Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 92 - First Pokemon In Hoenn

Next day at Professor Birch's lab Julian wakes up from his bed and gets ready to start his journey. When he walks out from his room he sees Ash, May, Joshua, and Professor Birch standing around three pokemons, them being Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. Today is May's first day of becoming a trainer and she is choosing her first pokemon.

Ash sees Julian and calls him. ​​

Ash "Julian come here, see these pokemons they look so cool"

Julian walks towards Ash and pats Pikachu on his head.

Julian "Looks like Pikachu is back to perfect health"

Ash "Yes"

Julian looks at the three starter pokemons then look at May, May is also looking at Julian but she has no clue who is he.

Julian "Professor I will be leaving then"

Birch "Ok then, take care of your self"

Julian "Sure"

Ash "Can I join you?"

Julian "As I said you we will split from here"

Julian says nothing and goes away, Ash doesn't mind it and soon looks at May and urges her to pick one, she picks Torchic as she did in the anime.

Julian is currently on the road as he is thinking about his next destination.

Julian 'The closest town here is Oldale Town but it doesn't have a gym, the nearest gym is in Petalburg city, first I will visit Oldale town to restock some materials then go and challenge the gym in Petalburg city'

After deciding he heads towards Oldale town on his bike, when he reaches Oldale he sees very few houses and a pokemart in the middle of the town.

Julian 'It really is a small town, I should quickly restock and explore the forest nearby, need to catch new pokemons before challenging the gym'

After buying stuff he needed he decided to visit the forest nearby which is home to a lot of Pokemons, on his way to the forest he saw a man wearing a green coat over a red shirt and had brown hairs, he had a Meowth on his side which wore a blue fedora hat, a red scarf on its neck and brown boots.

Julian 'Have I see this guy somewhere, hmm may be in anime well I cannot remember every random face I saw in my past life'

Julian ignores this man and his Meowth and rides past him, the young man's name is Tyson

(A/N: he is one of Ash future rivals but his role was very small in the Hoenn region, he was introduced so that he could defeat ash in the semifinals and even won the Hoenn league after that)

Tyson notice Julian riding past him, he looks at his Meowth and asks it a question.

Tyson "Why do I feel like I have seen him somewhere?"

His Meowth also shakes its head indicating that even it doesn't know about Julian.

Julian soon enters the forest but he cannot see any pokemons around but that doesn't mean there are no pokemons around, he could feel the life force of the pokemons hiding in the bushes trees and underground but he doesn't disturb them as he is looking for a pokemon that he is interested in catching, he already has an idea of what his pokemon team for Hoenn will be like. He went deeper into the forest to search for a pokemon which he wanted in his team but he had no luck till now, as he went deeper and deeper into the forest he was blocked by some wild pokemons but his old pokemons just swept them away like they were nothing.

Julian was a little frustrated by now as he didn't see any pokemons that he wanted, then he suddenly got an idea.

Julian "Venusaur come out"

Venusaur landed on the forest floor and the ground shook, Venusaur had now reached his limit and was standing 3.4 meters tall from legs to his flower, Julian patted his head and smiled.

Julian "Venusaur try finding the biggest tree in the forest"

Venusaur nodded and planted his two vines deep into the ground as it started to feel the roots underground after sometime Venusaur sensed a powerful lifeforce of a tree really deep in the forest.

Venusaur informed Julian about a tree and its direction.

Julian "Good job Venusaur, now rest"

He called back Venusaur to his Pokeball and went forwards towards the direction Venusaur indicated, he finally arrived at his destination, he saw a huge tree which looked old but was still filled with vitality whats more was Julian could sense a many pokemon's life-force presents here and 90% of them were from the same species.

Julian 'If I am not wrong this should be one of their nest'

As he got closer to the tree he was suddenly attacked by numerous attacks such as Bullet seeds, Seed Bombs, and Energy Balls, Julian moved fast and dodged all the attacks with no effort.

Julian "Let's go Venusaur"

Venusaur enters and blocks the incoming attacks which were launched again, Venusaur roared loudly causing the attacks to stop, Julian stood on his spot as he stared at the top of the tree, soon a pokemon dived down the tree and landed on its feet, it was tall at least 2 meters and green, it had blades coming out of its arm, it was a Sceptile.

Julian didn't waste time and sent a telepathic voice to the Sceptile.

Julian [I want you to give me a young Treecko from your nest]

Sceptile was startled by the sudden voice in its head and became cautious of Julian.

Sceptile [Why should I give you one of my nest's children]

Julian [No reason, well I can at least say that the one I choose will not be limited and will grow exceptionally strong]

Sceptile is the leader of this nest and it knew that the world outside is big and there are powerful pokemons everywhere, Sceptile knows that if a pokemon is able to come under a good trainer its potential to grow stronger will increase unlike the one which doesn't have a trainer, Sceptile thought for a while and took action.

