Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 81 - Gengar The Spy.

At a residence near Julian's hotel, a man in the black suit was speaking to someone on the phone.

Man in the Black suit "Boss the Assassination attempt has failed, the target is tougher than we think, I think we should retreat for now" ​​

The person on the other side of the phone is the leader of the Shadow nation, he has a frown on his face as he hears the report "Do as you wish and don't reveal anything if you get caught"

Man in Black Suit "Yes Boss"

He puts the phone back inside his pocket and looks at a man tied down on a chair beaten badly.

Man in Black Suit 'Looks like he really doesn't remember anything, but how is that possible? I have to look into this myself'

After thinking for a while the man walks away leaving behind the unconscious assassin.

Somewhere in the Hoenn region Chloe is surfing the internet and seeing Julian's photos everywhere.

Chloe 'It really is you, I hope you will be safe until I come to you'

She sighs and looks down and pats the head of her Pokemon.

Chloe "Let's go Salamence"

Salamance carries her and flies away into the sky.

Back to Julian, he is enjoying his day, resting and eating.

Julian "There is still two days for the next battle no need to tense up"

Julian lays down in the hot water bath and closes his eyes taking a relaxing breath in.

Julian "Life is so much better this way"

But his peaceful day comes to an end because he hears a knock on his door.

Julian 'Who could it be?'

Julian dries himself and wears a robe and walks towards the door to open it when he opens the door he sees an old man wearing a butler uniform, the old man bowed down and hands him a cell phone, Julian looks at this old man for a while and takes the phone.

Julian "Who is this?"

"Julian, I heard you are a very good trainer and you are young, you don't want to lose all that don't you?"

Hearing this Julian burst out of laughter.

Julian "Are you the one who assigned the Assassin or the one who ordered my Assassination? Well, my guess is that you might be the big boss aren't you?"

"You really are someone I cannot kill so easily, how about we forget about this incident and be partners"

Julian "I have no interest in becoming partners with any crime syndicate but I am curious about your purpose for my Assassination attempt"

"Since you already know I will tell you, stop right here, quit your ascension of being champion or only death awaits you"

Julian "Ho, so you sent assassins just for such a petty reason, jokes on you because I never wanted to become a champion I was challenging them for fun, but now seeing how you targeted me I am going to destroy your organization and leave nothing behind, don't think that you can hide forever I have my ways to find you guys"

Julian crushed the cell phone on his hand and looked at the old man in front of him, the Old man just stayed still there the whole conversation, after that, he bowed once again and walked away. Julian looks at him for a while and closes the door.

Julian 'There is a crime syndicate other than the once I have seen or heard, and they did a grave mistake by interfering in my peaceful life, I am going to bring hell upon them'

Julian brings our Gengar to do some investigation.

Julian "Gengar follow the old man which was just outside and see who he meets and what he does"

Gengar nods and disappears from his sight.

Julian "Now let's just wait and relax"

Gengar followed the Old man while he was invisible, at first Gengar didn't notice anything noteworthy about this old man, he was going around the hotel doing his job as other workers but it didn't take long when it was dusk the old man started to act suspiciously, he would look around and try to see if anyone was spying or following him around, after finding no one was on his tail, he changed from his uniform to a casual dress and went out.

Gengar followed behind the old man and they entered a residence near the hotel, the old man knocked five times which followed a rhythm, soon the door opened and a man in the Black suit was seen inviting the Old man inside, Gengar also phased through a wall and started to listen to them.

Man in Suit "How was their conversation?"

Old Man "I didn't want to get involved in this shady business of you and your boss but I owe him a favor and this is all I will do"

Man in Suit "I know that Old man, now tell me what happened?"

Old Man "The Young man laughed at your boss mocking him, I think you guys should hide, that Young man is no joke, he even declared that he will bring down your syndicate for trying to assassinate him"

Man in Suit "Does he think he can take on a whole Syndicate single-handedly?"

Old Man "I don't know and I don't care, tell Brad that this was the final favor now I owe nothing to him, Go back to Hoenn and stay low I don't know what will happen to you if you stay here in Kanto, I am disappointed in you, I thought you will serve your region with the skills I thought you but you were just another delusional minded person blinded by power and greed, take care Simon"

The Old man walks away leaving behind the Simon (The Man in the Black suit) as he looks at the old man's back.

Simon "Even if you were my teacher you didn't give me anything but now I have money and power and that's all that I need"

The Old man didn't reply and walked away, Gengar looked at the Old man than Simon, he looked around this place and found some knives and guns around after that Gengar went back to Julian to tell him what happened.

When Gengar reached Julian's room he sent his memory directly to Julian, this was another function of Julian's power, to see the thoughts and memory of a person or Pokemon if they wanted to show him, he could obviously force someone to read their mind but that would cause mental injury to them so Julian refined from using this method.

After looking through Gengar's thoughts Julian learned few new things.

Julian 'So the big boss of this Syndicate's name is Brad and that Man in the Black suit is Simon and it looks like they are from Hoenn'

Julian thinks for a while about this.

Julian 'Hoenn, I plan to go there anyway but it will take time until then I will let them do what they are up to but first I should visit this Simon, let's see what new information he can provide me'

When night fell Julian walked out of the hotel and went to the residence he saw in Gengar's thoughts, he went near the door and knocked the door five times with the same rhythm the old man used. Simon who was having a smoke hearing the knock was startled.

Simon "Why is the old man visiting now?"

He went and opened the door only to meet a super-fast punch right to his face, he didn't even have the time to react and was knocked out coldly. After some time he woke up and found himself tied up to a chair and in front of him was Julian who was holding a water bottle in his hand.

Julian "Did you have a good rest, Simon?"

Simon glared angrily at Julian.

Simon "You think I will speak a word to you, even if you torture me I won't open my mouth"

Julian "You got me all wrong Simon, I am not a type of person to torture and I know for a fact that you will answer every question I ask without any resistance"

After five minutes Julian walked out of the room while drinking soda which he took from the house's fridge, back in the residence Simon was out cold as Julian had erased his memories of their meeting.

Julian 'So they are an underworld Syndicate and their main base is in Hoenn, they also have side branches in other regions as well but they aren't active at all, they only start working when received the command from the main headquarters. Brad is the big boss alongside four others who are as strong as a region's Champion'

After thinking for a while Julian gets it.

Julian 'I see if another Champion is crowned the imbalance and advantage they have against the League committee will be broken and endangering their Syndicate, so they tried to assassinate me so that it never happens, but there is still something missing, what is the purpose of this Syndicate and what are they looking for?'

Julian walks back to his hotel room and lays down on his bed.

Julian 'Let's not think about it so much, I will see what happens when I visit Hoenn'

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