Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 433 - Fredric Vs Hydreigon

Now that Julian has no choice but to confront the Hydreigon himself he had to be careful, this Hydreigon seems to be growing stronger by the second, he doesn't want to wait till it grows so powerful that even his whole team would have a hard time to take on this monster.

As he walked out of the mysterious cave he saw the bright sky on top of him. ​​

Julian "I don't have much time"

He said and called Cynthia.

After a few rings, she finally picked up the call.

Cynthia "Yes, what is it?"

She answered, in the background, Julian could hear some explosion and Cynthia also seem to be in some kind of bad situation as well.

Julian "Where are you? What is happening?"

Cynthia "We are near Mt. Coronet, the Hydreigon has changed once again, it has six heads now and it has grown 10 meters, we are not able to even put a scratch on it, it's getting very aggressive, me and the elite four and keeping it busy and away from the cities"

Julian "I have sent help, he should be there is no time"

Cynthia "Who are you sending?"

Julian "His name is Fredric, he is very powerful, he should be able to stop the Hydreigon from rampaging around"

Cynthia "Did you find anything that could stop this monster?"

Julian "My only option is to destroy it, nothing else can be done, if we let it grow any further it will be a disaster that cannot be avoided in the future"

Cynthia "Ok"

As she was about to end the call Julian heard a gigantic blast in the background, next she heard a devastating roar.

Julian "What was that?"

He asked.

Cynthia "I don't know, the Hydreigon was suddenly attacked by something"

She said and looked at the Hydreigon as it stared at the forest below itself, suddenly something started to rise from the forest slowly, the aura around it was very powerful, a dark chilling aura causing the Hydreigon to get serious.

Even Cynthia felt the aura around this newcomer.

Cynthia "Is this the help you were talking about?"

She asked

Julian "What is it?"

He asked.

Cynthia "A Spiritomb, wait there also seems to be some old man standing on a Salamence"

She said as she saw an old man standing on a powerful Salamence staring at the Spiritomb

She said.

Julian "I see, don't worry it will take care of the Hydreigon till I get there"

He said.

Even though Julian knew Fredric had a very strong pokemon hiding in his shadow he didn't expect it to be a Spiritomb, Spiritombs are very powerful pokemon, they only have one weakness and that is the Fairy type, they are immune to Normal, Fighting, and Psychic types, Spiritombs are very rare, some people even think they are as strong as mythical pokemon but these rumors are not accurate as there have never been enough studies done on Spiritomb.

They keep their distance from people and other pokemons, they feed on wandering souls, even the way they come to the world is different from other pokemon, they are the fusion of 108 spirits and they are bounded to a keystone that keeps them from using too much of their power.


The Spiritomb and the Hydreigon get into a standoff as the remaining people around them watch, the elite four are little relieved as their pokemons are exhausted after battling this monster, they quickly took out some berries and fed them to their pokemons so that they can recover.

As the standoff began Hydreigon and Spiritomb stared at each other waiting for each other's move, while Spiritomb was still sane same couldn't be said for Hydreigon, it is rough and dangerous, it doesn't think about anything but destruction as it is its nature.

Hydreigon suddenly launched six Hyper Beams at once which fused together becoming an even bigger one but as the Hyper Beam touched Spiritomb nothing happened, the Hyper Beam just went through it, it is because Spiritomb is immune to Normal-type moves.

Fredric "Spiritomb use Silver Wind"

Hearing Fredric command Spiritomb used Silver Wind, a gust of shining wind rushed towards Hydreigon and blasted it down on the ground, Silver Wind being bug type caused some good damage to Hydreigon.

Hydreigon got back to its feet as the damage it took started to heal, seeing this Fredric was surprised, he thought that taking down this Hydreigon would be easy but now he realized he was wrong, this Hydreigon could heal itself.

Cynthia "Mister, be careful, this Hydreigon doesn't seem to get exhausted at all, we hurt it many times but it keeps healing"

She warned him.

Fredric "Young lady, thank you, I will hold this thing till that young man comes"

He said and ordered Spiritomb once again.

Fredric "Use Shadow Sneak"

Spiritomb charged towards the ground and went into a shadow completely concealing its aura, the Hydreigon tried to find the Spiritomb but it was useless, Spiritomb suddenly came out of Hydreigon's shadow and landed a powerful attack causing Hydreigon to crash into the trees, this time the damage was not too much because of the ghost type move, but the impact was huge.

Hydreigon was hurt but it didn't matter.

It started to heal again.

Fredric "This is troublesome"

He said and continued his assault on Hydreigon.

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