Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 781 - Looking Into Skyla

As Julian walked out of the breeding center with his new pokemon around his arms, he is really happy, he just got a pseudo legendary pokemon for free with no effort.

Deino are hard to find in the wild, one of the hardest pokemons to find because of their nature to stay away from everything, they didn't even like to hand around with other pokemons, the only time they would be around other pokemon is when they are chasing one for food. ​​

So catching them in the wild is near impossible and even if someone is able to find them, they have to be very careful, they have to be very strong to defeat the Hydreigon that is protecting its baby.

While people have to go through so much to catch one, Julian just got one for free, it is only because he showed that he could control this little rascal that even the league of the police were unable to do so.

Julian taking this rascal away was the biggest gift he could have given the breeding center as Deino will not be able to destroy their property and it will save them a lot of money.

Since both parties are happy, they let it slide.

Deino couldn't see so he doesn't know what is happening but being around the person that is carrying him felt safe, he is still a young pokemon so it was a natural reaction but Julian has to be careful.

Just because the little guy is calm now, it didn't mean he will be calm forever he will start to cause trouble again after some time as it is their nature to do so.

Deino turned its head around to sense the continuous change in its surrounding, his hair could feel the direction of the air while his ears picked up the slightest change in the surrounding, just by this Deino had a rough sketch of the area around him within seconds.

Having no sight allowed him to have heightened senses in other areas, as he was observing his surrounding he noticed movement above him, it was not the person holding him but something small that was attached to him.

He noticed a small creature moving in the air, round and round around him, this annoyed Deino and he tried to bite down this annoying little thing but he couldn't, this little thing was too fast and too nimble for him.

He could hear it giggle and make fun of him, he got really pissed and blasted a Dragon Pulse at the little thing but he could tell that he didn't hit.

He then suddenly felt the person holding him place his hand on top of his head and he calmed down,

Julian "Crystal don't bother him, and treat him well"

Deino heard the person holding him talk to this little thing, he then notices it go back to his holder and fall asleep again.

Julian looked at the Deino around his hand and sighed, this little one will be the hardest pokemon to take care of, he knew it will be hard to raise a Hydreigon but he took the challenge willingly.

He then took out a Pokeball and touched Deino's head and put it inside the Pokeball, luckily it didn't resist and went into the Pokeball without putting any resistance.

With Deino being added to his team, his Unova team became complete.

Darmanitan, Escavalier, Gigalith, Excadrill, Larvesta, Fraxure, Archen, Golett, Deino, nine pokemons.

The first four pokemons are already at their final form and their physical growth slowed down but they gained a better understanding of their energy and nature, while the other half of his team are growing physical at a fast rate as they are still young but they lack full control of their energy.

Even though most of them are at the same level or closer to each other level wise, their power scale is very different.

With nothing else to do, he headed to the nearest forest to train his pokemon for his upcoming pokemon gym challenge, his opponent is Skyla, even though he has spent quite a lot of time with her he never bothered to ask her about her battling style because he wants to battle her fair and square.

Well making her a servant might not be the greatest way to make a battle fair and square but she will never go against his orders so she will give her all if he tells her to do so.

He looked into Skyla's profile and looked into her record and to his surprise, she has a very high winning rate, trainers voted her as the second hardest gym leader to defeat right after Drayden who seems to be the strongest gym leader in Unova.

It's not that Skyla has stronger pokemons that others, her way of battling are very challenging for trainers, she usually does double battles in which she will use two flying-type pokemons to dominate the battlefield.

Trainers try to beat her using electric type pokemons but they can only defeat her if they are able to land a hit on her pokemons but it seems to be very hard as well.

Seeing this Julian is impressed as he wondered how Skyla will do against him, her team consists of a Swoobat, a Skarmory, and her ace a Swanna.

Her first pokemon Swoobat is not a big concern but its speed is blinding and it will be hard to land a hit on it, her second pokemon Skarmory is a very bulky Pokemon with very high physical defense but it won't be as big of a concern as her Swanna.

Her Swanna is a water/flying type making it 4x weaker to electric type moves but what surprised Julian was that this bird pokemon is a tough nut, he found a video in which this Swanna took a thunderbolt head-on and just shrugged it off.

Swanna's are very balanced pokemon, they don't have any bad stats but they don't stand out either, equal attack and special attack stats allow it to have a very wide range of attacks which can be very helpful during a dual battle.

After looking into everything, Julian quickly came up with a strategy and started to train his pokemons.

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