Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 86 - Gengar Vs Gengar

Both Gengar looks at each other and releases pressure onto each other to intimidate the other side, as they do this the surrounding goes cold as they both start to absorb the heat from the surrounding as the temperature keeps dropping until it reaches ten-degree celsius.

After staring at each other for a while they both come to a conclusion that they are equally matched, Julian's Gengar has more firepower while Agatha's Gengar is a tank built to take some heavy hits. ​​

Julian 'Her Gengar's level is higher than my Gengar's, while my Gengar might have more firepower the level difference between them is not something I should ignore'

The crowd are on the edge of their seats as they wait for this battle to begin

Agatha "Enough waiting let go, Gengar Shadow Ball"

Agatha's Gengar rises its hand up in the air and creates a huge Shadow Ball with is twice its size, it launches the Shadow Ball towards its opponent with full power.

Julian "Hide in the shadows"

Julian's Gengar quickly dives into the ground and escapes the huge Shadow ball and disappears into the shadows, the Shadow Ball with he nearly dodged lands on the ground and explodes sending rubbles flying everywhere.

Agatha "Gengar after it"

Agatha'sGengar also follows Julian's Gengar into the shadows as the chase begins, two black shadows can be seen running around the whole battleground one running and the other chasing, once in a while they clash with each other and the place they clash gets ripped or shredded into pieces.

Julian [Shadow Claw]

As Agatha's Gengar is on the chase, Julian's Gengar slows down a little and lets Agatha's Gengar catch up and as soon as its near striking distance he turns around with quick movement and delivers a powerful Shadow Claw right on the face and sends Agatha's Gengar out of the shadows.

Agatha 'Same like his match with Lorelei and Bruno, it attacked without his command, my theory is right he has a way to command his pokemons some other way. If this is how it is its a very handy skill'

Agatha "Gengar back into the shadows and this time maintain a distance from its striking distance"

Agatha's Gengar once again dives into the shadows and goes after Julian's Gengar but this time it is careful and doesn't want to get hit by one of those Shadow Claws again, even though it is built like a tank taking a continuous hit from Julian's Gengar can be fatal.

Julian 'Looks like she wants to take the battle into the shadows, she is trying to stretch the battle and make my Gengar exhausted. She really knows how to read her opponent, she knows that my Gengar is built to land heavy attacks and will tire at some point, she is waiting for my Gengar to run out of breath so that she can finish it with one move'

Julian clearly figured out Agatha's battle strategy after observing her Gengar for a while, first it let Gengar attack it to get a quick assessment of its opponent's power, seeing that the opponents attack is powerful it went into a defensive stance and is now trying to avoid any physical contact with Gengar and his attacks.

Julian smirks after figuring out Agatha's strategy.

Julian 'This strategy is really effective if I had fought with her a few months before I would have actually lost but right now she has no chance'

Julian "Gengar out of the shadows lets take the battle into the sky"

Hearing Julian Gengar bolts out of the shadows and floats in the air, Agatha's Gengar also follows behind and looks at Gengar with a grin that never goes away from its face.

Agatha "Looks like you don't want to take the advantage of the shadows anymore"

Julian "I just wanted to entertain the crowd, I thought they might get bored just seeing two shadows running around the battlefield"

Agatha "Confuse Ray"

Julian "Counter with Dark Pulse"

Both Gengar launches their respective moves, as they clash Dark Pulse gets the advantage due to its type and firepower behind it, even though the Dark Pulse gets weakened it still hits Agatha's Gengar and sends it a few meters back with some damage.

Julian 'Looks like it didn't flinch'

Agatha "Gengar use Foul Play"

Julian 'Oh, who would have thought it knew Foul Play'

Julian "Gengar keep your distance and dodge its attacks"

Agatha "Use Psywave"

Julian [Disapear and Reaper behind and use Sucker Punch]

Before Agatha's Gengar could even launch an attack Julian's Gengar appeared behind it and landed a Sucker Punch and sent it rolling back in the air, the damage was high but due to its high defense and hp it withstood the attack and shook of its pain.

Julian 'Looks like I have to use that after all'

Agatha "Enough playing, let's finish this, Gengar Shadow Balls"

Her Gengar suddenly created multiple shadow balls and sent it shooting towards Gengar.

Julian "Disappear"

Agatha "Not so fast use Psychic and hold it in place"

Before Gengar could even disappear he was suddenly hold down by a pinkish purple energy layer over his body and the next moment he was hit by those Shadow Balls and sent flying backward.

Julian was surprised by this attack.

