Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 91 - Hoenn, Here I Come!

The day has finally arrived and Julian is waiting outside the lab to say his goodbye to Professor Oak, soon Professor Oak comes outside with a card in his hand.

Oak "Take this, this is an international Id card, it will also act as your credit card" ​​

Julian took the card and looked at it, it was a black card with his name and photo on it with a private number embedded on it with some kind of metal.

Julian "Thank you, then I will be leaving"

Oak "Fine, and good luck on your journey"

Julian was about to hop on his bike and drive off but he heard someone call his name from behind, he turned around to see Ash and his mother walking towards him.

Ash "Julian you are going to the port right, take me with you I am also going to Hoenn"

Julian looked at Ash for a sec and sighed.

Julian "Ok, but I will only accompany you till we reach Hoenn then we go our separate ways"

Ash "YES"

Ash said excitedly, Delia smiled and looked at Julian.

Delia "Julian take care of my son"

Julian "Hmm"

Julian nods his head and sits on his bike.

Julian "Hop on"

Hearing him Ash hops on his bike and they ride away, after riding for a while Ash becomes excited as Julian keeps on speeding.

Ash "HOOOO, this is awesome I didn't think that riding on a bike would feel this great"

His Pikachu on his shoulder also nods his head excitedly as he enjoys the high-speed ride, soon they arrive near the port and Julian stops his bike.

Julian "You should go to the ship I have to go to the port's office to apply a vehicle transport service"

Hearing Julian Ash gets off the bike.

Ash "Ok then I will meet you in the ship"

Julian doesn't answer back and rides off towards the office, when he reaches there he talks to an employee working there.

Julian "Hey I need to take my motorbike to Hoenn with me, can you give me a form"

Employee "Wait a minute, here it is"

Julian takes the form and starts to fill the form, as he was filling the form he heard a huge explosion coming from the port area, when he turned around he saw two people and two pokemons being sent flying in the sky.

Julian 'Not even few hours have passed and he already got in trouble'

Julian sighed and continued his work, after submitting the form Julian received a vehicle pass, he rode back to the ship and boarded the ship with his motorbike, he parked his bike in the vehicle area and headed towards the resident area.

When he walked in he saw Ash waving at him excitedly.

Julian '*sighs* I just hope that nothing will happen in these few days'

Julian walked towards Ash.

Ash "So is your work finished?"

Julian "Yes"

Ash "Great, can we have a battle, I saw a battlefield in the ship"

Julian looked at Ash and regretted his decision for bringing Ash with him, luckily Julian is sharp and saw that Ash's Pikachu breathing was a little off.

Julian "I don't think it is a good idea, look your Pikachu looks tired and I guess you don't have your other pokemons with you right now"

Ash looked at Pikachu and also noticed Pikachu was breathing a little off

Ash "I guess you are right, Pikachu you should rest"

Julian patted Pikachu's head and rubbed its cheeks.

Pikachu "~pikkaaaaa~"

Julian "Your Pikachu is really cute, but he looks tired right now you should take him to the resting area"

Ash "Ok then see you later"

Julian looks at Ash and then looks at the direction where Hoenn is situated.

Julian 'What does Hoenn has for me, I can't wait for all the new things I am going to experience'

Soon few days passed and the ship would arrive at a port near Littleroot town, this was Julian's destination and also home of Professor Birch.

Julian was with Ash right now as Ash was holding Pikachu in his hands who looked sick, Julian was also worried as he had grown fond of this little these past few days.

Julian "Looks like Pikachu is suffering for electric overload you should quickly take him to Professor Birch lab as there is no Pokemon center in Littleroot Town"

Ash "Electric overload?"

Julian "It is caused due to the huge amount of electricity being trapped inside Pikachu's body which is not able to get to so his body has fallen in this state, has Pikachu been exposed to electromagnetic waves recently?"

Ash "Yes Pikachu was strapped to a huge magnet recently, if not for those team rocket this would have not happened"

Ash grit his teeth as he looks at Pikachu who is releasing short bursts of electricity from his cheeks.

Julian 'These team rocket idiots again, they cause trouble wherever they are'

The Ship arrives at the port and Ash dashes of towards a call center to inquire if Professor Birch is present or not in the lab and informs them about Pikachu's condition.

Julian didn't join him as he knows everything is going to be fine so he goes towards the vehicle area and decided to takes his bike to a local police station to register it.

