Since Julian has secured the DNA splicer, Drayden and Alder have nothing to worry about.

Julian "Looks like I won't be getting my pokemon battle any soon" ​​

He said as he looked around, the whole place was covered in ice, and to remove it all, it will take some time as removing the ice without damaging the structures that are around is really hard.

Some homes around the gym have been completely frozen and people are being rescued right now, people were covered in ice, luckily the league moved fast and along with the police they got to work and remove people from Ice.

Till now there has been no case of death or severe injury, the only thing that these people are feeling is cold and nothing else.

Drayden "Yes, it looks like it has to be postponed"

Drayden said.

Julian "Then I will be leaving I will look around the city"

Alder "Take care"

Julian "You too"

He finally bid his farewell to Drayden and Alder and left, he really didn't expect something like this would happen today.

He had been keeping up on the news and making sure to learn about everything Team Plasma does but they were very quiet, Julian didn't like how quiet they were but he couldn't do anything about it, their members had gone into hiding so he couldn't search and ask their either.

What he didn't expect was that they would attack when he was about to challenge his last gym and that too attack the gym itself, they were very unlucky to choose this day to attack.

He returned back to his hotel room and decided to meditate to clear up his head, he has already sent a message to the leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis, to stop whatever he is up to but Julian knows how this all turns out.

These old men are too arrogant and egoistic to believe that someone can end them and then they will make a terrible decision which will piss Julian off and it will then fast-track their own destruction.


In the sky of Unova, a massive floating ship with a massive ice cannon attached to it is heading towards Virbank City, southwest of Unova.

Inside the ship, N could be seen sitting on a chair and from the look on his face, one could tell that he is really angry.

N "Why did we have to leave, I almost had Alder defeated"

He said.

Zinzolin "It wouldn't have mattered even if you defeated Alder, there was an even more dangerous person inside, that is why we abandoned the DNA splicer and escaped"

N "Who?"

Zinzolin "You have already met him, the person that defeated you in Nimbasa city"

N "Him? Who is he really?"

Zinzolin "You don't know much about him since you spend all your time with pokemons in your castle, this person's name is Julian, and he is none other than the former champion of Kanto"

N "You said former so he was defeated before?"

Zinzolin "No, he has never been defeated, he just gave away the title of the champion because he didn't want it"

N "Why would someone do that?"

N asked. He knows how much authority and power a champion has in his or her region that is why he wanted to bring down Alder and defeat him, which will help him bring down the league as well.

To N giving away the title is completely stupid.

Zinzolin "He called it a burden that he didn't want"

N "A burden?"

Zinzolin "You don't know much, being a champion of the region is not an easy job, a lot more goes into it and that is why they also have so much power"

He said.

N "So how strong is this Julian?"

He asked.

Zinzolin "Let's just say that no one in Unova can defeat him"

He said.

N felt silent as he wondered about Julian, he became interested in Julian, he wondered why Julian would abandon his title of the champion, how much of a burden can it really be, N is very innocent, he doesn't know how the world really works, Ghetsis has made sure that N doesn't get influenced by anything from the outside world.

Anything that N knows is thought to him by Ghetsis so he has been trained for a very young age, N's name is even named after Ghetsis full name and N thinks of Ghetsis as his father.

Zinzolin knew that he cannot talk much about the outside world with N because of Ghetsis.

After hours of traveling the flying ship finally arrived near Virbank city, the ship then landed on top of a plain grass field, suddenly the ground shook and the area that the ship was on started to go down.

Once the ship was fully underground another layer of land covered it from the top leaving the place exactly as before, as if nothing happened here at all.

Zinzolin, Colress, and N walked out of the ship, the Team Plasma grunts that were working around saluted them as they passed through.

They then walked in front of a massive door which opened after Zinzolin inputted his biometrics on the scanner, they walked in and saw Ghetsis and a very hot woman talking with each other, Ghetsis was wearing his usual dress, the long coat, and a massive staff next to him.

While the hot blonde woman next to him is wearing a very tight suit that showed her curves, her hair was tied up in a bun and she is also wearing glasses, this girl is the newest lawyer that was hired by Ghetsis.

And it looks like they are discussing something very important.

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