Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 965 - Force Beyond Imagination

Zekrom and Reshiram seem to have been pissed, they rose up in the air as they looked down on Kyurem, lighting crackled around Zekrom's body as it shattered the ice that was trying to freeze it.

Blue flames rushed around Reshiram's body as it tried to melt down the ice. ​​

As they tried to get rid of the ice, they realized that this ice is very stubborn and hard to get rid up, this forced both of them to use a little more of their power and completely stop it, the lightning and the flames became very fierce as they tried to destroy the ice.

The light from these two elements became blinding, as the light faded away, both pokemons had gotten ridden of the stubborn ice, they then locked their gaze onto Kyurem.

While Reshiram kept its eyes on Kyurem, Zekrom's vision shifted towards Julian, it realized that it had seen Julian before and it could also sense the terrifying entity that was hiding inside Julian's shadow keeping an eye on them.

The power that surrounded Julian was mysterious and caught Zekrom's attention, Reshiram also noticed this but it decided to not pursue it and keep its focus on Kyurem.

As for why Zekrom noticed Gengar's existence? It is because it had come across both Julian and Gengar in the past, when it went to return Pikachu its power back, it noticed this human and the terrifying existence inside the human's shadow.

That is why it left as soon as possible after giving Pikachu its power back, it didn't want to stay close to the terrifying existence as it felt the creepy stare even though they were kilometers apart from each other.


Kyurem looked at its two other counterparts and growled, it always felt like the odd one out in front of these two as it was the only one who was incomplete but now it's different, it's complete.

It released its powerful aura and tried to suppress both its counterpart and rose up in the air as well.

Zekrom's switched its focus back to Kyurem as it noticed Kyurem taking the air.

The air around the stadium was suffocating right now. If a human stayed behind they would suffocate just from the pressure being released by these three monsters.

It then started.

Zekrom roared causing dark thunderclouds to cover the whole city, people who already evacuated tensed up as they saw the looming thundercloud over them, they felt a massive amount of pressure on them.

They all wished this will be over soon after.

Alder who was with them to protect the citizens also watched as the clouds flashed with lightning, he could feel the ground tremble even though the lightning was not touching the ground, he was witnessing the power of the legendary pokemon first hand, Zekrom, a force beyond imagination.

Alder 'I hope Julian can handle this'

He thought.

He had informed the league about Julian's decision but from how the league reacted they didn't seem worried about it, he even contacted Cynthia as he knew she was his girlfriend but also didn't seem to be worried about this situation.

Alder 'Julian, just what kind of power do you hold?'

He thought as he realized that the league and Cynthia had blind faith in him, to overcome not one but two legendary pokemons is not something even a while country can take down so how could just a single person do this?

Back at the stadium, the sudden change in the surrounding caused the air to become even more suffocating, the aura from these three was becoming denser and denser.

Even N was now being affected right now, he does indeed control Zekrom and Reshiram but there seems to be a change in scenario, now the three beasts don't care about who gets hurt and who doesn't

They are existence beyond human imagination, they really don't care about what happens right now, they wanted to settle this right now, who is superior, Zekrom and Reshiram or Kyurem.

Julian noticed both N and his Charizard having a hard time breathing.

Julian "Did you really think controlling those monsters is easy? You did get recognized by Zekrom, but just like you, there are many others with very strong ideals that it can choose, just because they chose you doesn't mean you can control them.

To do so, you need absolute power which you don't have, your ideals might be perfect in your eyes but in mine and everyone else in the world, they are flawed, you will never win against me, listen to me, and travel the world and experience it yourself, the world that you know nothing about"

Julian said and signaled Gengar to go and protect N.

N suddenly went onto his knees as the pressure became too intense for him to handle, he could still listen to Julian and looked at him, he punched the ground and wondered why did he felt so powerless right now.

He did his best, he wanted to liberate pokemons from their oppressor but listening to Julian made him question his ideologies and beliefs, he wondered what if Julian was right and he was lied to in believing that all humans are the same, all of them are evil and selfish.

As he and his Charizard was about to faint from the pressure, they suddenly felt the pressure on them suddenly disappearing, they lifted their head and noticed that they are inside a dark dome, as they looked down on the ground, they saw two crimson eyes and a massive cheeky grin on the ground staring at them.

This almost frightened the soul out of them.

[Gegegegege, you are lucky]

N suddenly heard the face on the ground speak, N could understand pokemons from a very young age so this was not a surprise to him.

[Master told me to protect you that your partner over here, he would rarely tell me to leave his sight but he believes you are innocent, do as Master said and leave]

Gengar said.

N and his Charizard suddenly felt the space around them move, the black dome around them suddenly disappeared and N and his Charizard found themselves far away from the stadium, closer to where the locals were taking refugee.

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