Lord of the Truth

Chapter 778: Jabba’s position

778 Jabba's position



After Robin looked at the Shadow Sword for more than a minute, he slowly raised his hand and placed it behind his ear, then asked again, "What did you just say?"

"..." Shadow Sword fearfully looked at Zara for a moment and then bowed deeper towards Robin, "Your Excellency, Jabba the Sect Chief of the Nihari Union Sect refused to move his army."

Robin nodded a few times, still in disbelief, "...Did you tell him what's happening? That it's the final battle?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, I told him everything you said word for word, and he was watching the battle directly through the Live Observation Array, so he did not need me to say anything." Shadow Sword quickly responded

"En, en, en... Isn't this interesting?" Robin nodded vigorously several times and turned to face the city with his arms behind his back, then inserted his soul sense into his voice ring, "I need an explanation."

"I am honored to know that His Excellency still has my soul imprint." Jabba's voice appeared in Robin's head

"I need an explanation," Robin repeated again

..On the other hand, Jabba stood up and took a few steps towards the balcony then replied firmly, "As Your Excellency knows, the Nihari Union Sect is still young and we do not have enough resources to provide appropriate cultivation opportunities and techniques for everyone as Your Eminence can provide for your people, this why our Martial Emperors or too few, only a few dozens. What can this number do in a battle of this size? Also, I have distributed them to the castles and fortresses along the border with the central region. How do I gather them in time? I'm afraid I got nothing to help with."

"Apart from the ground forces whose numbers are incalculable, you have 107 Martial Emperors, a powerful Draco Legion, and a strong troop of body cultivators who have used your Body Cultivation Array, only these can give you a huge boost in battle. I also sold you a number of Instant Teleportation Arrays, so you can gather everyone within a few minutes, even without them all, if you come alone you can take care of a general or two on your own... Jabba, why are you making excuses in front of me? This is YOUR Planet, didn't you break off your relationship with me as a disciple because you wanted to protect it? This is your chance." Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly

Jabba smiled, "Oh, as expected from your Excellency's intelligence, but I still see that the best option currently is to keep the army here to defend the eastern region, as it is the last free stronghold of the inhabitants of the planet Nihari, and I will also stay here to defend my followers."

Robin's lips rose slightly on the side, "The last free stronghold, you say... Is this your last word?"

"I'm afraid so, good luck in your fight though!" Jabba answered firmly again, then took off the voice ring from his palm and threw it on the ground, cutting off any further talk.


"F*CK!!" After the communication ended, Jabba screamed violently and kicked everything around him, shattering it into scattered pieces

"Is it that difficult to refuse your master's request? I am touched." Stepping forward from the shadows was a figure wearing silver armor with one hand behind his back, his aura close to that of Marshals Serpal and Xanox.

Jabba gave him a sideways glance, then went back to sitting on his broken couch watching the battle, "Keep your sarcastic comments to yourself, please. I'm not in the mood right now."

"You're not in the mood? You dirty local, you were ordered to go to the battlefield with all your soldiers and fight with our men, but you just sit and watch? Many of our men are dying because of your delay!" The Marshal began to advance towards Jabba with an angry expression.

"I agreed to help you, not to be your follower, and I will help as I see fit! DO YOU HAVE A F*CKING PROBLEM WITH THAT?!" Jabba's voice gradually rose until he finally shook the floor with his shout

The pressure coming from him as a level 46 Emperor, and his green eyes that seemed to hide the universe within them made the Marshal stop his advance, and even take one step back... Then he swallowed his anger and went back to watching the battle as if nothing had happened.


"...." Although he was trying to remain calm, the muscles in Robin's face began to twitch in anger

"Dad, what's wrong with Jabba?" Zara asked with some concern, the Shadow Sword's words about the Eastern Region not obeying would destroy part of her father's plan!

Robin took a long breath to calm himself down quickly, then spoke coldly, "…He refused to come or send any army."

"What? Has he gone crazy?!" Zara shouted annoyed. Although she had stopped calling him a brother since he left, she still considered him the closest person to them, Robin's children, she even found excuses for him leaving and returning to his people, but now: "He dares to disobey a direct order? He refuses to come while we are defending his planet? Isn't he afraid of death?!"

Zara's aura, as a general who had led many bloody battles, became emotional for the first time today, even the nearby Shadow Lord had to swallow his saliva.

"...Maybe he's still angry because I didn't include him in my plan?" Robin looked at the ground and muttered

"But you did not involve anyone in your plans, father. Even this battle that is taking place now, we did not know anything about it until a few hours ago. Why does he want special treatment? Does he think he is higher in status than us? That he has a right over you for some reason and you have to submit to everything you want?!" " Zara's anger exploded, even if Nihari completely collapsed, she wouldn't blink an eye, but for her adoptive father not to be given his due respect is the last thing that should happen!

"...Everyone has his reasons, and I am not interested in knowing the reasons and solving them now. I will go and visit him personally after everything is over." Robin spoke calmly, but there was still a little anger in his voice, then he pointed to the Shadow Sword, "You can go help in the battle inside the city."

"Yes, Your Excellency, thank you." The Shadow Sword bowed again and then disappeared... For him, staying on the battlefield would be better than this stifling atmosphere.

"...If we are to be defeated today, the planet will fall and he will suffer the most. If we win, he will be punished because he did not help us, and his rule over the Eastern Region will be lost forever. What is he thinking about?" After calming down a little, Zara murmured, "Dad, something strange is happening."

"STOP! Don't continue on this train of thought, understood? Jabba is stubborn and stone-headed and I need to teach him a lesson, but that's all." Robin replied sternly, how could he not notice what Zara was saying? But that idea never seemed logical at all.

Angered, Robin looked up and then raised his palm, the fourth stage of the Space Piercing Divine Tattoo was activated.


The space around the city for a few miles in all directions shook for a moment, but a certain point in the sky behaved differently.

"Whoever does not want to participate in the battle, has no right to watch it." Robin declared, then clenched his hand, and the point exploded.


Eastern Region, City of Hope--


"What the hell?!" Jabba quickly bounced back, and the Marshal also quickly jumped.

The Live Observation Array exploded in Jabba's face, and the space Runes on it were destroyed as well... It can no longer be used.

"...It seems like your master is in a bad mood too hehe."



Back to the battlefield--


The ships of the 16 fleets, along with the three marshal ships, all landed near the city

*Shhh* *Shhh*

All doors opened at the same time and armies began to pour out of them. In an instant, the ground was filled with soldiers in silver armor and they began to form battle formations!

"Eliminate those bastards and open the energy walls!!" One of the officers shouted at the station and pointed toward the city

Their target was the 10,000 Terra Riders who made up the Earth Seal Array.

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