Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 600 - Unknown Hovership

Julian continued on the road towards Nuvema town, on the way he encountered some pokemons but he wasn't interested in them, they were mostly Patrat, Lillipup, Pidove, and Purrlion, none of them he encountered on the way were special.

Some of them approached him because of the aura around him so he fed them a little before leaving them, some of them tried to follow Julian but suddenly felt something scary stare at them from somewhere and ran away in fear. ​​

Julian just laughed awkwardly as he saw this, he had no other way but to scare them away, he cannot just take in any pokemon that he encountered on the route or he would have an army of pokemons that he would have no use for.

And they all need to meet the criteria for them to be on his team. As Julian rode through the rough road in the middle of the jungle which falls between Accumula town and Nuvema town, he heard something.

A massive black hover ship went past him towards Nuvema town, he frowned when he saw this, he didn't know who owned this hovership but he had a bad feeling about this.

Julian "Gengar follow that Hovership without getting noticed"

As he said this, Gengar came out of his shadow and bolted towards the shadow of the hovership and blended with it leaving Julian behind.

Not anyone could own a hovership of this size, it must belong to a private army or a very rich company, but why would they go to Nuvema town, unless they are either going to see the teleportation device that is currently being tested in the town at Professor Juniper's lab or they are planning something else.

Just for safety, Julian sent Gengar behind them, if they are just to see the project then it is fine but if they try to do something else, Gengar would haunt them really bad, so bad that they will be afraid to sleep for days just because they wouldn't want to dream of the nightmare once again.

Julian twisted the accelerator of his bike and increased its speed so he doesn't fall behind, after some time he finally reaches Nuvema town, its a pretty big town, not as big as a city but very close, he slows down and looks around as he sees people talking to each other in whispers and pointing at a direction.

He realized that they are pointing at the direction where he is currently heading, Professor Juniper's lab.


Professor Juniper's lab_

Inside the lab two people, one man, and one woman, both are wearing a white coat and looking at the screen in front of them, attached to the screen is a capsule, the screen is currently showing some readings and wavelength of quantum particles which are essential for teleportation to be a success and from what they are seeing everything looks great.

And now the only thing remaining is the physical test that needs to be performed and for that they need the files that Professor Oak has, they asked Professor Oak for the files and he said it's on its way but they still haven't received the files.

"Did you ask Professor Oak about the file?"

The man asked. He is none other than Professor Kukui, the man behind the invention of the teleportation device.

"Yes, he said it will arrive in one or two days so we have nothing to worry about"

Said the woman, she is Professor Juniper, she is a beautiful woman who is 30 years old, she never married anyone because she spent her whole life on researching about Pokemon and she is still the same, she is wearing a long lab coat with a white blouse, short green skirt and sport sneakers, she is also wearing red cubical earrings.

As they were looking at the screen two people walked in, both of them women, one is wearing a white coat and from the looks of it, she is a scientist as well and the other woman is non-other than Caitlin.

"Professor Juniper, look who I brought with me"

The woman in the white coat said with a smile on her face, Kukui and Juniper turned around and saw the two people behind them, they knew the first person, she is a scientist who is an expert in Dream World, a world which is very unique and mysterious, many ghost type pokemons who have control over dreams can enter it.

This scientist's name is Fennel, she is twenty years old, she has long dark blue hair, her eyes are blue and she wears glasses over it.

Professor Kukui and Juniper look at their guest in surprise as it is Caitlin, the strongest member of the Elite Four.

Juniper "Miss Caitlin, what brings you here?"

She asked in surprise and looked at her friend Fennel.

Fennel "Caitlin is my friend, I told her about Professor Kukui's project and the test being held here, she got excited and asked me to bring her with me"

Fennel said and smiled.

Caitlin "I hope I am not causing any trouble"

She said and bowed her head a little towards Professor Kukui and Juniper.

Kukui "We don't mind it at all, it's our honor but you will have to wait for a day as there are still some important files that need to arrive before we start our tests"

Kukui said and smiled.

Caitlin "I don't mind waiting at all, I am really excited to see this"

She said and smiled, that is when they suddenly felt a jolt and heard a loud humming sound getting closer to them, they figured that it is coming from outside so they rushed out and saw a massive hovership coming down.

Seeing the hovership Caitlin frowned as she recognized who this hovership belonged to.

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