Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 85 - A One On One Battle

Today was Julian's third battle and another step closer to become a champion, his today's opponent is Agatha who is a ghost type user and probably the most experienced trainer he will ever face.

Julian 'Agatha is a Champion level trainer and was a very powerful rival of Professor Oak, I don't know what battle strategy she is going to use against me, well I am quite excited for this battle even more than facing Lance' ​​

Julian got ready and headed towards the Indigo Stadium, on his way he met Bruno who was holding a stick and a sack which was tied at the end of it.

Bruno "Yo Julian, so you are heading towards the stadium to battle Agatha, let me tell you this, that old lady is scary and is easily triggered so be careful with your words"

Julian "I know, thank you"

Julian shook his hand.

Bruno "Well then I will be going back to my home town the Sevii Islands to train more so that one day I will defeat you"

Julian "Good luck"

Saying this they part their ways, Julian soon arrives at the Stadium and enters his waiting room and waits for the announcement to start.

As he sits patiently on a bench with his eyes closed he think about his strategy for his battle against Agatha.

Julian 'Talking smack to Agatha will not help as she is experienced old woman and won't fall for any provocations'

He falls into a deep thinking state and finally sighs in disappointment

Julian 'Well overthinking won't help a bit, looks like I have to come up with something on the battlefield'

Time passes as Julian already hears crowd gathering at the stadium, soon the announcer also starts to introduce the guests and finally the competitors, a man wearing a committee's worker uniform walks in and signals Julian that he is up so he gets up from his seat and walks towards the gate.

Announcer "It's here the third battle for our challenger Julian on his path to becoming the champion of Kanto, today he will face Agatha who was a contender for the championship position against Professor Oak in the past, she is the current member of the elite four of our region and today she will be standing in Julian's way from becoming a champion"

The crowd shouts in excitement as they wait for there favorite trainer to take the stage

Announcer "Ok now let's introduce our first trainer, give a round of applause for Agatha"

The door on the opposite side of the stadium opens revealing an old lady with blond hair, a purple dress and a wooden staff in her hand. She slowly walks up to the battlefield as she waits for her opponent to show up.

Announcer "Our next trainer is everyone's favorite Julian"

Julian looks at the closed door in front of him which slowly starts to open and the sunlight hits his face, he looks forward to seeing Agatha already waiting for him on the battlefield as she stands there with the help of her staff. Julian starts to walk as he enters the battlefield, seeing his the audience starts to burst in cheers.

Agatha "Would you look at that, you are quite famous aren't you"

Julian "Indeed, I didn't expect myself to be this famous as well"

Agatha "You are very cocky but you deserve to be as you are already such a powerful trainer at your age"

Julian "Well being cocky is just one side of me, I have many personalities but only one of them is real"

Agatha "So what is your real personality"

Julian "Secret"

He says with a smile, Agatha just stares at this kid in front of her, this is the first time she wasn't able to see through a person who is younger than her.

Agatha 'I thought that I have overestimated him but I still underestimated him, he is indeed a scary young man'

Agatha then picked her staff and places her hand on its cat-shaped head and opened it like a flip cap to reveal a Pokeball inside it.

Agatha "I don't like lengthy battles at all so how about we make it a one on one battle"

Julian looked at her and thought about the current situation.

Julian 'A one on one battle, it has both its advantages and disadvantages, if I am not wrong that Pokeball on that staff is her Gengar's so I don't have many options either'

After thinking for a while he finally decided to go with her idea.

Julian "As you wish"

Announcer "Oh, it looks like they both have agreed to have a one on one battle to decide this battle"

The referee walks in and looks at the competitors

Referee"This is going to be a one on one battle between the challenger Julian and the elite four's member Agatha, the first pokemon which is rendered unable to battle looses"

The referee looks a Julian then at Agatha.

Referee "Both trainers ready?"

Agatha/Julian "Yes"

Referee "The let the battle begin"

The referee waves the two flags in his hand signaling the start fo this battle.

Agatha takes out the Pokeball from her staff and throws it upwards as a Gengar comes out of its Pokeball as it floats in midair and waits for its opponent.

Julian "Let's go"

Julian also throws a Pokeball in the air and his Gengar also enters the stage, both Gengar stares at each other with a savage grin on their faces, the both are Gengars but they look different as well, while Agatha's Gengar was bigger than a normal Gengar, Julian's Gengar was bigger than her's, Julian's Gengar was also darker in color than Agatha's dark purple Gengar.

Agatha "Your Gengar is quite different, I must say you must take good care of it"

Julian "Well he is a shiny and I do take good care of him"

Announcer "Looks like an interesting battle is going to take place, a battle between two Gengars, this is going to be exciting"

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