Julian was greeted with bright sunlight hitting his face, he opened his eyes to see that the tent has been removed, he looked around to see Gengar and Electivire not in the area so he guessed that it was there doing.

Julian 'Well it's already morning' ​​

Julian stood up and did some stretches, he saw Infernape meditating with Heatran, Treecko was also training with Venusaur.

Julian 'System show Treecko's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Grass

Level - 6

Age - 8 months

Bond - 40%

HP - 40

Attack - 39

Defense - 30

Sp. Atk - 56

Sp. Def - 44

Speed - 70

Move set - Leer, Pound, Absorb, Bullet Seed.

Ability-Overgrow (Locked), Unburden(Locked).


Julian 'He has good speed and special attack, he is still level six so the move set is also good'

Julian is happy for finding a good Treecko, he looks at his other pokemons and remembers how they were when they were just in their beginning form and smiles, he then suddenly remember Gengar and Electivire are not here.

Julian "Where is Gengar and Electivire?"

Pidgeot landed near Julian and pointed at a cliff across the river.

Julian 'I cannot do anything about these two'

Julian sighed and shook his head, he started to pack his stuff and waited for Gengar and Electivire to come back, soon they both arrived and were laughing loudly while they were at it.

Julian 'They must have gone pranking others again I guess'

Julian "Get in your pokeballs let go"

Julian sent them back to their pokeballs except for Treecko as he wanted Treecko to see the world outside his forest.

Julian "Treecko hop on my shoulder"

Treecko climbed up Julian and sat on his shoulder, Julian hopped onto his bike and rode off towards Petalburg city.

Julian "We are going to Petalburg city, where we will have our first gym battle together"

Treecko "Koo?"

Julian "Ah I forgot to tell you, we will travel around Hoenn batteling with trainers and challenge gyms and become strong together"

Treecko understands and nods his head happily.

Julian "But first lets train and catch some new pokemons"

Treecko nods and enjoys the fast ride on Julian's shoulder, as they were passing through a road next to a forest they suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar, Treecko was startled by it, Julian stopped his bike and looked at the direction it was coming from, he felt pain and anger coming from that roar.

Julian 'What could it be?'

Julian "Let's go and check what is happening"

Julian raced his bike and directly entered the forest, he dodged the trees in front of him with great skill as his bike would be in the air most of the time due to the uneven ground in the forest, when he arrived there he saw a huge Tyranitar surrounded by Houndoom, Weavile, and Mightyena.

Some Houndooms and Mightyenas were on the ground not moving at all they were dead for good, crushed under Tyranitar's legs, the Tyranitar was also covered with deep wounds as it was bleeding heavily, it was at its last breath.

Julian looked around as saw two men wearing brown clothes and holding a cage which had a Larvitar which was unconscious inside, it was tied up.

Julian looked at these two men and his eyes went cold, he could easily see that they were pokemon poachers and they were here to poach this Larvitar and they are now trying to kill this Tyranitar as its scales fetch huge money in the underworld and black market.

Julian looked at Treecko as it was shivering from the site in front of it, he was angry, frustrated and scared, Julian patted his head and calmed it down.

Julian "Treecko even though humans and pokemons live in harmony there are some which are trash in this world and doesn't deserve to live but we cannot kill them even if they are in wrong, if we did there will be no difference between them and us, but that doesn't me we can't crush them"

Treecko calmed down and listened carefully to Julian and itched his words into his heart, Julian walked in and looked coldly at these two poachers.

The poachers were startled by the sudden entrance of an unknown person.

