Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 601 - How Strong Is This Monster?

Caitlin stood there and looked at the massive hovership descending down, she recognized the symbol on the hovership, the symbol is a shield-shaped badge which is black and white and has P and S on it.

Caitlin knew about this group, it is team plasma and they have been a huge pain in the ass for the league in Unova, and they seem to be very strong as well, during some digging the league found that Team Plasma's influence is beyond Unova and all over the world, they seem to be even bigger than the League itself. ​​

But their main base is here in Unova, the league has tried very hard to find what Team Plasma is really after but they have no clue at all, the only thing that the league knows about Team Plasma is that their leader goes by N, they don't know his name or purpose.

They mostly go around trying to convince trainers to give away their pokemons and if they fail to convince the trainer they will use force.

At first, the league was surprised by their actions and thought it was some small gang trying to cause some mischief and let the police handle them but soon they got out of hands and the league realized that this organization is massive with a lot of man and pokemon power behind them and they were a serious threat to the people living in Unova, there were some cases where trainers were so badly hurt by them that they had to be hospitalized for months, broken bones were very common in their victim list.

As the hovership landed Caitlin pulled out her Pokeball and got ready to battle, as the door of the hovership opened many men in black suits rushed out with pokeballs in their hand and region behind them were three men walking out of the hovership, all three of them have long white hair, they are wearing black sleeveless shirts with baggy black pants, all of them looked very similar.

Their face are covered with black cloth and they have a black bandanna on their forehead.

Their eyes looked lifeless as if they have no emotions at all.

Caitlin frowned as she saw them this was her first time encountering these people.

They slowly walked out and looked around.

"Looks like we have an obstacle"

One of them said with a very flat tone, people wouldn't know if he is angry, worried or happy, his voice didn't show any emotions in it, he felt like a puppet.

"....Indeed, there seems to be an obstacle, The Elite Four member Caitlin shouldn't be here"

Another one said with the same flat tone.

".....It doesn't matter, we will do as our Lord N said and complete the mission"

The third one said.

Caitlin "Who are you people?"

She asked. She felt a dangerous vibe from these three men, they didn't look normal at all.

"...We are the Shadow Triad, we are beings of shadows, our mission is to take the teleportation project from you to our Lord N and complete our mission"

The one in the middle said.

Caitlin didn't expect Team Plasma to come all over to Nuvema town to seat Professor Kukui's project, well it is a very important project for the development of humankind so she knows why it is so valued, there have already been many attempts to steal the project but the league was successful in defending it.

But it's different this time, no one should know about the testing process unless there is a mole in the League which is not surprising as there have been moles found inside the league before.

Caitlin "I am warning you, turn away right now and no one gets hurt, if you continue any further, things will not end well for you guys"

She warned them while tightly gripping to her Pokeball.

"...We should get rid of the obstacle first, Number 2 and Number 3 take care of the Elite Four member while I retrieve the project, grunts take on the others"

The Shadow Triad in the middle said and started to walk towards the lab while the grunts that they brought rushed out and released their pokemons.

They numbered in the fifties so Professor Kukui had to get serious, while he is a Pokemon Professor he is also a Pokemon Trainer who is above an Elite Level Trainer, not champion level but very close.

Kukui "No one is taking my Project, Incineroar, Braviary, let's go"

Kukui sent out his pokemons as he got surrounded by Grunts and their pokemon, Professor Juniper and Fennel took cover as they don't have any strong pokemons to participate in the battle.

Caitlin rushed in front of Shadow Triad Number 1 to stop him and sent out her Metagross but the other Two Shadow Triads intervened and blocked her path and let Number 1 pass right by her as she couldn't do anything as she is now engaged in a battle with two strong trainers.

Both of then sent out their pokemons, one of them sent out an Absol and the other sent out a Bisharp, both these pokemons are strong and are releasing a very powerful aura.

Caitlin got serious as she knows that this will be a hard one, she looks around and sees that Professor Kukui and his pokemons are also occupied as he is surrounded by bunch of pokemons.

Soon Caitlin and the Shadow Triad members start to engage in a very destructive battle that scares away the pokemons living around the area.


While all of them are engaged in the battle, the other member of the Shadow Triad enters the lab without any resistance, some of the lab assistants tried to stop him but they got knocked out by his pokemon Accelgor.

The Shadow Triad member soon arrived in front of the main computer where the Project is connected, he then takes out a drive and plugs it into the computer when he suddenly felt something, his body shivered from cold, he noticed that the surrounding has gone very cold and he felt chilly.

Even though he doesn't seem to have any emotional feelings he can feel other things, he started to shiver and rub his exposed arms, he looked at his pokemon who seems to be frozen on the spot and shivering in fear.

He knew something was not right, he could see the fear in his pokemon's eyes, he followed his pokemon's line of sight which was his shadow.

That is when he noticed it, his heart started to beat rapidly as fear overwhelmed him, those crimson red eyes, that hideous and scary grin, this is the first time he felt fear and it was overwhelming, he couldn't handle it and suddenly threw up, to bad of him he was wearing his cloth so all that was still in his mouth.

He ripped his face cloth and coughed while spitting out all that vomit, he backed away and noticed that the dark shadow stayed on the exact same place.

"Accelgor..... use Bug Buzz"

His Accelgor snapped out and used Bug Buzz, it released powerful energy waves one after the other at the dark shadow on the ground but it doesn't seem to have any effect at all.


Then the Shadow Triad member heard the laugh, he fell to his knee and looked at the dark shadow which suddenly started to rise up, the man's whole body went limp, his arms and legs totally gave up as he saw a big and scary Gengar.

He never felt so helpless in front of a pokemon before, he even peed his pants after seeing Gengar, just the aura that Gengar released put his pokemon Accelgor into shock and it fainted from fear.

Soon he also followed his pokemon's fate and fainted but before that, he questioned, "How strong is this monster?".

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