Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 88 - Julian Vs Lance

The final battle is here, Julian vs Lance, the indigo stadium is crowded even before the trainers have arrived, Julian who is heading towards the stadium frowns seeing the huge crowd waiting in front of the stadium, everybody wants the front seats and there is even some pushing going on in there.

Looking at the huge crowd present in front of the stadium he knew that he could not get in through the front so he headed towards the back door. ​​

Julian 'I didn't expect this much crowd to accumulate today, well Lance is indeed very famous not only in Kanto but other regions as well, he is already strong as a regions champion so this amount of reaction is not such a big deal I guess'

When he was near his waiting room he saw someone familiar, it was Lorelei, she was leaning on a wall and her eyes were closed.

Julian 'Is she trying to show off a cool vibe?'

Julian thought after seeing her posture and walked away, Lorelei was surprised but didn't say anything and just watched Julian walk away.

After arriving in his waiting room he saw a card which had good luck printed on it, seeing this card Julian thought that this was left behind by Lorelei as he saw her outside just now.

Julian 'Hm I didn't expect that'

He opened the card to see that it was Professor Oak who sent the card and not Lorelei, Julian was taken back by this.

Julian 'Looks like I am thinking too much these days'

After waiting for a while the announcement started to take place and Julian received his queue to wait in front of the entrance of the battlefield.

Announcer "Today is the day where we will either see a new champion emerging or another candidate will bite the dust, one side we have Julian who has remained undefeated on his whole journey until now and on the other side we have Lance the legendary dragon type trainer who is famous all around the world and with his partner Dragonite he had buried every challenger he has ever faced"

The crowd was equally divided into groups one supporting Julian and the other supporting Lance, they cheered these two names loudly

Announcer "Enough waiting lets welcome our trainers who will be battling each other today, from the red corner lets welcome our elite-four member Lance"

Lance enters the battlefield with a stern face, he is fully focused on this battle.

Announcer "Now let's welcome the challenger, Julian"

Julian also enters the battlefield as his name is repeated one after other by the crowd.

Both Julian and Lance look into each other's eyes they spoke nothing but they have already started to read their opponent.

The referee enters the battlefield with two flags in his hand one blue the other red.

Referee "This following battle is a two on two pokemon battle as requested by the elite-four member Lance, does the challenger accept this condition?"

Julian nods his head excepting the conditioned place by Lance

Referee "Then let me explain the rules, each trainer will use two of their pokemons, both of them are allowed to switch their pokemons in middle of the battle, the person who doesn't have any Pokemon left at the end of the battle loses, am I clear?"

Lance/Julian "Yes"

Referee "Then let's begin"

The referee waves the flags indicating the start of the match

Lance "Let's Go Aerodactyl"

Lance throws a Pokeball up in the air and the next moment an Aerodactyl comes out if it and fly up in the air and stares down at Julian.

Julian 'An Aerodactyl, my first time seeing one. Let's see what it has in store for me'

Julian also takes out a Pokeball and throws it in the air, and form that Pokeball Kabutops comes out of it.

Lance looks at Kabutops and he has seen it battle in few of the league videos and he knew that Kabutops here is very fast.

Lance "Aerodactyl Iron Head"

Aerodactyl dives down at Kabutops at extreme speed as its head glows and turns shiny as it reflects the sunlight off it.

Julian "Protect"

Kabutops quickly creates an energy shield and blocks the Iron Head from Aerodactyl, the Impact for that Iron Head leaves minor cracks on the energy shield. Aerodactyl quickly retreats after seeing its attack failed, it doesn't want to get close to those claws.

Julian 'That Aerodatcyl is really strong, to leave that damage on Kabutops's protect is indeed impressive'

Julian "Kabutops Sword Dance"

Kabutops lifts his claws and creates five swords surrounding him as they glow and powerup Kabutops physical attack power.

Lance "Aerodactyl use Crunch"

Aerodactyl once again dived down at Kabutops as its mouth was wide open and its jaws were glowing white.

Julian "Stone Edge"

As soon as Aerodactyl came into striking distance Kabutops dug his two claws on the ground and the next moment huge rock pillars which were glowing blue came out of the ground right in between him and Aerodactyl.

Lance "Quick Substitute"

As soon as Aerodactyl heard Lance command it suddenly created a substitute of itself and launched it towards the coming Stone Edge and escaped towards the sky, the Stone Edge came crashing down and shattered the Aerodactyl's substitute into pieces.

Lance seeing his opportunity quickly took action.

Lance "Now Dragon Breath"

Aerodactyl who was in the air puffed its chest and launched a purple beam towards Kabutops.

Julian "Quick activate Weak Armour and dodge"

Due to the speed of the Dragon breath heading towards Kabutops Julian quickly decided to use weak armor and increase Kabutops speed. Kabutops did as said and barely escaped the Dragon Breath but it was not over as the backlash of that move hitting the ground created a crater on the ground sending small stones flying everywhere and some of them hit Kabutops.

