Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 83 - Julian VS Bruno (2)

The 10 meters tall Onix stares at Pidgeot with an intense gaze as it is ready to battle at any moment.

Bruno "Onix Harden, then use Rock Throw" ​​

Oxin body shined as its defense went up and it created multiple rocks and launched it towards Pidgeot with full speed. Pidgeot dodged them but it was harder than it seemed, the path of the rocks where very random and unpredictable, it was due to Pidgeot's speed and keen eyes ability that it was able to see the incoming rocks.

Julian 'This Onix is stronger than I expected, its control over its element is also good, it would make a fine Steelix by using a metal coat'

Julian "Pidgeot use Sand Attack"

Pidgeot starts to flap his wings causing the sand on the ground to rising and create a cloud of dust and disappearing from Onix's vision, as Onix was huge it could clearly see the sky and the area near its head level but couldn't see the ground which was covered by sand cloud. Pidgeot maintained a low level and kept himself away from Onix's eyes.

Julian [Steel Wing]

Julian gave a telepathic message to Pidgeot and Pidgeot did the exact as he sneaked behind and attacked Onix with multiple steel wings as Onix roared in pain. Bruno noticed this and quickly took action.

Bruno "Onix get underground"

Onix dived down and disappeared into the ground.

Julian "Pidgeot take the sky"

Pidgeot came out of his hiding and soared high to the sky.

Bruno "Now Rock Throw"

Onix came out from the ground and sent multiple Rocks towards Pidgeot who was still flying straight up, seeing little to no chance of escaping this attack Julian decided to go full assault.

Julian "Pidgeot dive down spinning using steel wing"

Pidgeot did a free fall and got into position and started to spin rapidly using steel wing, the spinning Pidgeot looked like a drill coming down at full speed. Pidgeot and the Rocks clashed in mid-air, rocks went shattering one after another but Pidgeot was also slowed down.

Bruno "Now Tackle"

Onix coiled its body then launched itself towards Pidgeot who was coming down towards it, both of them finally clashed in mid-air and Pidgeot was sent flying back up and half of Onix's body crashed on the ground.

Julian "Pidgeot get into position and use Feather Dance"

Pidgeot who was sent flying up adjusted himself in mid-air and shook his wings causing multiple glowing feathers to fall down, few of them toughed Onix and reduced its Attack power.

Julian "Brave Bird"

Bruno "Iron Head"

Pidgeot dived down with full speed as his body was surrounded by blue energy flames, Onix also coiled its body as its head glowed, it was ready to pounce using Iron Head at any moment, the waiting was over as Pidgeot and Onix clashed again, this time the impact was massive, the shock wave caused the air in the surrounding to distort, and the explosion left behind blinded everyone by its light, soon everybody saw both Pidgeot and Onix tired and scratched all over their body.

Julian "Let's end this Steel Wing"

Pidgeot glided down as his wings glow as it reflected the sun rays of it, soon he was near Onix.

Bruno "Now Bind"

Julian "Now Finish it"

As soon as Onix moved its body to Bind Pidgeot, Pidgeot did a sharp turn and came close to its head and launched a Hyper Beam at point blank range sending Onix crashing down on the ground and causing it to faint.

Referee "Onix is Unable to battle Pidgeot Wins"

Announcer "Onix is down, but Pidgeot also looks very exhausted it was really a hard fought battle"

Julian had already informed Pidgeot to use Hyper Beam if there was a counter coming at them and seeing Onix try to Bind it Pidgeot launched his Hyper Beam at its face, after this attack Pidgeot is also very tired as he struggled to fly so he went and landed near Julian.

Julian patted his head "You really were awesome out there"

Bruno looked at his Onix who was unconscious and then looked at Julian.

Bruno "I didn't expect your Pidgeot to be this strong"

Julian "Your Onix was also very powerful"

Julian then looked at Pidgeot as he breathes heavily as it was exhausted by battling, seeing this Julian knew Pidgeot cannot continue anymore so he gave him a pokepuff and sent him back to his Pokeball.

Bruno "Let continue this, Go Hitmontop"

Julian "Infernape let's go"

Both Pokemon enter the field and stare at each other, both of them are Fighting types so the tension builds up as they look at each other.

Bruno "Let's see how well does your Infernape know how to fight, Close Combat"

Julian "Counter with Close Combat"

Hitmontop jumps and gets onto its head and starts to spin rapidly and blots towards Infernape, Infernape takes a stance and he uses his legs as springs and launch himself towards Hitmontop with full speed, as they get close to each other Infernape makes the first move and launches a straight left towards Hitmontop, Hitmontop counters it by using its legs while spinning clockwise and deflected Infernape punch, Infernape doesn't waste the momentum and spins counterclockwise and delivers a roundhouse kick to its body and sends Hitmontop rolling on the ground.