Julian 'Who would have thought that Gengar actually mastered the control over its Psychic abilities, even though Gengars can't use Psychic it is still able to manipulate its Psychic to use it in a similar way, I have to be careful'

Julian "That really surprised me, full control over psychic powers. It must have been hard to train it"

Agatha "Indeed, looks like you figured it out just by looking at it once. Now that you know about it how do you plan to escape, I could tie down your Gengar in a place and not let it escape, it will be your loss"

Julian "That is indeed a great plan, but let's not talk about winning or losing right now, I still have few tricks up my sleeve"

Agatha "Oh, then how about you show it to me boy"

Julian "As you wish, Gengar"

As Gengar was still stuck in a place by the psychic layer but when he heard Julian's call he released a dark purple energy from his body which started to accumulate inside the psychic layer, Agatha's Gengar could feel an internal pressure building inside the psychic layer so it tried to reinforce it but it was useless, the dark purple energy gathered more and more and the pressure kept on increasing until a crack appeared and suddenly the psychic layer shared into pieces releasing the dark purple energy as it rushed out and covered the whole battlefield, feeling this dark energy everyone present in the stadium felt a sudden chill running down their spine.

Agatha was shocked by sensing this energy.

Agatha 'Ghost Energy, I never expected to feel such a powerful one in my lifetime, this Gengar is just as scary as those that are talked in those ancient times, its good that it is under control of a powerful trainer or I don't know what kind of havoc it would have caused'

Agatha "Gengar lets finish this quickly Dark Pulse"

Agatha's Gengar who was intoxicated by sensing the amount of Ghost Energy quickly snapped out and sent a powerful Dark Pulse towards Julian's Gengar, this Dark Pulse was very powerful due to the exposed ghost energy Agatha's Gengar suddenly gained a powerup and increased its firepower, this was indeed noticed by Agatha so she wanted to finish this quickly.

Julian "Gengar into the shadows"

Gengar escaped the Dark Pulse and disappeared into the shadows.

Agatha 'Why did he go back into the shadows again, does he wants to continue the cat and mice game, but if he does that he will tire his Gengar fast'

Agatha was in a dilemma, she didn't know what to do.

Agatha 'What is he thinking?'

Agatha really didn't know what Julian was planning to do but she could not miss this chance as well, it was clearly a trap but if she escaped this trap it would be her win, seeing the probability of her winning being 50/50 she decided to take the risk.

Agatha "Gengar into the shadows"

Julian 'She fell for it, now let's use this new move'

Julian [Gengar as soon as I give the signal use it]

As soon as Agatha's Gengar entered the shadows Julian didn't waste a second and commanded Gengar.


Just when Agatha's Gengar entered the shadows it suddenly felt it being held by something and the next moment it found itself being trapped inside a dark-squared box, suddenly dark purple chains came rushing out of nowhere and locked onto its hands and legs, it tried to struggle but the hold was unbreakable, after few seconds Julian's Gengar suddenly appeared in front of it with a huge grin on his face.

Gengar [hehehe it's over]

Julian [Hypnosis then Dream Eater]

While Agatha's Gengar was trapped in an unknown place, outside Agatha was panicking.

Agatha "GENGAR, where is my Gengar"

As soon as her Gengar entered the shadow she suddenly felt it, her Gengar's presence suddenly disappeared from the battlefield.

As she was panicking and looking everywhere she suddenly saw a shadow in the middle of the battlefield and soon Julian's Gengar came out of it as it pulled out Agatha's Gengar who was completely knocked out.

Agatha was shocked seeing her Gengar knocked out, she didn't even know what happened just a few seconds passed and her Gengar was already out.

Agatha 'What happened?'

Julian just smirked seeing this.

Julian 'It was just a few months ago did I found out about this skill Gengar developed, after reaching full mastery over his Ghost Energy he suddenly disappeared but even his presence disappeared with him, but when he reappeared he explained to me that he had entered a weird dimension all of a sudden, after thinking about it I realized that this was one of the abilities Gengars gained when they mega evolve, they can go into a dimension and stay there as they watch their enemies. I think every Gengar is capable of doing this if they gained full mastery over their Ghost Force, then I trained Gengar on how to control his Ghost Energy to enter this Dimension whenever he wants and soon he developed this skill to trap his enemies. Even though Gengar has developed this skill he cannot still fully master it as it is very taxing, it can only be used as a hidden trump card.'

Julian was very pleased with the results, this move was very hard for Gengar to master and it's still not perfect but the results are still to his expectations.

The Referee walked forwards to check on Agatha's Gengar and found it unconscious and so he declared the winner.

Referee "Agatha's Gengar is unable to battle so Julian's Gengar wins, the winner of this battle is Gengar"

Announcer "Its over another one falls down, now Julian has only one opponent in his way to become the champion"

Agatha just stood there in a daze but soon gained back her sense, she then walked towards Julian.

Agatha "What was that move?"

Julian "Everyone has a secret!" he said with a smile.

Agatha also smirked after hearing his answer.

Agatha "Indeed everyone has a secret but you boy have more than one"

Julian justs awkwardly laugh after listening to her.

Agatha "Well then now I can finally retire, after this amazing battle I don't have any regrets now"

She said and walked away, Julian looked at her then looked at his Gengar who was exhausted.

Julian "Looks like that move was really taxing huh?"

Gengar just nods and goes back to his Pokeball to rest, Julian also left the stadium so that he can get ready for his final battle.

Announcer "That's all for now, join us next week for the final battle where Julian will face Lance to become the champion"


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