Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 604 - Something Wrong

Julian and the others entered the lab and took a seat while Professor Kukui and Juniper did their stuff, Juniper's friend Fennel also joined them to help with the project.

Julian, on the other hand, talked with Caitlin and got to know more about Unova and how it runs around here. ​​

Since both of them knew Cynthia it was not awkward at all, Caitlin talked about some childhood incidents between her and Cynthia and both of them laughed at it.

Seeing that it is time for the testing to be held Kukui called Julian and Caitlin to see it with their own eyes.

They turned on the two large capsules which started to glow from the bottom, Professor Juniper then brought a stone statue of a human on a cart towards on of the capsule, a Machamp followed right behind her and helped her put the stone statue inside one of the capsules.

Now that everything is set, Kukui just needs to type in the coordinates and press enter and see the magic.

As Kukui pressed Enter the capsule with the stone statue started to hum as the light from below started to cover the statue, the capsule's inside got very bright as no one could see anything that was happening inside, suddenly the second capsule also started to hum and the space around it seems to have flickered a little before the light appeared in it as well, soon the light took the shape of the human statue, as both capsules stopped emitting light everyone could see the result.

The stone statue has successfully teleported from one place to another, they had done these testings before but never with such a heavy object and seeing that it is successful Professor Kukui got really happy.

A teleportation device has finally been created.

Julian "Congratulations, Kukui"

He congratulated his friend for the massive success, even Caitlin congratulated him along with others.

Now that the first testing is complete, Kukui will head back and bring back a huge team with him who will start to mass-produce this machine.

With this machine all over different regions, traveling will be much easier but it is not for everybody, it takes a lot of energy to transport one object from one place to another so only people with money can use it for now.

As time passes they will find a better alternative or the machine will be optimized further to perform more efficiently but for now this is enough, this is the first generation of teleportation device so it is a huge achievement to its created who is Kukui.

The day went by and Caitlin left as she is a busy woman, same could be said for Kukui and Fennel as both of them also had their own work, Kukui headed towards Nimbasa city as it is the center-most city in Unova and that is where the main research is being held right now, it may not be the biggest city but it is one of the most important cities of Unova region.

So Kukui has to go there quickly and give the good news to his team.

Now that Julian's job is done here he decided to rest here for few days before heading out and properly look around the vast Unova region and what is there for him out there.


Two days later_

Julian is looking around Professor Juniper's lab, the habitat here is really suitable for pokemons and he found many pokemons roaming around the area.

He also noticed that most of these pokemons are very weak, they seem even weaker than a starter that a novice trainer gets.

Julian continued looking around when he heard someone that he recognized, he headed back to the lab and noticed who it was, it was Ash.

Julian saw Ash, his mother, and Professor Oak with Professor Juniper, he was wondering where she went early in the morning, it looks likes she went to fetch them.

Julian "Professor Oak? What are you doing here?"

He asked. He didn't expect to see him here.

Oak "Haha, I decided to go on a vacation and Unova is the best for this time of the year so I came here along with Ash, by the way, I heard the testing is over, wish I would have arrived a little early"

Julian "Next time you want to do something, do it yourself and you won't miss out"

He said and chuckled and finally looked at Ash and Pikachu once again, that is when he noticed it, Pikachu seemed different.

He got closer to Pikachu and kept his focus on him, he then noticed some spark discharge out of Pikachu's cheeks.

Ash "Julian, what is it?"

Ash got worried as he saw Julian looking at his Pikachu weirdly.

Julian "Something is not right with Pikachu... Did something happen?"

Julian asked.

He couldn't see the powerful aura that Pikachu had around him, during their battle in Sinnoh, Pikachu's aura was very high and right now it seems nonexistence.

Ash "Yes, something did happen, how did you know?"

Julian "What happened?"

Ash "Just when we arrived in Unova, Team Rocket showed up and tried to snatch Pikachu but suddenly a massive storm appeared with a giant thundercloud which was spitting out lightning"

Julian 'Thundercloud?'

Julian frowned when he heard this.

Ash "And then suddenly a massive lightning bolt struck Pikachu, Pikachu then retaliated with his own Thunderbolt and you know what I saw inside the Thundercloud?"

Ash got excited.

Julian "A Pokemon?"

Ash "Yes a Pokemon, it was like a shadow with red eyes and there was lightning all around it, it looked very strong, and when it disappeared the storm disappeared as well"

Julian 'I can't believe I missed Zekrom'

Julian thought and sighed.

Julian "Ok, that's enough, you should go and show Pikachu to Professor Juniper, there is definitely something wrong with him and she might be able to help"

He said and patted Ash's shoulder and stood straight to see Professor Juniper and Oak have already left with Ash's mother.

Julian "You should go catch up to them"

Hearing Julian Ash realized that he got left behind and ran towards them, as Ash went away the smile on Julian's face disappeared and got replaced with a worried expression.

He could feel it, Pikachu seems to have lost something but he couldn't tell what.

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