Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 843 - Another Stupid Ambition

Julian smiled since Zinzolin agreed to cooperate, he took out a chair and sat down while he let Zinzolin and Colress stand.

Julian "You see I don't have too many questions, just a few of them" ​​

He said and smiled as he looked at Zinzolin and Colress's reaction, he then started his questions as he didn't see any reaction from Zinzolin or Colress.

Julian "So why are you after this DNA splicer and what does it do?"

Zinzolin "We were asked to retrieve the DNA splicer by our boss, he wants to use it to take control over the Unova region and then maybe the world, and what does the DNA splicer does, I will let the scientist talk about it"

Zinzolin said and looked at Colress.

Colress noticed Zinzolin's gaze and took a deep breath before starting to speak.

Colress "DNA splicer can be used to fuse the legendary pokemon Kyurem with one of the two legendary dragons"

Julian "Oh, you mean that Kyurem can either fuse with Zekrom and Reshiram?"

Colress "Yes, since they were a single pokemon once before, with the DNA splicer a fusion can be achieved"

Julian "I see, by fusing Kyurem with either Zekrom or Reshiram, your boss wants to create an even more powerful pokemon to take over Unova?"

He asked.

Zinzolin "That sums it up"

He said.

Julian "For fuck sake, another crazy bastard that thinks they can take control over the world after capturing a pokemon, and how does he even plan to catch it, is your boss dumb?"

Julian asked.

He was quite fed up with this organization that went after the legendary pokemons, it was not that these pokemons are not powerful, it was just that these organizations are not powerful enough to handle the legendaries and due to this stupid obsession they hurt a lot of people on the way.

Zinzolin and Colress didn't know what to say, Zinzolin was very clear about this situation with the real leader of Team Plasma and he knew that this was a bad idea from the start but since the money was very big he just decided to follow orders and nothing else.

Other things didn't matter to him, whether Ghetsis fails or passes, Zinzolin's life would not change, he would just become richer than before no matter the outcome.

Zinzolin "Well that is how it is"

He said and smiled.

Julian "Ok, one last question, who is the real leader of Team Plasma?"

He asked with a serious tone, making sure that this message goes across their head that he is not kidding right now.

Zinzolin stood silent for a few seconds before spilling out the beans, he knew that lying is not a good option right now, the young man in front of him is a dangerous man.

Zinzolin "His name is Ghetsis, the leader of the Seven Sages"

Julian "I see, the leader of the of Seven Sages, Ghetsis. Why don't you deliver this message to Ghetsis, just disband Team Plasma and go into hiding so that he won't cause much trouble to my life"

Zinzolin "Of course, I will deliver this message of yours"

Julian "Well first you have to get away from here, don't worry I won't do anything, the real problem is outside the gym"

Julian said and smiled.

Zinzolin frowned as he heard Julian.

Zinzolin "Ok then I will be leaving, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Julian"

He said and walked past Julian and this time Julian didn't stop him.

Julian "Colress right?"

Julian suddenly asked.

Colress stopped and looked at Julian.

Julian "I see a potential relationship in the future between us, don't get in trouble and I might strike you a deal in the future"

Julian said.

Colress smiled and nodded at Julian.

Colress "Thankyou I will be careful"

He said and walked away with Zinzolin.

As he sat on the chair he waited for the footsteps of Zinzolin and Colress to fade away, once he couldn't hear anything he got up from the chair and walked towards the DNA splicer.

He walked up the stairs and got on top of the altar and looked at the DNA splicer that was kept inside the glass case, he reached out and grabbed it and took a look at it.

As he grabbed on to the DNA splicer, he felt a gush of powerful energy pulsing through his body, he could feel the powerful dragon energy coming from it, the energy was so pure and powerful, even his Garchomp's aura would pale in comparison to it.

He tried to study it but he couldn't so he decided to let his best weapon handle it, his system.

Julian "System, analyze this DNA splicer and find out how does it work"

System 'OK, task received, taking sample'

He heard a voice and an energy wave came out of his body and surrounded the DNA splicer and started to collect samples.

System 'Sample collected, the task is now being executed'

He heard this and the system went silent just like before, Julian then put the DNA splicer back to the glass case and decided to walk out and take care of the situation outside.

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