Julian 'Man, this registration thing is a real pain in the ass, but they are rules so I can't do anything'

Julian rides off to the nearest police station and gets his work done.

Julian 'Now that this is over lets head towards Professor Birch's lab'

He sits on his bike and rides of towards the lab, he soon pass the rough road and is finally able to see the lab in the distance, then he notices a girl with brown hair wearing a red shirt with a white mini skirt and blue cycle shorts, on her bicycle rides past him.

Julian 'Isn't that May?'

Julian realizes that he saw May go past him, he then ignores the thought and rids off towards the lab, when he arrives there he sees a young man wearing a white coat standing outside the lab looking worried, Julian approaches him as he already knows what must have happened.

Julian "You must me Joshua?"

Julian gets off of his bike and greets Joshua.

Joshua "Ah, yes I am Joshua. What can I do for you?"

Julian "I am Julian, I am here to see Professor Birch"

Joshua "Ah yes I think I heard Professor speaking about it, by the way, you look familiar."

Julian just smiles looking at Joshua, Joshua also looks at Julian as he tries to remember where he had seen Julian then suddenly it clicked him.

Joshua looks at Julian as his eyes grow wide and his hand trembles as he points it at Julian.

Joshua "Wait, it can't be, yo-you are Julian the Champion of Kanto region"

Joshua trembles in excitement as he sees Julian.

Joshua "I am your biggest fan, I saw all your battles and your last battle with Lance was sooooo AWESOME, and you Gyarados was so huge and looked so powerful and, and your Kabutops was also so fast, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time, I didn't think I will be able to meet you at all"

Julian laughed awkwardly as he looked at Joshua suddenly fanboying over him, he had thought that his fame would have gone down by now but it looks like he was wrong.

Julian "Calm down, Joshua I am just a former champion so calm down"

Joshua "If you haven't forfeited your title you would still be the champion"

Julian "Ok, Ok, enough of that for now, so where is Professor Birch?"

Even though Julian knew where he was he still asked the question as he wanted to make the interaction normal and didn't want to give off a mysterious vibe.

Joshua "Ah, I forgot Professor Birch has gone out to find an ill Pikachu who suddenly ran away"

Julian "Ah, so Ash already arrived here?"

Joshua "You know Ash?"

Julian "Yes, he came with me"

Joshua "Oh, Mr. Julian you should wait inside until they come back"

Julian "Ok let's go in"

Julian and Joshua walked in, Joshua offered some tea to him as he sat down near a window and looked outside, Joshua didn't disturb him and carried on with his own work.

As Julian was looking out said he suddenly saw a large electric bolt reaching the sky.

Julian 'It looks like Pikachu is right there'

Julian "I will be heading out for a minute"

Julian says and walks out, he doesn't take his bike but rushes towards the area on his legs, even though he was not in his bike doesn't mean he was any slower, he was running and jumping from one tree to another with super speed, he was more powerful and faster than some pokemons so it was no big deal, he soon arrived near the area and saw Ash, Professor Birch, and May and opposite to them is a huge robot which had a hold on Pikachu as it started to observe Pikachu's electricity.

Julian 'Those are the team rocket idiots, looks like everything is going well, I didn't need to worry at all'

Seeing that the event was going as the same in the anime Julian sighed in relief and went back towards the lab, on his way he heard an explosion and so he knew that team rocket was blasted off again.

Julian went back inside the lab and waited for Professor Birch to arrive back, when they arrived back Julian saw Ash holding Pikachu who was unconscious.

Julian "Is Pikachu ok?"

Ash "Julian, yes, for now, he is fine but we still need to treat him"

Julian nods his head then looks at Professor Birch.

Julian "Professor Birch nice to meet you, but before that, you should treat Pikachu"

Birch "Yes, Joshua quick prepare the machine"

Soon Pikachu was taken into the emergency room and treated after the treatment was successful Professor Birch came out and headed towards Julian.

Birch "Hello nice to meet you I am Professor Birch, I guess you already know me hahahaha"

Julian "Indeed I am Julian, I came here to give you something, it's from Professor Oak"

Birch "Well I am honored that a champion himself came to visit me"

Julian took out a container which holed an evolution stone and some research work in it, Birch took it and handed it to Joshua for the safekeeping.

Birch "You must have had a long and tiring journey, you should rest here for today"

Julian "Thank you"

Julian was shown to a room so he went in and decided to rest for the day.

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