Julian stood there looking at the people who were looking at him with wide-open eyes, he didn't expect Kukui to recognize him to early, well since he is the only person Kukui knows to have a black Garchomp so it was an easy guess.

Julian got off his bike and pulled out the file from his dimensions pocket and looked around and walked towards Professor Kukui and gave it to him. ​​

Julian "Delivery from Professor Oak, this is for Professor Kukui"

He said without showing any emotions but it didn't matter as his face is still covered, Kukui got confused for a second and took the file and started to laugh, soon Julian followed and started to laugh as well.

Kukui "Looks like I was right, what are you doing here?"

Kukui asked. He could recognize his friend anywhere.

Julian "I said I will be heading to Unova right, Professor Oak gave this to me right before I left for here"

He said and removed his face mask and his hood before finally revealing his face and identity to the others present.

Julian "So who were they?"

He asked. He is still curious about this group in black who could own such a massive hovership, the biggest Julian had ever seen.

Kukui "I don't know, but I was fun seeing their face drop when your Garchomp entered the scene"

Kukui said and laughed, he remembered how scared those people got when they saw that massive energy dragon crashing into the ground and sending everyone flying back.

Julian "I just went a little overboard, that was not needed"

He said and sighed. He then turned towards Caitlin who is walking towards their direction.

Julian "Miss Caitlin, it's a pleasure to meet you, Cynthia told me about you"

He said and shook her hand.

Caitlin "It's my pleasure as well to meet the strongest trainer, I hope Cynthia said all good about me."

She said and smiled but inside she is nervous, this was Julian, her best friend's boyfriend and also one of the strongest pokemon trainer in the world, she turned to look at the Garchomp beside him.

She had seen Julian's Garchomp in action on TV when he faced off against Cynthia's pokemons in his last battle, the power it showed was quite terrifying.

She then looked at Julian's shadow and frowned, she couldn't tell what that shadow was but she didn't understand when it got here and how did Julian know all this was going to happen.

Julian "Looks like my Gengar scared your Metagross and got hurt, Gengar say sorry"

Julian called out Gengar to ark sorry, Gengar slowly got out of his shadow and bowed down to Caitlin as if he is saying sorry but the massive grin on his face betrayed him, nobody would believe that Gengar would be sorry for his actions.

Caitlin "How did Gengar get here and how did it no that Team Plasma was going to attack?"

She asked.

Julian "On my way here I saw the hovership and I thought it was weird so I sent Gengar behind it and if my guess was right he would take care of it and looks like I was right"

He said and smiled.

Caitlin nodded and stared at Julian for a few seconds.

Caitlin 'No wonder Cynthia fell for him, he is really good looking, shit what am I even thinking'

She quickly shook off the thoughts in her head and nodded back with a smile as well.

Julian "By the way, you said they are Team Plasma, what is all this about?"

Julian asked. By now he is used to these stupid idiots who run massive organization to take over the world, Julian doesn't understand these people at all, what would they even achieve after succeeding in world domination and even if they were going for world domination they should at least make sense, they are destroying their own source of income after destroying everything.

Team Plasma would be another pile of shit in Julian's lawn that he will have to clean up.

Caitlin "Team Plasma, at first the league thought that they were only a small group of delinquents but soon we found out that they are a massive organization and they have influenced all over the world, even larger than the league itself but their main headquarters is here in Unova so they are under the League's watch, such a massive criminal organization cannot be left alone"

She said and stopped.

Julian "I see, I will keep an eye for them"

He said and looked at Professor Juniper.

Julian "Pleasure to meet you as well, sorry for all the property damaged done by Garchomp"

He apologized to Juniper as he looked at the destroyed ground around the lab, he still needs to check if there was any damage done inside the lab as well.

Juniper "No don't worry about it, the insurance will cover it, I am just glad that you arrived in time or we couldn't have saved Professor Kukui's Project, if it falls in the wrong hands it could be used for illegal purposes"

She said and sighed while looking at the destruction that took place, it will take some time before everything is repaired.

Julian "Ok, so everything is here I guess, when will the testing start?"

He asked Kukui.

Kukui "Now that the file is here, I will go through them, do some cross-examination then start the test"

He said and walked into the lab and Julian followed right behind him with the rest of the party.

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