Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 435 - Wide Area Blast

Now that Hydreigon was in a vulnerable state Fredric couldn't miss this, he ordered his Spiritomb to use Silver Wind, this time Spiritomb used all its time to power up this move, the wind started to spin in front of Spiritomb at high speed as its power built up, the wind turned into a giant sliver tornado as the sun's light made it shine.

After the move was fully powered up Spiritomb sent it towards Hydreigon at full power, the other pokemons moved out of the powerful tornado's way and let it tackle Hydreigon. ​​

The Tornado started to suck up everything around it as it continued forward, with rubbles flying around it, the tornado became extra dangerous, soon it got close to Hydreigon trying to suck it up, the tornado was very huge, even though the Hydreigon is over eight meters long it couldn't stop itself from not being sucked by the tornado.

The Tornado crashed into Hydreigon causing it to roar in pain, its whole body started to sting as the wind attacked it all over its body, the Hydreigon roared and blasted Hyper Beam from inside destroying the tornado, Hydreigon fell on the ground as it roared in pain, it body was filled with cuts from that tornado.

But soon the cuts started to heal once again, this time it was slow but Hydreigon was still able to heal after that powerful move, it had used up all its Chaos energy to protect itself while it was transforming, now it had to pull out the chaos from the rock inside it to heal itself.

Fredric "Don't stop continue attacking"

He said and asked Spirit Stone to continue attacking, it used Shadow Sneak and attacked Hydreigon again, Cynthia and others also did the same.

They had to keep resting during this as they might exhaust their pokemon's energy, Hydreigon just laid there as it continued healing itself without doing anything, things seemed very calm right now, this giant was finally calm, it stopped moving around, it laid on the ground as its purple eyes stared at Spiritomb.

They thought that they finally stopped this Hydreigon but they are all wrong, Hydreigon is just trying to gain all its power back, the rock inside it started to absorb the energy in the surrounding and started to feed on it, this energy was being used by Hydreigon to power up so that it could destroy everything in one go.

Seeing how calm this Hydreigon has gone both Cynthia and Fredric frowned, it didn't feel right, they thought something was off but they couldn't tell what.

Then suddenly they felt it, a very scary feeling ran over everyone around Hydreigon, it got back to its feet as it spread its gigantic eight wings ready to fly off.

Fredric "Quick, attack, don't hold back"

Hearing Fredric everyone was ready to attack with full power once again but it was too late, Hydreigon roared and released a powerful wide-area blast of Chaos, the attacks that were released were destroyed into nothingness, the blast then hit everyone sending they flying, all of them crashed against trees and boulders knocking them out cold.

Hydreigon used the time it was lying down to build up enough energy so he could knock down all these people in one blast and it was successful.

Now that it has taken care of these nuisances Hydreigon spread its wings and flew towards the top of Mt. Coronet.


Stark Mountain-

After the call ended between him and Cynthia Julian didn't waste any time, he called out Pidgeot and hopped on top of him and let him sore the sky at high speed.

Julian "Pidgeot, full speed, towards Mt. Coronet"

Julian said and pointed at the direction of Mt. Coronet, Pidgeot flapped his wings creating a powerful gust behind him ripping through the sound barrier.

Feeling the powerful backlash from the wind Julian covered himself with Omniforce to prevent him from falling off Pidgeot, while he was worried about what is happening in Mt. Coronet, Crystal, on the other hand, was enjoying the high-speed ride.

Its head was out of Julian's pocket, it's tiny hands are up in the air with its mouth open.


Seeing this Julian didn't know what to do with this little trouble maker, even after such a long period Crystal still acted like a kid, while his other pokemons were maturing up as they grew stronger, Crystal and few of his other pokemon like Victini and Manaphy were still kids, this showed him that Mythical pokemons stay forever young.

While Victini and Manaphy were still good with others, Crystal was something else, it didn't listen to Julian when he tells not to cause any trouble, it would try to steal his other pokemon's food and sometimes it would team up with Gengar to cause some mischief.

And no matter how serious the situation they are in Crystal never got serious, it would either hid away in his pocket or would fall asleep.

Julian sighed and let Crystal enjoy this ride while he worried about the other's safety, he has faced this Hydreigon before and seeing how it continued growing stronger he knew that Cynthia and the Elite Four won't be able to hold it behind for much longer.

Julian "Pidgeot faster"

He said.

Pidgeot nodded his head and flapped his wings harder, destroying sound barriers and leaving a trail of wind behind him.

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