Julian started to prepare tonight's dinner, he had already asked the caretaker of this house to prepare everything by today morning so he didn't have to prepare anything by himself.

Soon he started to make dinner, from starters to dessert he made everything, it took some time but it was worth it. ​​

Cynthia who was outside could smell the food being prepared, she walked in and saw Julian inside the kitchen almost finished, she then imagined herself in the future with him, along with their kids in the mix, she suddenly erased the thought and walked into the kitchen.

Cynthia "Need any help?"

She asked.

Julian "Sure, take these plates and place them on the table outside, we are going to eat under the sky"

He said and passed the plates to Cynthia, she nodded and walked out, Julian watched her as she walked out, and his eyes drifted to her swinging hips, he looked at her nice ass which caused him to get little excited but he soon calmed down.

As Cynthia walked out and looked around she saw a round table covered with a white sheet, she placed the plates and glass on the table, she once again walked in and saw Julian carrying some dishes with him.

Julian "Sit down, it's finished"

He said and allowed her to sit down before placing the food on the table, Cynthia looked at what he has made and got surprised, it was crabs, chicken soup, garlic bread, and other delicious stuff.

He also brought a wine bottle next and sat down as well.

Cynthia "This, you shouldn't have done this"

She said and felt embarrassed, she did nothing while she was here and now seeing how much Julian has prepared and how much effort he has put into it, she felt bad.

Julian "Don't worry, it's nothing, I make more than this for my pokemons, today it's just you and me"

He said and started to serve her.

Cynthia blushed as she heard what Julian said, 'Just you and me', it meant a lot to Cynthia, her whole life she has never had someone who she could rely on completely, her sister is very young and she cannot bother her grandmother as she is busy taking care of her sister, her whole life she was alone, and that is how she became the person she is.

Sometimes she does feel vulnerable but being who she is she cannot show it in front of others but for some reason, in front of Julian she doesn't feel like doing that, she feels comfortable showing him this side of her.

She just kept quiet and watched Julian, once he was done serving he picked up his spoon and fork and looked at Cynthia.

Julian "Let's eat"

He said and started to eat, things was very quiet as they sat there, there was awkwardness in the air.

Cynthia "I need to tell you something"

Cynthia suddenly raised the topic and looked at Julian, she mustered all her courage this time.

Julian "What is it?"

He asked as he looked at Cynthia, he saw her expression and noticed that she was struggling to tell him something.

Cynthia "I....Julian, I... like you a lot"

She said it, finally, as she said it all the pressure on her disappeared as she finally calmed down, the weight on her chest disappeared, Julian is stunned, he didn't expect Cynthia to confess like this, maybe he expected it deep in his heart but he was still surprised.

Julian "Cynthia, I... I don't know-"

Cynthia "Shhh, don't say anything"

She said and got up from her chair and walked towards Julian, she bent down and used her fingers to put her hair back on her ears and kissed Julian.

At first, Julian was surprised, he didn't think Cynthia would be so forward but after a few seconds he didn't resist her, he also closed his eyes and put his arms around her waist and pulled her down, making her sit on his lap.

Things started to heat up as the kiss became aggressive, Julian started to use his tongue inside her mouth, she also did the same, they kissed for quite a long time, Julian used his hands to feel Cynthia's body, he creased her curves, grabbed her ass, her thighs, her breast causing Cynthia to moan lightly.

They finally separated and looked into each other's eyes.

Julian "This relationship, I am not alone to decide it"

He said.

Cynthia "I know, but you have nothing to worry, I have permission"

She said.

Julian "Permission? From whom?"

Cynthia "Of course, Daisy and Chloe, they already knew this day will come"

Julian "What?"

He was surprised, he didn't expect Daisy and Chloe to say this at all, but before he could think any further, Cynthia once again kissed him with passion and love, she used her hand to feel Julian's perfect body and he did the same, their tongues danced with each other, tasting each other.

Things started to escalate soon after.

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