Outside the gym, N and Alder are standing in front of each other ready for the other person to make a move.

Alder could tell that the boy in front of him has improved a lot and he wants to see if the improvement will matter in this battle. ​​

N being the younger one got bored of the waiting game and made the first move.

N "Carracosta, use Hydro Pump"

His Carracosta blasted a powerful burst of Hydro Pump at Alder's Volcarona,

Alder "Counter with Bug Buzz"

Alder's Volcarona clearly being the stronger special attacker here released a powerful wave of bug energy that clashed and distorted the Hydro Pump and made it completely useless, the water just lost all its power and momentum before falling on the ground.

Alder "Volcarona, use String Shot and swing it around"

Volcarona is fast and it got behind Carracosta within seconds and used String Shot, the strong sticky string latched onto the shell of Carracosta tightly, now with Carracosta under its control, Volcarona lifted it up in the air and started to swing it around everywhere.

It then slammed the Carracosta on the ground with immense force causing the ground to shatter which caused rubbles to fly everywhere, the sticky silk also snapped as the force was too much for it to handle.

Alder smiled as he saw this, this move has put so many of his opponent's pokemon to sleep but he was surprised when he saw N Carracosta get back to its feet.

It looks like it used its hard shell as protection, it hid its head and arms inside its shell when Volcarona smashed in on the ground, Alder figured out that this Carracosta has a ridiculous defense, to tank that hit from his Volcarona, it is not something even other champion level pokemons can do.

Alder is impressed but the battle isn't over N's Carracosta just survived one hit.

N "Carracosta, use Rock Slide"

N decided to go for moves that will deal even more damage to Volcarona, since it is four times weak to Rock-type attacks, Rock Slide can deal serious damage to Volcarona and its physical defense is also not very good.

Carracosta hurled a lot of massive rocks at Volcarona.

Alder saw the danger and quickly made his move as well.

Alder "Volcarona counter with hurricane"

Volcarona let out a cry and started to flap its wings hard, the winds started to go crazy as everything started to get lifted off the ground, the incoming rocks thrown by Carracosta were also stopped in their tracks as the Hurricane was just too powerful.

Alder finally showed his full power, the power of the Hurricane sent the rocks back to Carracosta as they hit it hard, Carracosta was then hit by the wild winds and lifted off the ground, it tried to protect itself by going inside its shell but that didn't work, the wild winds entered through the shell's opening and dealt damage.

Carracosta was sent flying up high in the sky by the Hurricane, it then came down very fast due to the help of gravity and crashed on the ground causing another crater on the ground.

N "This is not over, Carracosta, use Stone Edge"

The fallen Carracosta suddenly pulled out its head and arms from the ground and slammed its arms into the ground, suddenly massive glowing rocks ripped through the ground and charged at Volcarona, Volcarona was not fast enough this time and got hit by the powerful rock and was sent flying through the air and then crashing into the ground.

Alder was surprised by this again, he thought that the battle would have ended after that Hurricane but Carracosta was able to still pull out a move out of nowhere and hit his Volcarona.

He looked at his Volcarona and realized that it got hurt by that attack, it was indeed something his Volcarona can take once again, his Volcarona is indeed strong but its defense is its worst enemy, a powerful rock type attack like Stone Edge could have finished off any pokemon with four times weakness to it but his Volcarona is still not out.

Alder realized he cannot look down on this kid any longer, he was as strong as him and has a chance to defeat him in a fair battle, in this short amount of time N has improved a lot.

Alder's Volcarona got back in the air as it shook away the pain it is going through right now.

Alder "Can you continue?"

He asked to which his Volcarona nodded.

Alder "Alright then, N, I will have to admit you have indeed become very strong but today is not the day you will defeat me and you won't succeed on your mission today"

N "I don't need your praise, today you will go down old man"

Alder "Alright then, give it your best shot"

Alder said and laughed, it has been a long time since he faced an opponent that could challenge him.

"N we have to leave, mission failed"

N suddenly heard a voice from behind telling him that the mission has failed, he turned around to see Zinzolin and Colress rushing out of the gym in a hurry.

N "What happened, where is the DNA splicer"

Zinzolin "It's not the time to ask questions, we have to get out of here right now or we will be in big trouble"

Zinzolin said and looked around and he was surprised to see the champion of the Unova region here as well.

Zinzolin "Looks like things are already very bad, let's go"

Zinzolin said and took out a small remote and pressed a button, suddenly three drones shot out of the ship that was hovering above the ground and picked up, Zinzolin, Colress, and N and lifted them up in the air.

N "I am not done yet, I don't need the DNA splicer to defeat him"

N said.

Zinzolin "It doesn't matter even if you defeat Alder, there is someone even more dangerous than him inside the gym"

Zinzolin said.

Alder "You are not going anywhere"

Zinzolin "Haha, you can't stop me"

Zinzolin said and pressed another button on the remote which suddenly caused an energy fluctuation that caught everyone's attention, they all looked up and saw that the ship that is floating up in the air is gathering energy.

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