Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 82 - Julian VS Bruno (1)

The waiting was finally over for Julian as he would face Bruno today, he could see the crowd gathering in front of the Indigo Stadium from his hotel room.

Julian 'Hmm, wonder how today's battle gonna go' ​​

As he was thinking he heard the doorbell ringing, he opened the door to see a lady room service bringing his breakfast, he soon ate it and got ready for his battle.

He walked out to find a few reporters camping around the hotel so he had to sneak out silently, after entering the stadium through the back door he sighed with relief.

Julian 'No matter which world it is, these reporters are really the most annoying people around'

He started to walk towards the waiting room to wait for the battle announcement as he was about to reach he met someone in the hallway, it was Agatha walking slowly. Julian saw her and smiled and nodded his head a little and walked passed her, he also noticed a pair of eyes in her shadow staring at him, Julian looked at these pair of eyes and waved his hand and walked away, soon he entered his waiting room.

Agatha "Looks like he was able to notice you as well, we have to be careful in our battle"

Agatha said as a Gengar came out of her shadow and smiled ear to ear while nodding its head.

Back to Julian, he sat down on a chair and closed his eyes to clear his mind of any foreign thoughts.

Julian 'Her Gengar was really well hidden, if not for the Omniforce I wouldn't have noticed at all, she is going to be a good opponent'.

Time passes and Julian is signaled to get ready for the entrance.

Announcer "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls we are back at it again, a pokemon battle which will keep you at the edge of your seats, today's battle is going to be a big one, on one side we have Bruno the member of the elite four and on the other side we have the fan favorite Julian. Both of them are exceptional trainers, one is a Fighting-type trainer and the other is an allrounder. Now get up from your seats and let's welcome them"

The Announcer calls in both Julian and Bruno as they enter the battlefield, Julian enters the battlefield and sees his opponent Bruno a tall strong man with exposed upper body and spiky black hair.

Julian "You should have put on some clothes, I don't want to see a half naked man in front of me"

Bruno looks at Julian for a while.

Bruno "I prefer to battle like this, this way I can connect with my pokemons"

Julian 'Looks like he won't get swayed by trash talk, well its better this way'

Soon the referee enters the battlefield, this time he is wearing protective gears all over his body.

Referee "This is going to be a Four on Four battle as per requested by the Elite Four member Bruno. The rules are simple the trainer who loses all four of his pokemons first will lose"

He pauses for a second and looks at Julian and Bruno as they nod their head indicating they understood him.

Referee "Trainer Julian, ready?"

Julian nods his head.

Referee "Elite Four member Bruno, ready?"

Bruno "Yes"

Referee "Then let the battle begin"

The referee waves the two flag in his hand indicating the start of the battle.

Bruno "Go Hitmonchan show him how to battle"

Hitmonchan enters the battlefield and takes a defensive boxing stand from the start

Julian 'A defensive fighter'

Julian "Go Pidgeot"

Pidgeot also enters the battlefield as he flaps his wings and maintains a distance from his opponent.

Bruno "Being in the air won't help you at all, Hitmonchan use Agility then Bulk Up"

Hitmonchan used status moves to increase its speed, attack, and defense.

Bruno "Now Jump and use Mach Punch"

Hitmonchan jumped high up in the air towards Pidgeot and tried to deliver an uppercut using Mach punch but missed as Pidgeot easily dodged it by moving to the side, Hitmonchan landed back on the ground rolled back and took a boxing stance again.

Julian 'It really knows how to jump but what's the use of jumping when it cannot change direction in mid-air, I don't know what he is thinking looks like he is just like Ash just does what he feels like will work, and that Hitmonchan is really good at attacking as well, I have to make sure that Pidgeot doesn't get hit by it multiple times'

Julian "Pidgeot Air Cutters"

Pidgeot sents out multiple sharp Air blades towards Hitmonchan.

Bruno "Hitmonchan dodge them"

Himonchan uses its legs to do simple hoping movement and dodges the barrage of Air cutters, its movements are similar to a boxer hoping and skipping around.

Julian 'Really nice form but it's not gonna help'

Julian "Hurricane"

Pidgeot starts to flap his wings as the airspeed starts to increase all of a sudden and forms a huge tornado which starts to pull everything inside it.

Bruno "Hitmonchan use Stone Edge"

Hitmonchan uses stone edge and huge rock pillars emerge from the ground.

Bruno "Now hold on to them until it stops"

Hitmonchan quickly gets between two rocks and holds its ground as the Hurricane comes closer and closer, the rock pillars start to vibrate by the pressure of the Hurricane but they are still sturdy, Hitmonchan strengthens its grip and holds on tightly.

Julian 'It is indeed a good technique to not get sucked inside the Hurricane but how will they escape it tortures winds and flying pebbles'

Soon the Hurricane comes over the rock pebble, Hutmonchan is now inside the Hurricane trying its best to hold up but it looks futile, the wind speed is extream as it starts to shake Hitmonchan for the pillars but Hitmonchan holds on not giving up, but it doesn't end there soon the small stone pebbles started to hit Hitmonchan, each and every one of them are traveling at wind speed and hit Hitmonchan causing it to feel pain all over its body, these stone pebble even where able to successfully able to put multiple cracks on these rock pillars, if this continues Hitmonchan will be out for good but it was quite lucky as the Hurricane stopped revealing Hitmonchan as it huffed its chest in and out taking in a large amount of air.

Bruno "Hitmonchan are you alright?"

Hitmonchan nods and looks back at Pidgeot.

Julian "Let's end this Wing Attack"

Pidgeot rushes down towards Hitmonchan with full speed as his wings glow to deliver the final blow, Bruno just looks as if he is waiting for a perfect moment, Julian notices Bruno's behavior and warns Pidgeot telepathically, as Pidgeot was just meters away from Hitmonchan Bruno takes action.

Bruno "Now Counter"

Hitmonchan quickly makes a subtle movement and moves away from Pidgeot's path and moves in for a powerful punch, since Julian had already noticed it he was ready for it.

Julian [Now do a spin and grab its hand and slam it on the ground using its own speed]

As the punch was about to deliver to Pidgeot, he did a sudden spin and escaped the punch but it was not over, as Pidgeot was upside down this current moment he used his claws and grabbed onto Hitmonchan's arm and turned around, sudden lifting Hitmonchan from the ground and slamming it onto the ground, Julian didn't want to waste this chance.

Julian "Finish this, Brave Bird"

Pidgeot quickly took air and dived down as his body was covered in blue energy and slammed directly onto the struggling Hitmonchan which sent it rolling back towards Bruno and knocked out.

Bruno didn't even have the time to give any command as it was all over in a few seconds.

Bruno "That was really a fine battle, you did well"

Bruno called back his Hitmonchan and looked at Julian.

Bruno "That was really something I have never seen before, looks like I have to step up my game"

Bruno takes out a Pokeball and pointed it towards Julian.

Bruno "I have just a perfect opponent for you Pidgeot, Go Onix"

An Onix entered the battlefield but this Onix was really different, it was big, bigger than any normal Onix standing 10 meters tall, it had a scar on its face from its right eyes to its nose.

Julian 'That's really a huge Onix, its actually close to my Gyarados size or maybe a little smaller, Gyarados has grown a little bigger recently'.

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