Poacher 1 "Hey what do you think you are doing? get lost from here or we will kill you"

Poacher 2 "Don't let him go, let's kill him before he escapes and informs the police"

Poacher 1 "Houndoom, Weavile quick finish of that Tyranitar and kill this idiot"

Poacher 2 "You to Mightyena"

Julian "Infernape, Heatran take care of them"

Julian released Infernape and Heatran form their pokeballs, Julian approached the two poachers while Infernape and Heatran headed towards the poacher's pokemons, Weavile saw Infernape approaching so it dashed towards Infernape with its sharp claws exposed and tried to attack Infernape, Infernape grabbed Weavile's hand and looked coldly at it, then he punched it right on the stomach using focus punch, the Weavile didn't even know what happened before it got blasted away and hit a tree, the tree was completely knocked out but the Weavile didn't stop as it went crashing from one tree to another until it finally was stopped by the fifth tree, Weavile was completely out, it didn't die but it won't recover without a months medication.

The Houndoom and Mightyena got scared by seeing their partner knocked out, they slowly retreated backward as they still had their eyes on Infernape, they were scared shitlessly so they didn't notice Heatran right behind them, as they were backing away they suddenly bumped into something so they turned around and saw a huge 3 meters tall pokemon looking down at them, they felt the temperature of the surrounding growing hotter and hotter, they wanted to escape but they felt suffocated by the presence of these two monsters.

Heatran pinned them down with his legs and stomped on them repeatedly until they were completely knocked out.

The poachers looked at what happened and suddenly realized they were fucked, they were completely scared right now so they pulled out their guns and pointed it at Julian.

Poacher 1 "St...Stop right the...there or I..I.I...I will shoot"

Julian didn't stop and continued moving forward and the next second a shot was heard but when the poachers saw that the bullet was stopped by Julian with his bare hand they went completely pale.

Julian "You trash of society kill and sell pokemons for your own greed just for the money"

Julian grabbed the collar of both poachers and pinned them down the ground, then he stomped on one of their knees and a snap was heard, Julian had completely disabled his leg for the rest of his life.

He did the same to the other but it was one of his arms, they screamed in pain and rolled around the floor, Julian then took the cage and freed the Larvitar and woke it up, when it woke up it saw its mother heavily injured, it saw her breathing heavily as she was near the end of her life, she was already poisoned and there is no recovery now.

Tyranitar looked at Julian and called softly, Julian understood what she was saying, she wanted him to take care of her baby, Julian approached the fallen Tyranitar and bent down and patted Larvitar who was hugging his mother and didn't want to leave her, Tyranitar used her last breath and told her son to follow Julian, she had no choice but to trust her son to this random stranger but since he helped them she hoped he will take care of her son.

She took her last breath and closed her eyes, Treecko saw all this, even though he acted bravely he was still shaken inside, Infernape approached him and comforted him, Infernape was the closest to Julian and knew what Julian would do and think, he knew Julian did this to strengthen Treecko's resolve.

Julian took out his phone and called the police and informed them about the incident, soon Officer Jenny and few police officers came to the spot and saw few dead and unconscious pokemons, she saw the two injured poachers and took them in, she then inquired Julian about the situation.

Julian "I heard a roar coming from here and when I came here I saw these two had already captured the Larvitar and trying to kill his mother, I interfered and stopped them, I took them down but in the process, they received some injury"

Jenny looked at Julian and went through the statement, even though she saw how badly the poachers were hurt she couldn't do anything about it as poaching was a very serious crime and these two were one of the most wanted ones.

Julian "Ok, thank you for your cooperation, we will bury Tyranitar here and take its baby"

Jenny approached Larvitar to take him away but he quickly hid behind Julian, Julian saw this and felt pity for Larvitar.

Julian "Officer Jenny I will take Larvitar with me, he has been scared by the situation and it looks like he only trusts me right now"

Jenny looked at Larvitar shivering behind Julian with his eyes closed, she sighed and agreed to it.

Jenny "Ok then take care of him"

Julian nodded and lifted Larvitar and held him close to his chest, he stayed there till they buried Tyranitar in the ground, Julian looked at Larvitar and patted his head.

Julian "Let's go"

Larvitar nodded his head and Julian walked towards his bike and rode off.

Jenny looked at Julian and felt that she had seen him somewhere but couldn't remember where.

Jenny "I think I am imagining thing".



Thanks to all these people who have been really suppotive towards me and my work.

Eddie McBride


Joshua Smith



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