Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 87 - Lance In A Dilemma

On his way towards his hotel room, he saw a tall old woman with white hair which was strapped on each side of her head with white straps, she was wearing a white headband and a white kimono as well. She was standing in front of a shop and bargaining with the shop keeper loudly, but that was not the reason why Julian noticed her but the pokemon which was beside her, it was a huge Typhlosion, it was really an intimidating Pokemon.

Julian 'Ho I never thought I would see a Typhlosion here, she must be its trainer.' ​​

Julian looked at this old woman who was still bargaining back and forth with the shop keeper while her Typhlosion was looking back and forth between her and the shopkeeper.

Julian 'Is she form Jhoto, hmm who cares let's go'

Julian walked away ignoring them, the day passed away in a flash and a new day began, Julian decided to go and train in the hills so he walked out of his room and hopped onto his bike and rode away.

When he reached near the hill he saw smoke rising from one of the hills, seeing the smoke he became curious and went there to check it out when he reached there he saw the same old woman with her Typhlosion as she was battling someone, he looked forward and saw a man with red hair battling her, he was really surprised to see this man he was none other than lance.

Julian 'Lance, why is he here and who is this old woman who is battling him?'

Julian looked at their battle and it looked like they were having a training battle, what was more surprising to Julian was that the old woman's Typhlosion was equally matched with Lance's Dragonite, but Lance still was in a dominant position due to his Dragonite being able to fly.

Julian 'Hmm, this Old woman is really something, even being in a disadvantaged position she is still able to keep that Dragonite at bay and launch attacks'

Julian just stood there as he watches them have a battle.

Lance "Ultima you won't be able to defeat me this time around"

Ultima "Lance boy you have grown strong in this 4 years, show me how strong have you become"

Julian 'So her name is Ultima. Hmm, why do I feel like I have heard that name somewhere?'

Julian falls into a deep thinking state as he tries to recall where he has heard of this name but it was useless as he didn't remember anything.

Lance "Let's see if you are able to escape from this, Dragonite Hyper Beam"

His Dragonite flew high in the air and then launched a devastating Hyper Beam towards Typhlosion

Ultima "Hmpf, let's see if you can handle this move"

Ultima then flashes a metallic bracelet on her right hand which glows.

Ultima "Ultimate Skill BLAST BURN"

Typhlosion which was on the ground stood up on its two hind legs and looked upwards towards Dragonite then puffs its chest then breaths out a powerful orange color fire beam which rips through the air and directly clashes with the Hyper Beam.

The collision of these two moves shook everything in the area, the ground got burned, trees which were in the surroundings were sent flying, the shock wave traveled through the air at the sound of speed disrupting the air in the surroundings.

It didn't stop there as the Blast Burn triumphed and tore through the Hyper Beam and headed towards Dragonite.

Lance "Dragonite, quickly move out of the way"

Dragonite quickly moved away avoiding the attack, even though the move's power was reduced exceptionally it still had power equal to a Flamethrower remaining in it and Lance didn't want to take any chances.

Julian who was far away felt the power of this move as well and was very surprised.

Julian 'That Blast Burn was not an ordinary one, it could even match the power of a Z-move'

Julian looked at this old woman carefully and the bracelet on her hand, then he finally realized.

Julian 'Now I remember her, she is the Guardian of the Ultimate skills from Sevii Island, Professor Oak had once mentioned her when I told him about my visit to the Sevii island, he said that she teaches these skills to trainers who are destined to learn it if I remember correctly they are Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Hydro Canon but they are just more buffed than the normal once'

After recognizing her Julian felt nothing at all as he just stood there staring at the bracelet on her hand.

Julian 'I think that bracelet is the reason for that huge power boost of these moves'

While Julian was wondering about the bracelet, Lance stared at Ultima with a serious expression.

Lance "As always that move never fails to render me speechless, but I recently witnessed something even more powerful than that so I called you to see if I can counter your move, I was expecting that I would at least neutralize it but I overestimated my limit"

Ultima was taken back when she heard what Lance had said.

Ultima "You are saying that there is someone out there who can use a more powerful move than my ultimate skills?"

Lance "I still remember, even though I was not present on the scene but I watched it through the screen I felt that power behind that move, it was indeed more powerful than your's Blast Burn"

Ultima stayed silent for a moment.

Ultima "So you asked me to have a battle with you to test your limit and it looks like you are not happy with the result"

Lance "You are right if my opponent uses that Pokemon in the battle I will only have one choice and that is to use my pokemon's speed as an advantage, if I meet head-on with that monster I don't know if even my Dragonite will be able to withstand that power"

Ultima "This opponent of yours, is he the one who you will be facing next week?"

Lance "Indeed, his name is Julian and this upcoming battle will be my hardest one, it's not only that pokemon which is a problem, but his whole pokemon team is also filled with monster, some are allrounders some are heavy hitters and some are extremely fast and the most important thing that I need to take into consideration is that he hasn't revealed all his pokemons"

This was indeed Lance's biggest concern, his opponent hasn't revealed all his pokemons while the information about his pokemons and his battle patterns were out there on the internet for anyone to study.

Ultima "Hmm it looks like you are indeed in a pinch, you opponent knows everything about you but you don't have much information about him"

Lance "True, from what I have observed from his recent three battles, most of his pokemons never gave their hundred percent in their battle"

Ultima "I see, well this old woman has nothing to give to you for triumphing over your opponent, I can only wish best of luck to you"

Lance just nods and flies away on his Dragonite, Julian also heads to his usual resting place to start his training.

Julian 'Heee, it looks like Lance is concerned about me using Snorlax, well he doesn't have to worry about that at all, I have another suprise for him'

Julian smiles and starts his training.

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