Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 440 - Beautiful Cynthia

After talking to Cynthia Julian visited Fredric who was able being treated for his injuries, his injuries were not severe, he thanked Fredric once again for his help, after doing that he walked out of the hospital and rented himself a room at a nearby hotel, he decided to take Cynthia to dinner because she was very helpful to him, because of her and her team they were able to keep Hydreigon away from civilization, she helped him look into Cyrus, risked her life and did it again.

He has not met anyone so selfless in this world, he had a very good impression on Cynthia and he also liked her but his feelings were chaotic, he didn't know what to do, his body, mind, and heart reacted very differently, his conscious was the only thing that kept him away from accepting Cynthia. ​​

After getting into his room he sat down on the couch and turned the tv on and switched to a random news channel to see what's going around in Sinnoh.

To his surprise, the news channel actually caught Hydreigon and its battle with Cynthia and the elite four as they chased it towards Mt. Coronet

The reporters talked about the mutated Hydreigon and how it had more than three heads which were very unusual, they praised Cynthia and the Elite Four who protected Sinnoh from this dangerous pokemon, the people seem to be relieved after hearing this as well, they expressed their gratitude towards Cynthia and the Elite Four.

Most of them didn't know what happened afterward, how Fredric came to assist them and how Julian chased it to the north and finished it, but it didn't matter, Julian was already famous and this thing won't affect his status and Fredric had already separated himself from the modern world and spent his whole life in Stark Mountains.

Julian "As expected, the news channels are really fast, I am surprised they didn't see me chasing down Hydreigon, well they are still humans, they cannot find everything going around Sinnoh"

He said and switched to a wildlife channel, the channel was talking about the animals and pokemons in the sea, they talked about their origin and many other things, they questioned about the pokemons that haven't been discovered yet, they talked about the possibility of pokemon species that exist deep underwater which has never been seen or found.

They talked about the origin of pokemon and how more than 900 species of pokemon are known to mankind and the number is constantly growing.

Julian was really interested in these channels, they always talked about pokemons and their evolution, their origin and science behind their power, they even talked about technology being created by engineers and scientists who are inspired by these pokemon and how their powers may affect the evolution of humanity itself.

Time passed by and it was time for Julian to pick up Cynthia, he quickly put on some clean clothes after taking a quick shower and walked out of his room, Cynthia's hotel was not far away from his so it didn't take long before he was in front of her hotel room.

She had given him the full address of her room so he didn't struggle to find her room, Julian is nervous, it has been quite a long time since he felt nervous, he knocked on the door twice and stood there waiting for Cynthia, soon the door opened and he saw a beautiful woman with long yellow hair, it is Cynthia, she is wearing a blue dress with shiny patterns on its border, Julian could see her long legs as the dress only covered her thighs, the V-shaped neck style of the dress allowed him to see Cynthia's cleavage.

Her breasts are not as big as Daisy's or Chole's but they were nice, she has parted her hair to right side revealing her ear on which she wore an earring made from sapphire, she had light makeup on her face and red lipgloss on her lips.

Julian was mesmerized, Cynthia looked very beautiful right now, she didn't usually wear makeup at all as she had to travel and battle a lot as her role as a champion, but she was still very beautiful and her natural beauty has captured the heart of many men and women who are lesbians around the world.

But today she decided to prepare her self, Julian asked her for dinner, she got worried about tonight, she was worried if she wouldn't be at her best in front of Julian for tonight's date.

Cynthia looked nervously as Julian's eyes went across her whole body, she didn't know how to feel right now, she had never been so vulnerable before someone's eyes, she never cared about her looks but in front of Julian it was a different matter, his two girlfriends were very beautiful as well so she wondered if she was good enough for Julian.

Julian "Wow, you look beautiful"

He said.

Hearing this a sensation of relief spread inside Cynthia as her beating heart calmed down.

Julian "Are you ready?"

He asked.

Julian couldn't take his eyes off Cynthia, only Daisy and Chloe have made him feel so helpless like this and now Cynthia is one of them.

Being how he is, he likes being around beautiful women and Cynthia was definitely the ones who are on the top, Cynthia was already very beautiful in her usual clothing but right now Julian couldn't take his eyes off her.

Cynthia "Yes"

She said softly.

Julian chuckled and extended his arm for her, the usual bold, strong, and brave Cynthia was acting like a shy little girl right now and it was amusing to him.

Julian took her down to the entrance of the hotel where a man in a white uniform was standing next to a black luxury car.

Driver "Master Julian, Miss Cynthia, please get in"

The driver said as he opened the car's door for them, Julian guided Cynthia into the car and followed behind, the driver closed the door behind them and started to drive.

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