Lord of the Truth

Chapter 776: The project

776 The project

"There is a group of two thousand soldiers who have begun to gather 500 meters away from you towards the south. Take a squad of 50 Terra and go to disperse them before they start a foothold."

"Sergeant James, there is a dangerous individual targeting officers 120 meters to the northeast. Eliminate the threat."

"…The Terra Beasts cannot catch that assassin, I will enter the array and deal with him myself." *swoosh*

"Martial Emperor Haders, there is someone quickly advancing towards you, he seems to want to stab you in the back. Be careful of him."

"Emperor Memphis, your fellow Emperor Guan dealt a powerful blow to his opponent 70 meters behind you. Go and quickly finish off his opponent before he regains his balance."

For today's battle, everything the True Beginning Empire could provide had been mobilized, and the Shadow Sword organization was undoubtedly operating at twice its usual capacity.

The city was surrounded by them to monitor any suspicious movements and report them using voice rings. Their presence reassured all the warriors inside the city and reduced the effectiveness of any surprise attack to nearly zero. And because of them, the movements of the True Beginning soldiers, whether on the ground or in the sky, seemed as if they were seeing the entire battleground on their palms, and they coordinated like they see through each other's eyes!

Other than that, the Martial Emperors among them have bracelets with which they can enter and leave the Earth Sealing Array freely, although 30 of them would not make a big difference if they fought face to face, but the few and deliberate assassinations of the right people had a significant impact on the field, and it can even be said that the losses of the *Cornered Rabbit* would have been multiplied several times if it were not for them.

*loud whistling sound*

All the hidden Shadow Swords looked in a certain direction and were then swallowed up by the darkness around them. The next moment they appeared they were kneeling on one knee around one person, shouting, "Please give us your orders, Your Excellency!"

Without introductions, Robin began his speech directly, "The ongoing encirclement around the central region is no longer useful. We imposed the encirclement because we were afraid that one of the hostile ships would escape and deliver news about our real forces, but the real army that we have to deal with has arrived, and it has arrived in larger numbers than we expected... Maintaining the encirclement is a waste of time and resources."

Then he pointed towards one of the Shadow Sword Emperors whom he felt was the strongest among them, "I need our entire army here, but I cannot communicate with all, they are too spread out and I can't waste time calling each of them one be one. I want you to bring all the Warlords, the Three Tree Fathers, every infantryman from Planet Jura, and Every Demon you can reach, and issue orders to the soldiers of the southern region participating in the encirclement to slowly advance inland and clean up instead of the Demons."

"Understood, Your Excellency, although their spread is very wide, we have records of where everyone is stationed, and although it will take us some time to collect the Demons, we will at least bring all the Demon Martial Emprores, but the city..." That Martial Emperor sweated a little, without their presence around. The city's losses will increase several fold.

"Leave a quarter of your numbers here and let the rest go. If reinforcements do not arrive in time, then it doesn't matter if we win inside the city as everything will be useless." Robin returned to focusing on the city, "Also choose two of you to go to Jabba and Holak, give them a detailed report on what is happening, and help them move all their forces here immediately... Here, this is the coordinates of this location. Tell them that this will be the last fight and there's no need to hold anything back."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" That Martial Emperor stood and bowed, then began issuing instructions to the thousand-plus shadow swords that remained around him. Within minutes, temporary space portals were opened and they were all distributed carrying messages. It would not be long before everyone on the planet knew what was happening.

After everyone had gone, and before That Martial Emperor opened a portal and jumped in as well, he heard Robin's voice, "I want to meet the person in charge of *that project*."

That Darkness Martial Emperor stopped and bowed again, "Your Excellency, I am Charles Burton, I am in charge of the Shadow Swords during Commander Theo's absence, and I am also in charge of that project."

"Good, you saved me some time... Where are we at with the plan? Is everything ready?" Robin's eyes sparkled for a moment and he returned to focusing on the Masked Emperor

"Everything is ready, Your Excellency, and even better... The conditions are now more favorable than the first schedule." Under his mask, Charles smiled.

"...Do it." Robin ordered coldly and then threw a disc at him, "Here you will find an imperial order that you can use for recruitment. Go yourself to Morin and take him and 100 of his strongest demons with you, and take a handful of Martial Emperors from the three planets, anyone who is severely injured in the current battle drag him to heal him in the field hospital array, then take it with you. Oh, take Old Man Gu with you too. He will have an important role, but keep it a secret and just tell them what they should do after the operation begins... And stress that they should all deal with the matter with focus and sobriety. Everything must be done perfectly, whoever spoils something will suffer serious consequences."

"Your Excellency, shall we not wait for Commander Theo? Can we at least get Governor Alexander or any high-ranking general in the army to lead us? Or even Amon or Sakaar..? And what about the current battle? If we take the number of emperors agreed upon, they battle here and will be harmed severely." Charles responded with concern. Although he was eager to start the project, he was even more eager to win. A move like this at the moment was very dangerous.

"Follow your orders, officer!" Robin put his hand behind his back and spoke in a stern tone.

Give him Alexander, Theo, or even Amon? What if the plan fails?! Losing one of these people is like losing one of his limbs, Let Morin and Old GU handle it!

As for the damage that will be caused here, there is nothing he can do with that as well. The disappearance of 200 Martial Emperors will undoubtedly affect the combat ability of the True Beginning Empire, but if this plan is implemented properly, he will undoubtedly win the war. f

"Yes!!" Charles bowed one last time and then jumped into the instant space portal behind him.

"...." Zara remained silent for a few minutes after the shadow sword was gone, waiting for her father to tell her of his own free will, but he remained silent so she had no choice but to ask, "...About that project..."

Robin smiled, "Forget the whole conversation. If you knew what they were going to do, you would just worry about them. I will only tell you if they succeeded... And I have a feeling that they will not disappoint me."

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