Bruno 'That kick would have been fatal if it landed on Hitmontop's head, he should be careful'

Bruno "Hitmontop, be careful don't lose your ground"

Hitmontop who is sent rolling gets back to its feet by spinning back to its feet as it holds onto its stomach where the kick was delivered, Hitmontop again launches itself towards Infernape as it spins and its legs starts to glow, it was trying to use Mega Kick on Infernape, Infernape stood his ground and waited for Hitmontop to get closer, as soon as Hitmontop got closer Infernape jumped high up avoiding Hitmontop and launched a Focus Punch downwards, Hitmontop escaped it by an inch but the power behind the punch caused the ground to shatter like a spiderweb and Hitmontop suddenly got its pointy head stuck in one of the cracks and tumbled and fell while losing its spin, Infernape took this chance and bolted towards Hitmontop.

Bruno "Hitmontop quick use Substitute"

Hitmontop suddenly created a dummy and hid behind it as Infenape came closer and delivered a Focus Punch blasting away the Substitute into pieces.

Bruno "Now Quick attack using Double Team"

Hitmontop quickly creates some distance then creates multiple images of itself as they all rush towards Infernape using quick attack.

Julian "Burn everything Flamethrower"

Infernape takes a deep breath and spits burning flames which goes right through every duplicate Hitmontop and finally hits the real one sending it flying backward then suddenly the Burning effect takes place causing flames to erupt out of Hitmontop's body as it falls down on the ground completely knocked out.

Referee "Hitmontop is unable to battle Infernape wins"

Bruno looks at his Hitmontop's state and sighs.

Bruno 'That Infernape was way above Hitmontop's league, it didn't stand a chance from the start. Looks like I only have one option now'

Bruno "Go Machamp"

A Machamp enters the battlefield and looks at its opponent.

Bruno "Machamp be careful and don't let your guard down, this might be your toughest battle ever"

Machamp nods its head as it starts to flex its four arms around and gets into position.

Bruno "Use Dual Chop"

Machamp moves forward and attacks Infernape with Dual Chop.

Julian "Counter it with your own"

Infernape also launches himself towards Machamp as both of them collide using Dual Chop and the next moment Infernape takes the lead as he sends Machamp a few meters backward.

Bruno "Wrestle it down with your strength"

Machamp takes a step forward to grab Infernape but its too slow, Infernape easily dodges the incoming arm then suddenly sends a Thunder Punch to its Stomach as sends Machamp crashing through the ground.

Bruno "Machamp get up then use Brick Break"

Julian "Finish this using Close Combat"

Machamp goes forwards to deliver a Brick Break but due to its slow speed Infernape dodges again then he uses Mach punch and delivers an Uppercut to Machamp's jaw sending it flying up in the sky, Infernape follow by jumping up and grabs onto Machamp's back and delivers a german suplex to it as it comes crashing down to the ground with its back first, it doesn't end there as Infernape continues its assault as he uses Flamewheel to directly land on Machamp's body then he grabs Machamp's leg and taus it up in the air and delivers a knee to its stomach using Blaze Kick sending it higher into the sky. Infernape lands then take a stance and create an orange flaming ball between his hands and launch a powerful Focusblast at the falling Machamp and send it crashing towards the wall and plants it deep inside it.

Bruno didn't even have a chance to give a command as Infernape didn't let Machamp to even take a breath and pummeled it until it fainted.

Referee "Machamp is unable to battle, Infernape wins. The winner of this battle is Julian"

Announcer "It's over another Elite four member falls in front of Julian"

The crowd burst into cheers as they shout Julian's name, Infernape walks back towards Julian as he pats his head.

Julian "Good Job buddy"

Bruno stays still the whole time as he had never expected his strongest pokemon to be manhandled so easily by his opponent, he also realized his biggest flaw, he always trained his pokemons strength leaving them lacking in other fields, he had never experienced this kind of lose in his lifetime as his pokemons always overpowered his opponents but this time it was completely different.

Bruno 'Machamp couldn't even touch Infernape as it was too slow, on the other hand, Infernape was both powerful and fast so it easily overpowered my Machamp'

Bruno called back Machamp then walked towards Julian.

Bruno "It is my loss, I hope you continue this winning streak"

Julian shook his hand and nodded as he walked away.

Announcer "And today's even comes to an end see you all next time"

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