Sensing the power being gathered inside the ice cannon attached to the ship, Alder's eyes shrank from fright as he knew this was too much for him or his pokemons, they cannot counter it no matter how many pokemons he brings out.

Zinzolin, Colress, and N were carried back to the ship, and as soon as they got inside the ship the cannon released its ice blast and the ship started to leave without waiting for anyone, the team plasma grunts who were still up and fighting saw this and decided to make an escape, they caused multiple explosions with smoke bombs and ran away leaving the fallen ones behind. ​​

Alder looked at the incoming attack and knew he has to do something.

Alder "Volcarona, use Fire Blast full power"

Alder didn't waste any time and asked his Volcarona to go all out against the Fire Blast, his Volcarona spread its wings wide releasing small fire particles while doing so, the atmosphere around them started to change as things started to get hot very fast.

The Ice on the ground started to melt in an instant and people around the area started to sweat from the heat instantly, all of them wiped the sweat off their foreheads, neck, and arms and watched the current scene taking place.

Their eyes blinded by the bright light from the fire surrounding Volcarona, once Volcarona was finally charged up it launched it at the incoming Ice Blast aimed at it.

The Fire Blast that was released was massive and burning hot, it traveled very fast soon reaching close to the Ice Blast.

The two energies finally collided, when they first made contact there was a sound of sizzling traveling through the air and into everyone's ears, this sizzling was very loud, and people all over the city could hear it, it was very clear that something was being burnt very rapidly.

Alder saw that the Fire Blaze was of some effect as it seems to have blocked the Ice Blast in its path but suddenly his hope turned into a nightmare as the Ice Blast didn't stop, it tore right through the Fire Blast leaving a hole right in the middle.

The Fire Blast disappeared into the atmosphere and the Ice Blast still continued down at extreme speed, all this happened under a few seconds and nobody was able to even comprehend what just happened.

They just stared as the Ice Blast got closer and all hope was lost, they just hoped that they just get frozen and no one dies.

Julian [Gengar take care of it, use Black Hole]

Julian saw what was happening as he walked outside the gym, Gengar moved so fast and appeared in front of the Ice Blast, nobody even realized how a Gengar got here, they were surprised to see a Gengar appear out of nowhere.

But what happened next surprised them.

They saw this Gengar create a black circle in thin air, well its shape is actually a sphere but because it is so black that people cant see its area at all, it looks like a 2D object in a 3D world, this ball was so black that even light had a hard time escaping it, the surrounding light was being sucked in as well, this is a new move Julian and Gengar came up with, Julian called it Black Hole because it acts like one.

Luckily this version is not strong as a real black hole that can be found in the expanding universe, this is just a very weak one, enough to suck in a half a region inside it if Gengar wanted to.

As the Ice Blast came near the black hole its speed suddenly accelerated as it got sucked in by immense force, soon the long powerful beam of Ice disappeared into thin air leaving only the Gengar and its tiny black sphere which is just floating in the air trying to suck in light itself.

Gengar waved his hand and the Black Hole disappeared leaving no trace behind and light returned to the place.

People are shocked by this development, they looked at the Gengar is shock and horror, how could a pokemon be so strong? They wondered.

They then saw the Gengar heading towards the gym's entrance and enter into the shadow of a person wearing a mask and sunglasses.

When Drayden saw this person he sighed in relief, his prayers had come true, there could only be one person who would be in possession of such a powerful Gengar, that is none other than Julian.

When Alder saw the man in the mask, he smiled in relief as well, he didn't expect Julian was here as well, now that he thought about it, no wonder Zinzolin and Colress made a run for their life, entangling with Julian is the worst mistake they could make.

They are in the outside world where the league's rules and regulations don't matter and Julian also doesn't have to hold back to destroy his opponents, he could just use his most powerful pokemon to destroy his enemies.

Zinzolin was smart and he made a run for his life.

Alder understood this, he felt lucky, he and Drayden then walked towards Julian to thank him.

Alder "Mr. Julian, I am really grateful that you were here and took care of the threat as well"

Julian "I had to step in or the innocent people would have been hurt"

He said.

Drayden "Mr. Julian, about the DNA splicer"

Julian "No need to worry, they left them where it belonged, but you will have to replace the glass case and the door to the room, they destroyed that"

He said in a casual tone.

Drayden "Thank Arceus"

He said and sighed.

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