Julian followed the man as he was led to the other side of the massive yard, Julian heard explosions coming through, when he heard this he was surprised and rushed towards the area.

When he arrived there he saw something very interesting, a Deino and it is going rouge, it is blasting Dragon Pulse everywhere and causing trouble. ​​

Julian looked at this Deino and was impressed by it, it's Dragon Pulse looks very powerful for its level, Julian knows that Deino's are aggressive pokemons, since they can't see they constantly move around biting and tackling everything in their surrounding to learn about it.

But this Deino was not just aggressive, it was destroying everything, the baby pokemons around the area were already taken away as they could get hurt, Julian also noticed that this Deino is the only pokemon which is very strong here, rest of the pokemons here are either baby pokemons.

And for the parent pokemons that are kept from breeding, they are inside the center in another area, this Deino is very powerful compared to other pokemons in this massive yard, it may even be able to hold its own against Julian's Larvesta if it wants to.

Julian looked at the man who he followed and walked towards him.

Julian "Why is that Deino acting like this?"

He asked.

"Ah, that Deino is special, as you can see, he is the best pokemon we ever bred in our center but he is very aggressive and no one is able to control it at all, his first trainer couldn't handle him and sent him back to us.

We decided to send him to the police but they couldn't handle him as well, we sent him to the league and they couldn't do it either.

Now we are responsible to take care of him, we don't know what to do, if we release him in the wild, he might cause a lot of damage and he might even die, and being the best pokemon we ever bred we cannot just let it go.

Now he goes rogue and starts attacking without any warning and we always have people around him ready to remove all the pokemons around the are when he goes rouge"

He explained and sighed, it was really troublesome to take care of this Deino.

Julian "That's very troublesome"

He said while looking at the Deino with interest, he wondered how hard it can be to control this little beast and he was intrigued by the idea of bringing this little one under control, he could already see what a power pokemon this Deino is.

This man is not lying when he said that Deino was the best pokemon they ever bred but the side effect was he was very aggressive in nature, he didn't bite and tackle, he destroyed things with his Dragon Pulse.

Julian "What if I am able to calm it down?"

He asked.

Hearing him the man was surprised but he was doubtful, many tried to control this little beast but none could, he was too tough to handle and nobody dared to get close to him after experiencing its brutality.

"I don't know if it's a good idea, if you really think you can calm him down then he is yours, anyone able to calm him should be able to train him"

He said.

Julian "So how do you usually deal with him?"

"Well we just let him vent till he gets exhausted and goes to sleep"

He said.

Julian "I understand"

He said and walked past the man and towards the rouge Deino. When the breeders and their assistants saw a man approaching the Deino without any caution, they were surprised.

'Does he have a death wish'

This was the only thought that they had in their mind.

The Deino who is blasting Dragon Pulse everywhere stopped and turned at Julian's direction, even though they cannot see, they have very good hearing, even the slightest twitch that cannot even be heard by humans can be detected by them.

Deino the suddenly blasted a Dragon Pulse at him, Julian jumped to the side and dodged the attack, this Deino was really aggressive and didn't allow anyone to get near him.

Being a Dragon, Julian already knew how to easily calm it down, Dragons are dominant species but if they are in presence of another Dragon that is more powerful they will be more well behaved, they should be powerful enough to intimidate the other party, even if they are strong but not intimidating it won't work.

And Deino being blind makes it even worse, it cannot see if someone is pissed off or not, it will keep attacking, Deinos in the wild are always under their protection of their parents, once they evolve into their second stage they will be left alone by their parents and they have to take care of themselves.

With no parent to keep this little one is check, this is the reason why this little one is so aggressive, breeding Deino is a very bad idea and without its parents around its even worse, Julian doesn't know why these people didn't let this one hang out with its parent but that doesn't matter anymore, this one is already out of control.

No trainer would ever want to start off with a Deino, even Veterans stay away from this pokemon because they know how hard it actually is to control them but Julian wants to take on this challenge.

He took out a Pokeball and sent out his Garchomp.

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