my victory."

Robin's smile grew until it reached between ear to ear, everything was going well. * So what if the incoming army was larger than he expected? I've prepared for the worst! Today will be the harvest of 50 years of effort and planning!!*

But after a few moments, his smile calmed down a little...

Everything is going well, even better than expected... but for some reason, his bad feeling hasn't gone away yet.


An instant space portal opened next to Robin and a black-masked person walked out. The person took a few steps and bowed slightly, then spoke in a shocked voice: "Your Excellency, the Eastern Region refuses to participate in the battle."

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