Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 434 - A Powerful Combination

As Spiritomb continued to pressure Hydreigon it started to get angrier, it started to destroy its surroundings by blasting Hyper Beams everywhere, six Hyper Beams at different random directions were devastating.

As soon as Cynthia's and the Elite Four's pokemon returned back to their perfect health they joined the fray and started to attack Hydreigon again, but no matter what they did they couldn't bring it down, it kept healing itself and it was able to land its Hyper Beams over and over again on the pokemons belonging to Elite Four, some of their pokemon were knocked out cold after getting hit by those powerful Hyper Beams so they had to switch pokemon. ​​

The main battle still went on between Spiritomb and Hydreigon, while Cynthia and the Elite Four took little breaks so that their pokemon could rest.

They didn't send all their pokemons for battle because it will be too troublesome, and with many pokemons out there, there is also the danger of getting hit by Hydreigon easily.

Things are going as they have planned, even though they are not able to bring down this Hydreigon they are still able to keep it away from civilization.

Hydreigon was getting fed up by this, the continuous attack from Cynthia and the Elite Four, while it was fighting Spiritomb got very annoying.

It roared and released a blast of chaos causing everyone to back off, all the pokemons that were trying to attack it was sent flying backward as they crashed into the trees. After the roaring chaos covered its body once again as it started to change.

Cynthia "It's changing again stop it"

She shouted and ordered her Garchomp to attack, Cynthia's Garchomp used Giga Impact and charged at Hydreigon, her speed broke the sound barrier as she tore the air in front of her, not only Garchomp but the pokemons of the Elite Four also charged at the Hydreigon.

Aaron the Bug-type Elite four ordered his Drapion to use Pin Missile at full power, his Drapion suddenly created more than twenty large Pin Missiles brimming with energy and sent it rocketing towards Hydreigon.

Bertha the Ground-type Elite Four ordered her Gliscor to use Sky Uppercut at full power, her Gliscor's claws started to glow as energy started to concentrate in them, the Gliscor charged at Hydreigon without fear.

Flint the Fire-type Elite Four ordered his Infernape to use Flare Blitz at full power, his Infernape roared as the fire on top of its head started to crackle and started to burn at very high temperature causing the surrounding to heat up, its body got covered with bursting flames as it charged at Hydreigon at full speed.

Lucian the Psychic-type Elite Four ordered his Bronzong to use Flash Cannon at full power, his Bronzong started to collect all of its Steel Energy under its body, powerful pulsing steel energy was ready to destroy everything it touched, Bronzong blasted it at Hydreigon, hoping to finish it.

Five moves, the most powerful moves from the most powerful people in Sinnoh, any one of these attacks could destroy huge buildings and convert them into dust but now five of the most devastating moves are being used to bring down a monster that keeps growing stronger.

First was Garchomp, she made contact with Giga Impact, the power behind this move was devastating, it caused the ground under her to shatter like glass, the trees in the surrounding were blown away, just the shockwave from it destroyed everything, but Hydreigon was just pushed back several meters, the Chaos around its body protected it.

Garchomp was sent flying backward as the backlash hit her, it wasn't over as Drapion's Pin Missile started to bombard on Hydreigon, more than twenty Missiles blasted one after the other on top of Hydreigon, each missile could easily cause severe damage to any strong pokemon and this time Drapion used twenty of its missiles as it was its limit, but at the end, the result was still the same, Hydreigon was pushed back but the Chaos around it destroyed the missiles.

One thing was certain though, the Chaos seems to have gone weaker around Hydreigon.

Gliscor then charged at Hydreigon at full speed as it pulled its claws backward, creating as much tension it can put in its claws, as it got closer to Hydreigon it launched its attack, two powerful Sky Uppercuts, as the attack landed the shockwave blew away everything, Hydreigon was sent up in the air as it roared and came crashing down, but it wasn't hurt the Chaos protected it.

Infernape was next, as soon as Hydreigon landed on the ground, Infernape made contact with Flare Blitz, as it made contact the ground beneath its feet caved from the power carried behind the attack, cracks then spread all over the ground like a spider's web, Hydreigon was sent flying this time as it crashed against a huge boulder, but once again no damage, the Chaos protected it.

Now chaos around it was very weak, one more attack and it will disappear but they had no time, Hydreigon was transforming very quickly, another head has already materialized making it a seven head Hydreigon, five main heads that were cautious and two brainless heads that acted as hands.

But the transformation didn't seem to stop there, it was growing bigger but the Chaos around it was already disappearing.

Bronzong's Flash Cannon was the last attack, as Hydreigon was trying to get back to its feet, it didn't expect to get hit again, the Flash Cannon landed destroying the Chaos protecting Hydreigon.

Now that it was vulnerable Fredric took this chance.

Fredric "Spiritomb, Sliver Wind"

He gave his order.

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