Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 963 - Controling The Two Legendaries

Just like Julian every other person present in the stadium saw N with his three pokemons, while his Charizard looked strong it got completely overshadowed by the two legendary pokemons that are beside N.

Alder was shocked as well, he couldn't believe he is seeing two legendary pokemons of Unova in one place and that too controlled by one person, the young man he has met before, N. ​​

Alder "N, how did you...."

Alder cannot process his words as he cannot believe what he is seeing, just like him, every other person in the stadium is in awe in front of the two legendary pokemons that are hovering over the air.

N "Today, I am going to put an end to your tyranny, I will liberate all these pokemon from your operation, I will be their protector and enforce strict laws so no human will ever be able to oppress any pokemon ever again"

N declared.

Hearing N's declaration everyone present was shocked, they then suddenly burst out in anger and started to shout at N, they looked at N as if he was a mad person.

Julian realized that the crowd is getting restless and this might lead to a disaster.

Julian "Alder, I will handle N, you should evacuate the people"

Julian said.

Even though he was excited to see these two pokemons, his current priority right now is to get the people out of here before N does something foolish and hurt them, he is still not a criminal right now but once he attacks and if it leads to someone getting hurt or even die, N will become a criminal and he will be hunted for life.

N is innocent and he doesn't know how this world really works, seeing that he can control such powerful pokemons, people will try to corrupt him or use him if he decides to attack right now.

Alder also knew this and decided to listen to Julian and informed the league, soon many league agents rushed in and started to escort the crowd out of the stadium, Julian kept his eyes on N and Gengar was on hold as well, if N does something stupid, Julian will have to suppress all three of his pokemon.

It didn't take long before the stadium became empty and now only Julian and N are left, Julian told Alder to not come back and let him handle this.

Julian "So we meet again"

N "You defeated me before but this time, you have no chance of winning"

N said and he descended down with his Charizard, Zekrom and Reshiram also followed right behind him, as they got closer, Julian could feel the powerful dragonic aura from those two along with their secondary element.

Zekrom with its lightning which Julian has seen before and Reshiram with its fire, this is his first time seeing Reshiram and he was impressed but it, it looked very calm compared to Zekrom which felt very dominant in nature.

Julian "Well let's not talk about that, why don't you tell me how did you capture those two?"

Julian asked while pointing at two legendaries beside N?

N "I convinced Zekrom to follow me with my ideals and then went to defeat Reshiram and capture it"

N answered without hesitation.

Julian "So you are saying, Zekrom decided to follow you and then you defeated Reshiram using it and capture it?"

N "Was I not clear the first time?"

N asked and frowned, for some reason he felt that Julian was mocking him.

Julian 'So it doesn't matter what kind of ideals a person has. If it's strong enough Zekrom will follow it, the same should be with Reshiram, if it finds someone who believes that their thoughts are true, that person can have Reshiram follow them'

Julian thought as he looked at the two pokemons.

Julian 'No wonder there was a huge war in the past, these pokemon don't have the same insight as humans on what is wrong and what is right, if they find someone with ideals or truth that they follow, they will be attracted to them'

Julian figure out how to really control these two legendary pokemons, Zekrom believed that N's ideals were strong so it decided to follow him and with the help of N, it was able to defeat Reshiram.

These two pokemons can be the destruction of the world if they fall under the control of someone evil with ideals or beliefs which they believe are true, then the world will be in huge trouble.

Julian "I am impressed by your achievement but I will have to ask you to stop this, you don't know what you are doing"

Julian said.

N "I will never stop, I will make sure that every pokemon in this world is liberated from their human owners"

Julian didn't say anything, he had nothing to say, in the grand scale of things it didn't matter what N thinks or what Julian thinks, it doesn't even matter what the whole human race thinks.

The concept of good at bad was formed by humans and to pokemons like Reshiram and Zekrom, they don't give a shit about human ideology, under N's command, they might become enemies of humanity as well.

While in the grand scheme of things it really didn't matter but in the eyes of humans, it mattered a lot and at the end of the day, Julian is a human as well so he will favor the whole human race over N's ideology.

He was raised in a closed environment where he was told that humans are bad and they force pokemon into submission, and the only human he was in contact with his whole life and he trusted, turned out to be someone who abandoned him and betrayed him.

Julian "I don't know what Ghetsis told you about humans but right now you are being ignorant, release those two pokemons from your control and go outside and experience how this world really is, you will find your answer"

Julian said while holding onto a Pokeball tightly, both Zekrom and Reshiram's eyes were locked onto this Pokeball that Julian was holding, they could sense a similar aura from inside the Pokeball but they could also feel that there was a huge change in it as well.

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