Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 419 - Attempt Of Assassination

Cynthia had a little headache as she tried to open her eye, she felt as if an eternity has passed away, as she opened her eyes she got blinded by the sunlight, she shaded her eyes with her hands and turn her head to the other side to see a young man looking at her with concerned eyes.

Recognizing the man she leaps into his arm and hugs him tightly, this shocks Julian as he tries to separate himself from her, she let's go and suddenly kisses him, stunning him on spot. ​​

Cynthia finally let's go and looks at Julian as she blushes, for a few seconds she also blanks out as she thinks it's a dream, she pinches herself and finds out it is real which cause her to blush, she suddenly realized what she just did and got embarrassed.

Her feeling was in chaos when she did it, it was an act which had no self-awareness, Julian is still stunned, he didn't expect Cynthia to be so forward, he didn't even know Cynthia would do this.

Julian "What was that about?"

He asked as he snapped out of his trance.

Cynthia "No, it's nothing, my head is still fuzzy, I must have done it in the spur of the moment"

Cynthia said and covered her face.

Julian "Well, that's fine no need to worry about it, tell me how are you feeling?"

He asked.

Cynthia looked around and felt her body, she felt really good right now, healthier then she had ever been before.

Cynthia "How long have I been here?"

She asked.

Julian "More than a week I guess"

He said.

Cynthia "Wait? more than a week, how did I heal up so fast, I thought I would die there"

She said and remembered what happened that day, as she remembered what happened she look at Julian and blushed, she looked away once again.

Julian "I used Ho-oh's Sacred Ash on you"

He said.

Cynthia "What? Sacred Ash, does it really exist?"

She asks.

Julian "Then how do you explain how you healed up so quickly"

He said.

Cynthia "Fair point and I don't think you have any reason to lie to me"

She said and sighs.

Julian "You should rest, we will talk about what happened later"

He said.

Cynthia "I am feeling fine"

Julian "I know, but the doctor should at least give you a quick check-up before you are discharged from here"

He said.

The Chief soon walked in with the doctor and a nurse behind him, the doctor started to some check up on Cynthia and is fascinated by how good Cynthia's condition is.

Doctor "How did she heal up so quickly?"

The doctor asked.

Julian "I had my ways, so can Cynthia be discharged?"

He asks.

Doctor "Yes she can, but we would like to keep her in observation for a day"

Julian "Fine"

Julian says and nods his head.

Doctor "Nurse, help Miss Cynthia in changing her clothes and give her these medicines"

The doctor said and passed a note to the nurse next to him.

Doctor "Gentlemen, let's leave the ladies behind, Miss Cynthia needs to change her clothes, the one she is wearing is very dirty"

He said and asked the Chief and Julian to leave with him, but Julian felt something wrong, the doctor suddenly gave him a weird feeling, he looked at the nurse and heard her heartbeat at a very fast rate, she seemed to be nervous about something.

Julian [Gengar, stay right here and look after Cynthia and see if that nurse is up to something shady]

Julian sent a message to Gengar and asked him to stay in the room, Gengar came out of his shadow and went into the nurse's shadow, Julian, the Chief, and the doctor walked out of the room.

The doctor did some small talks to distract the Chief and Julian.

Inside the room, Cynthia is given a new pair of clothes, as she undresses and started to put on the given dress to which she didn't notice the nurse pulling out a syringe filled lethal poison, the nurse tries to stab Cynthia with the syringe at the back of her neck but before she could, she freezes.

She felt something grabbing her feet, she looked down and saw a black shadow with crimson eyes and a wide mouth looking at her as if she is its pray.

She screams in fear alerting Cynthia, she quickly turns around and sees the nurse on the ground trying to back off from the patch of a dark shadow on the floor, Gengar comes out of the shadow with his creepy laugh.

Cynthia recognizes Gengar and looks confused by all this, Gengar laughs and points at the syringe in the nurse's hand.

Seeing the syringe Cynthia grabs it from the nurse's hand and sees the content inside it to identify it as poison, as this happens, Julian, the Chief, and the Doctor also rushes in into the room as they heard the nurse's scream.

Seeing the current scene, the Chief is confused but Julian and the Doctor are very clear to what has just happened here, the doctor tries to escape but gets dropped by an elbow from Julian.

Julian "As expected, they were trying to kill her, Chief, tie them up I will integrate them afterward"

Julian said and looked at the Chief, he got a rough idea of what happened here and nodded his head, he called in few men and made them arrest the doctor and the nurse.

Julian "Are you ok?"

He asked Cynthia and she nodded her head in response.

Cynthia "Thanks to your Gengar, by the way where is he?"

She suddenly asked as she noticed Gengar had dissipated.

Julian "He is in my shadow, don't worry, get dressed properly, we will talk later"

He said and walked out of the room, Cynthia realized that she is still not wearing any pants, luckily the shirt was long enough to cover both her private parts.

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