Julian 'Phew, that was close, looks like being in defense is not a good idea from now I have to take the advance'

Julian "Kabutops Blizzard"

Kabutops lifts his claws up in the air and brings down a huge ice storm in the battlefield, Aerodactyl is affected by the sudden change in the atmosphere as it is weak to ice. Soon the battlefield was covered with snow everywhere and the temperature fell down.

Lance looked at his Aerodactyl which was very uncomfortable right now due to this powerful ice storm which was not stopping at all.

Lance "Aerodactyl hand in there and use Sunny Day"

Aerodactyl came back to its sense and used Sunny Day, soon the bright light shined from the sky and removed the Blizzard, slowly the snow started to melt as well leaving behind a large amount of water.

Julian 'Didn't expect it to know Sunny Day but it still worked in our advantage'

Julian "Use Confuse Ray"

Kabutops shoots pinkish purple rays towards Aerodactyl.

Lance "Dodge then use Wing Attack"

Aerodactyl dives down towards Kabutops while dodging the Confuse Rays as its wings glow white.

Julian "Face it head on using Metal Claw"

As soon as Aerodactyl dodges the Confuse Rays and comes near Kabutops, Kabutops rubs his two claws which shines like blades and sings a metal sound as it reflects the sunlight off it. The to pokemon clashes with each other, Kabutops Left claw strikes the right wing of Aerodactyl and blocks the Wing Attack, seeing the position they are in Lance decided to take the advantage this.

Lance "Now use Crunch"

Aerodactyl turns its head right and tries to bite Kabutops using Crunch

Julian "Block it"

Kabutops uses his right claw and intercepts the Crunch as Aerodactyl grabs on to his right claw.

Lance "Now Sky Drop"

Aerodactyl suddenly lifts Kabutops of the ground and takes him to the sky.

Julian "Night Slash"

While Aerodactyl was on its way to the top Kabutops left claw glows dark purple-black in color and strikes the neck of Aerodactyl, feel the sudden pain on its neck Aerodactyl releases Kabutops from its jaws as Kabutops starts to fall down.

Julian "Reduce the impact using Hydro Pump on the Ground"

As Kabutops was falling down he blasts a Hydro Pump towards the ground and slows down his fall.

Lance "Dragon Claw"

Julian "Metal Claw"

Both Pokemon dashes towards each other with full speed and clash in mid-air sending ripples everywhere.

Lance "Hyper Beam"

Julian "Hydro Pump"

After being sent back by the backlash from the previous collision they once again launch their powerful moves, both Hydro Pump and Hyper Beam clashes in the air, the ground beneath it couldn't hold the pressure and crack like a spider web, the impact distorts the air in the surrounding and the huge boom cause most of the audience to go deaf for a second.

As the fog clears out both Pokemon could be seen still standing but they are tired and are huffing to take in more air.

Lance "Let's finish this, Aerodactyl use Giga Impact"

Julian "You too Giga Impact"

Both of them roared as purple and yellow energy started to spin around them, they launched towards each other at full speed, the air was ripped from their movement, they broke the sound barrier and finally collided, the next second there was nothing but a huge white light exploding towards the sky from the stadium.

When the light disappeared everyone saw a massive crater right in the middle of the battlefield, the battlefield was shattered, walls near them were cracked, the ground was charred black.

One more thing to notice was both pokemons were down, both of them have been knocked out as they lie down right in the middle of the crater.

The referee who had already escaped from the battlefield quickly came running and checked on them.

Referee "Both Aerodactyl and Kabutops are unable to battle"

Announcer "One of Julian's pokemon has finally fallen down but still, it took out Lance's pokemon with it"

Julain just stayed still and looked at his unconscious Kabutops, then he smiled.

Julian "You were awesome Kabutops"

He called back Kabutops to his Pokeball, Lance on the other side of the battlefield had a frown on his face, even though the result was a draw he still took this as a loss because he had clearly seen what happened, due to the explosion nobody could see what happened but he saw it clearly, after they collided his Aerodactyl was the first one to fall down, he saw Kabutops on his feet still standing for few seconds with a grin on its face before collapsing on the ground.

Lance 'If Kabutops weak armor was not activated it would have won'

Julian looked at Lance and was able to determine what he was thinking.

Julian 'I don't know what he thinks about the result but that was a fun battle and what was more important is that Kabutops enjoyed that battle'

Julian "I am waiting, are you going to send out you Dragonite"

Lance snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Julian and saw a look of excitement on his face, that is when Lance finally realized that Julian was battling him for the excitement of it, while he was battling to overcome his opponent.

Lance smiled and determination flashed in his eyes.

Lance "Show me what you got, Go Dragonite"

Julian saw a Pokeball launched up in the air and the next moment a huge Dragonite came out of it and roared loudly looking at the sky.

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