Cynthia looks around the car and is surprised by the interior of it, she saw lights, a minibar, drinks like wine, beer, juice, soft drinks, and some snacks, there are tv screens on the side with a lot of movie options pre-installed in it, even though she has a lot of money on her she has never indulged in the world of the rich, she has heard about luxury cars like this but never been in one.

Julian "Looks like it's your first time in such a car?" ​​

He said.

Cynthia "You didn't have to do this"

She said.

Julian "Don't worry it didn't cost me, this is my company's car"

He said.

Cynthia "Oh, I completely forgot, you are also a businessman"

She said.

Julian "Yes, luckily I have someone who looks over the business"

Cynthia "Hmm"

She said and nodded.

Julian "So what do you want to drink?"

Cynthia "I don't know, I will take anything"

She said.

Julian "Then, how about this?"

Cynthia "What every you choose"

Julian said and picked up a wine bottle, he didn't know how good Cynthia's alcohol-resistant is so he picked up the one with less alcohol content and the taste was pretty sweet, he knew that Cynthia liked to eat sweet things as he saw her eat those sweets when he visited her when she was injured.

He took two glasses and poured some wine in them and handed one over to Cynthia.

Cynthia "Thank you"

She said and held the glass in her hand, seeing Cynthia struggling to hold the thin handle of the glass caused him to chuckle.

Julian "Looks like you really don't indulge in the world of the rich"

He said.

Cynthia "I never got what so special about being rich?"

She asked.

Julian "Well, you don't need to think about it, not everyone is as talented as you when it comes to training pokemon so the only way they can gain influence is money"

He said.

Cynthia "Then what about you? You are the strongest trainer I have met my whole life, why are you indulging in the world of the rich?"

Julian "Being rich gives you a certain amount of freedom, for example, you don't spend much of your money on your pokemons right?"

Cynthia "Indeed, the league funds me for that"

She said.

Julian "Indeed, and for that, you need to work for them. While I don't depend on them for anything, so I can do whatever I want"

Cynthia "I see, you really don't like being controlled huh?"

Julian "No, I don't"

He said and sat closer to her.

Julian "Here let me help you"

He said and put his hands around her's and showed her how to properly hold the wine glass, she blushed a little as she felt Julian's hand.

Julian "Cheers"

Cynthia "Cheers"

With a cling of their glass, they drank their wine, after a sip, Cynthia was surprised by the taste of the wine, it was sweet and smooth, she liked it very much, she wanted to gulp it at once but she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Julian.

Julian and Cynthia talked for a while about normal stuff and about their life, they get closer to each other as they talked, everything was going pretty well when the car finally stopped since the car had two parts which were separated by a black wall, one side is where the driver sits and the other is the passenger seat where Julian and Cynthia is sitting, the driver cannot see what is happening inside protecting the privacy of the ones sitting inside.

Driver "Master Julian, we are at destination"

The driver's voice came through a speaker informing Julian about their destination, Julian pressed a button on the side and spoke in it, it is a mic that will work when the button is pressed

Julian "Ok"

Soon the driver got out of the car and opened the door, Julian got out and gave his hand to Cynthia and pulled her out as well.

Driver "Have a good night, Master Julian, Miss Cynthia"

The Driver said and went into the car and drove off, seeing the driver go away Cynthia was confused, she looked around and saw stairs going up a hill.

Cynthia "Where are we?"

She asked.

Julian "Well, keeping our identity in mind I decided to stay away from public places, this is a penthouse registered under my company's name, care to join me?"

He said and lent his hand, Cynthia nodded and put her hand around his arms and started to climb up the stairs with him, soon they arrived in front of the penthouse, the penthouse is not too big, it only has two bedrooms, one hall, a bathroom, and a kitchen and there is also a swimming pool outside.

Julian opened the door and walked in, the house was clean and no one was inside, seeing this Cynthia blushed a little, both of them were all alone in this house and no one was around, no neighbors who could disturb them.

Julian "Take a seat, I will go and prepare some food for us. Since you were so helpful I decided to treat you with food I made myself"

He said and walked into the kitchen leaving Cynthia behind in the hall, she looked around and walked outside and saw the beautiful stary sky and the sea that reflected the light of these starts, she is mesmerized by how beautiful the surround here really was.

She felt like staying here forever.

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