Sceptile [If you are able to defeat me I will grant you your wish]

Julian [Great then let's begin]

Julian "Let's go Venusaur"

Venusaur stood up on his hind legs and came crashing down with his front two legs sending tremors through the surrounding, Sceptile jumped up and sent Bullet Seeds shooting towards Venusaur.

Julian "Venusaur Energy Ball"

Venusaur created a giant Energy Ball and sent it towards the incoming Bullet Seeds and repelled it easily and continued moving towards Sceptile, Sceptile became startled but it quickly moved away as the Energy Ball went up high in the sky and exploded, Sceptile thought that it escaped but it didn't notice that Venusaur has already sent his Vine Whip and caught Sceptile's leg and slammed it on the ground.

Sceptile was injured but it still struggled and got to its feet, it was about to continue but suddenly another Sceptile came down and stopped it from advancing any further, it was a female Sceptile.

Julian 'Must be its mate'

Sceptile looked at its mate and stopped then looked at Julian.

Sceptile [You have proved that you are strong, stronger than I thought so I will keep my promise]

Sceptile made a cry and soon young Treeckos came down the tree slowly, some came out of the bushes, Julian was surprised by the amount of Treecko present here, he also saw some Grovyle up in the trees.

Julian looked around and noticed some Treeckos which had great potential but he was not able to decide which to choose as he was about to choose he heard a rustle near the bushes, he looked at the bushes and saw a fluorescent blue pokemon with a red tail coming out of it.

Julian was surprised by seeing this pokemon.

Julian 'A Shiny Treecko'

Julian looked at the Treecko and saw huge potential in it.

Julian "That one"

Sceptile looked at the shiny Treecko then back at Julian.

Sceptile [Are you sure, that one is a little rebellious]

Julian [That's even better, he carries a strong presence with him, that what I was looking for]

Sceptile nods its head.

Sceptile [As you wish]

Sceptile calls the shiny Treecko and tells him to join Julian, Treecko nodded his head and walked towards Julian he then looked at the giant Venusaur next to him, Julian went on his knees and looked at Treecko.

Julian "So Treecko, lets become strong together"

Treecko was in awe when he saw Venusaur, he then looked at Julian and nodded his head.

Treecko has a strong desire to become strong from the start so he would always rebel and get into fights with other Treeckos and when it saw his leader being defeated so easily by Venusaur he was shocked, he always thought that his leader was the strongest but seeing how its leader was defeated he realized that the world is bigger than this tree he lives in, even though he didn't like humans he decided to follow Julian.

Treecko saw in Julian's eyes the desire to make him strong just like Venusaur on his side, Julian took out a Pokeball and pressed it against Treecko's head and Treecko entered the Pokeball, it beeped three times and the capture was successful.

Julian stood up and looked at Sceptile.

Julian "I will be going then"

Sceptile nodded and went back to the treetop with its mate, soon the other Treecko's also disappeared into bushes and trees, Julian turned back and walked away, soon he arrived near a river bank and decided to take rest.

Julian "Come out everyone"

All of Julian's Pokemon came out of the Pokeball and took a deep breath, they realized that they were in a new place a new region itself, Treecko who was new to the team got shocked seeing all of Julian's pokemons, he retreated and stood behind Venusaur, even though Treecko was brave being suddenly greeted by the overbearing strong presence of Julian's pokemon scared him.

Julian laughed seeing this and picked up Treecko.

Julian "You don't have to be scared of then they are like family to you now"

Julian looked at his other pokemons.

Julian "Come and greet your new friend"

Julian placed Treecko down and stood behind him, Infernape came forwards and greeted him first soon Heatran, Electivire, Gengar, Kabutops, Pidgeot, Venusaur came forward and greeted him, Snorlax was Snorlax so he was sleeping with no care in the world.

Treecko was startled at first but soon got familiar with them, he was in awe seeing these monsters in front of him, each and everyone here is stronger than his previous leader.

As Treecko looked around he suddenly saw the water suddenly rising in the river and he saw a huge red monster coming out, he was shocked seeing this 14-meter long monster, luckily Venusaur was beside him and explained that Gyarados was one of them so Treecko calmed down and greeted Gyarados.

Treecko quickly bonded with Gengar and Electivire, Julian looked at these three and shook his head, he just hoped that Treecko won't get corrupted by them, Treecko also looked at Infernape, Heatran, and Gyarados in awe, he could easily see that they were the strongest here, Treecko didn't feel Snorlax power as he was fast asleep.

The day was coming to an end as Julian fed his Pokemon, Snorlax woke up smelling the food and while eating he also greeted Treecko and went back to sleep.

This was Treecko's first day in the outside world and he was already introduced to the extreme level he had to achieve to become the main force of Julian so Treecko was determined to not fail Julian.

The day came to an end and Julian called it a night as tomorrow will be a new day for them.

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