Well, the answer to his question is that Gengar broke through the limit, the third pokemon in Julian's team to break though level hundred, after seeing what Giratina could do, Gengar understood some important principle and he made the breakthrough.

But he still has a lot to do before he catches up to Snorlax, the sleeping monster who broke through in his sleep and Infernape the cheat who has the strongest flames in existence. ​​

As Gengar's aura was released something else happened as well.


Outside the lab, things are going pretty well as Caitlin's Metagross is able to hold off both Absol and Bisharp, even Professor Kukui and his Pokemons are holding up against the heard of pokemons that are constantly attacking them.

Caitlin ordered her Metagross to use Metal Claw to counter Bisharp's Night Slash, as the two moves clashed it created a massive shockwave and the Bisharp was sent flying backward, Caitlin's Metagross is too strong of one of them to take on.

Seeing Bisharp's attack fail, Absol attacked from behind with Night Slash as well, but Caitlin's Metagross suddenly turned around and countered with another Metal Claw when something happened.

Caitlin's Metagross froze on the stop as it sensed something which put it in a state of shock and fear which caused the Night Slash to land perfectly on Metagross and on top of that it seemed like a critical hit.

Caitlin's Metagross went crashing into the ground and got badly hurt.


She shouted in shock, she didn't understand why this happened, from what she saw her Metagross could have easily deflected that attack but why did it stop and that Night Slash did a lot more damage than it should have done.

Even the Shadow Triad member seemed to be surprised by this but he didn't care much about it and tried to go for the finish.

Caitlin got worried as her Metagross is badly hurt and is struggling to collect itself.

"End it.....Bisharp, Night Slash"

"You too Absol, Night Slash"

As both pokemons were going for a big one hit they started to charge up their attack, Absol's horn grew bigger and started to glow purple, the same thing happened with Bisharp, the blades in its hand became bigger and started to glow purple.

As they were about to move for the finish, they suddenly heard a loud roar coming from the top, they suddenly looked up as they felt chills run down their spine, they saw a massive blue energy dragon coming down at them.

The Absol was a little further so it moved to the side and dodged it while the Bisharp had no choice but to take it head-on, the massive energy dragon shut its jaws shut on Bisharp as it tried to counter with its Night Slash.

Everyone stopped as they saw the massive energy dragon come down and crashed into the Bisharp, the shocking wave pushed everyone back on their feet, some weak pokemons and grunts were seen flying backward.

As the smoke cleared up, everyone saw the culprit, it is a black Garchomp and he is standing tall with Bisharp's head beneath one of his legs, his gaze pierced through the Absol and made it back down in fear.

Everyone didn't know what was happening, the weaker pokemons stopped moving and just stood there.

The two members of the Shadow Triad are shocked as well, they felt the power and they could see the damage done by this Garchomp, that Bisharp's head is planted right under the ground with cracks extending from the middle.

Everyone became silent as they didn't know what is going on, why would this Garchomp come and rescue them.

Kukui "Isn't that...."

Before he could say it they heard a motor's noise getting closer to them, all of them turned towards the direction and saw a man in a black coat, his face covered with a black mask, his head covered with a hood and riding on top of a black bike.

Julian "That's enough you should all leave"

He said while looking at the Shadow Triad members, hearing Julian they looked at each other then looked at the direction of the lab.

Julian "You should take that one with you as well"

As Julian said this, the Shadow Triad members saw a black shadow carrying a human and a pokemon out of the lab, they were none other than the Shadow Triad member than entered the lab and his pokemon.

The shadow threw them towards the Team Plasma group and went towards the man in black and blended into his shadow.

Julian "I said, leave"

He said once again and this time the aura was different, everyone in the surrounding got scared and they realized that it is coming from the man's shadow.

The Shadow Triad members looked at each other and carried the fainted Triad member and signaled the grunts to fall back.

".....Mission failed, falling back, an unknown enemy has interfered with the mission"

One of the Triad members spoke on the microphone attached to his ear and entered the hovership, the grunts followed behind.

Soon the hovership took off and zoomed away in hurry, they were afraid as they might get hit and once they get hit, they will come crashing down.

Julian just watched them fly away, he didn't want to completely destroy these bunch of fools in front of Professor Juniper and the company or it would leave a bad impression.

Kukui "Julian?"

Kukui was the first one to react as he looked at the man in black.

Juniper "Julian?"

Caitlin "Julian?".

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