Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 780 - Another New Member

Julian sent out Garchomp to handle this little rouge Deino, as soon as Garchomp took the stage the Deino stopped and turned towards him while pausing for a few seconds, he could sense a very powerful pokemon nearby and its gaze locked on to him.

Deino felt pressured and suddenly blasted a Dragon Pulse at Garchomp, Garchomp didn't move and took the hit direct on him but it didn't even put a scratch on him, this type of puny attacks didn't matter to him even if he is weaker to them. ​​

Deino realized that his Dragon Pulse didn't make any difference and he started to get intimated and started to walk back while growling at Garchomp, as the breeders saw Deino's behavior they were surprised.

It is not like they didn't try to intimidate the little Deino but it never worked, and when it came to his parents they are already dead due to old age, Deino's parents were very strong pokemons, equal to a champion level pokemon but they were very old.

This Deino was the last one they gave birth to before dying so with no parents around they couldn't find another replacement for Deino, and finding a champion level pokemon is very hard, champions are called champions because they are the most powerful trainer in a region and only they are able to develop that level of pokemon.

Even the league is not able to do so, just money cannot help, it depends on how good a trainer really is, and that is why the league puts so much effort into employee powerful trainers like champions and elite four.

With no access to champion level pokemon and that too a dragon, it was nearly impossible to calm down the Deino but now there was finally hope.

The breeders could tell how powerful the Garchomp really is, his scales are shiny, his fangs and teeth are sharp and white, its blades are pointy and sharp, its muscles are firm and strong, a pokemon that has been raised in the best condition, just his size is enough to tell that this Garchomp is the best, even an amateur can tell the difference.

Seeing the Deino finally back of intimidated by the presence of this massive black Garchomp, even though intimidated the Deino was not going to calm down, he blasted another Dragon Pulse at Garchomp but just like before it had no effect.

Deino seems to be getting frustrated, he suddenly started to shake its body and dropped a berry from the fur around its neck, he then ate the berry and used Belch.

He sent a massive blob of poison at Garchomp and from the looks of it, this one looked very poisonous so Garchomp moved to the side, as the blob of poison landed on the grass it sizzled and killed the grass on the ground as they turned brown and rotted.

Julian is once again surprised by this, this Deino even knows how to use Belch, a very powerful poison type move and he could clearly see the effect of this attack, getting hit by one of them would inflict severe damage on an opponent and on top of that they might get poisoned as well.

Seeing that his attack failed Deino was concerned now, he tried to shoot another Dragon Pulse but before he could, he heard a loud roar that scared the shit out of him and he backed off.

Garchomp's roar shook the whole premises and everyone got scared out of their mind, luckily the rouge little Deino had curled up into a ball afraid of the monster that is in front of him, Julian smiled awkwardly and started to approach Deino.

He put up a very friendly aura while he walked towards Deino slowly, before the Deino was too aggressive to approach, now it has been backed to the corner and back to his senses in presence of a very dominant dragon, Julian is able to approach it.

Deino noticed that someone is approaching him and he was a little concerned but the aura around this person was very relaxing and he didn't feel any danger, he soon forgot about the presence of the dominant dragon and calmed down as he let Julian approach him.

Julian arrived right in front of Deino and bent down and touched his head and calmed him down, Deino couldn't see who this person is but he felt comfortable and safe as soon as Julian touched his head.

He has never experienced this, some pokemons never meet their parents but sometimes they get lucky and survive the harsh jungle and turn out fine but Deinos need their parents to control them, it is their nature to destroy things and without any parent around, they get uncontrollable just like this little guy.

But now he looked like a completely different pokemon, even the breeders who have been taking care of this Deino were surprised by how calm he is right now.

Deino felt safe around Julian and he has never felt this before and he felt happy, it was as if he finally found the thing that was missing in his life.

Julian lifted the little guy and put him around his arm, seeing that Deino is being handled with hand, the breeders were once again surprised by this.

Julian smiled and walked towards the man who brought him here.

Julian "So, he is mine?"

He asked.

The man is stunned but quickly came back to his senses, he looked at the Deino which seems to be totally calm right now, he looked at Julian and back at Deino and finally sighed as a smile appeared on his face.

"Finally, someone is able to control this little runt, I hope you take good care of it"

He said and extended his hand, as he did Deino suddenly stretched his head and tried to bite off the man's hand for approaching Julian.

The man quickly pulled back and laughed awkwardly.

"Looks like he still needs a little more training, well anyways, thank you for taking care of Deino"

He said and bowed, he then looked at Julian's Garchomp with interest.

"By the way, are you interested in breeding your Garchomp, its babies can be one of the best pokemons out there"

He said interested in breeding Garchomp's babies.

Julian "Na, I am not interested"

He said and called Garchomp back to his Pokeball before finally leaving the breeding center after bidding his farewell along with a new member in his team.

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