Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 964 - The Battle Between The Legendries

N clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth as he heard Ghetsis's name.

N "Don't utter his name, that man used me, manipulated me and both my sisters, just like every human he was evil as well, the biggest evil of them all" ​​

N said.

Julian "That is what I am trying to say, Ghetsis was an evil man, he locked you up somewhere his whole life and made sure that you never came in contact with the outside world until he believed he had full control over you? Do you really think every pokemon in this world are oppressed by their trainers? Pokemons are treated as a part of a family, people spend their happiness and grief with them.

Yes there are people who hurt pokemons but there are many more who would risk their lives for their pokemons, don't be blinded by your own ideals without seeing the other side of the wall, you will be surprised by what you will find"

Julian said.

N "Stop staling, today will be the day, I will defeat you, Julian, the strongest trainer, once you go down the rest of the world will have to follow my command"

N said and suddenly raised his hand and signaled to attack.

Zekrom and Reshiram suddenly charged up and shot their moves at Julian, Zekrom used Thunderbolt while Reshiram used Flamethrower, while Zekrom sent out purple lightning bolts, Reshiram blasted blue flames.

Julian "A battle it is then"

Julian said and released the pokemon from the Pokeball he was holding, as soon as this pokemon entered the battlefield, the temperature suddenly dropped in an instant, and suddenly a massive wall of ice formed in front of Julian protecting him from the Thunderbolt and Flamethrower.

The two attacks landed on the thick wall of ice and slowly faded away, the ice wall was covered in cracks from the whole attack while the impact zone had a massive dent in it.

The Ice wall shattered and came crashing down revealing a massive pokemon standing in front of Julian staring down on both Zekrom and Reshiram with its cold eyes.

N was shocked to see this pokemon, it was Kyurem, the same one that Ghetsis tried to capture and for some reason, the aura around Kyurem felt different from the time he saw it at its lair.

Zekrom and Reshiram's aura also flared up as they came across their own but they could sense that the incomplete one was no longer incompletely anymore, even though it looked the same, there was something different about it.

Julian "It is time to show them, you don't need them to be complete, you found your own way"

Julian said to his Kyurem.

Kyurem turned towards Julian and looked at him, a few months ago this young man behind it told it that he will make it stronger, help it find something that will complete it and he did as he said.

Kyurem felt complete, it felt its path was limitless right now, it started to understand the origin of its power which granted it the feeling of being complete, it didn't need Zekrom or Reshiram to fuse with to bring out its full potential.

The three beasts of the legends are locked in an intense staredown.

N "How did you capture it?"

He asked as he was shocked.

Julian "I defeated it then promised it to make it complete"

Julian said.

N couldn't believe what Julian just said, even he couldn't defeat Zekrom, Zekrom decided to follow it and that is how he was able to take down Reshiram but Julian is saying he took down Kyurem on his own, it sounded ridiculous.

He had seen the power of Kyurem with his own eyes, it was as strong as his Zekrom and Reshiram.

N "It doesn't matter, it's two against one, you are in a losing battle, better surrender and release all you pokemons"

Julian "Do you really think, you are going to win against me?"

Julian asked.

N "I am done talking, Zekrom, Thunderbolt. Reshiram, Flamethrower"

N commanded as both Zekrom and Reshiram aimed at Kyurem and released their powerful attacks.

Julian "Ice Beam"

Julian decided to counter back with Ice Beam, Kyurem channeled the inner power inside its body and shot a devastating Ice Beam at the two incoming attacks.

The Thunderbolt destroyed the air molecules in its path, the Flamethrower vaporized the moisture from the air it came in contact with and the Ice Beam froze the air molecules along with the moisture forming snow along its path.

As the Ice Beam collided with the combined attack from the two dragons, the attacks were forced into a stalemate, the Ice Beam was stopping both the Thunderbolt and the Flamethrower at the same time.

N was in shock as he saw this, he realized that Kyurem seems to be much powerful than it was when he saw it.

As Kyurem was shooting the Ice Beam from its mouth, it suddenly raised its massive claws and aimed it at both Zekrom and Reshiram, and shot another two Ice Beam at them with its hands.

Under Julian's training, Kyurem learned how to control its energy within its body, and with a little assistance from the Omniforce, it was able to master its own element, that is ice.

Now it didn't need to use its mouth to attack its opponents, it could use any part of its body and attack, whether it is its chest, arms, legs, or even his tail.

The two Ice Beams traveled very fast and hit both Zekrom and Reshiram catching them by surprise, both of them were sent flying and crashing against the stadium's wall, the defense system was activated as it felt the whole stadium shaking from these two pokemons crashing into it.

N was shocked, he looked back at Zekrom and Reshiram and saw them getting on their feet and rising up in the air as they destroyed the Ice that was forming around their body.

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