Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 418 - Healing Cynthia

Julian rode on top of Latios and soon arrived over Sunnyshore city, he looked down on this huge city, Sunnyshore being the city that is the main base of the league is, it benefits from everything, from technology to medicine, everything in this city is top-notch.

Julian looked around and saw a huge building with multiple chopper landings, it was the city hospital and also one of the largest hospitals in the world, renowned doctors from all over the world want to work here but only few can get here. ​​

Julian "Latios, land there"

Julian said and pointed at one of the helipads, Latios nodded his head and slowly landed on the helipad.

Julian "Ok, you can go now, you have to protect your island"

Latios nodded and flew away.

Julian "Ok, now I need to find Cynthia and see how she is doing"

He said and walked down the stairs, as he walked down these stairs he started to think about what is going to happen when he sees Cynthia, he is clear that he has feelings for Cynthia but it's not too intense, his body has changed and the advantage of having this body has always been his feelings, everything he feels in a psychological level is intense, love, hate, lust, and other feelings.

He soon arrived at the floor where Cynthia is said to be when he walked down the stairs, few security officers rushed towards him pointing their gun at him.

Julian looks at them thinking about what they were doing, as he was about to tell them who he is just when he hears a voice stopping them.

Chief "Wait, he is my guest"

It was the Chief of the League, the Chief walked towards Julian and extended his hand at Julian, Julian did the same and shook his hand.

Chief "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Julian"

Julian "Same here"

Julian said.

The Chief then glanced at the security officers and sent them away.

Chief "Please come with me, I will take you to where the Champion is in"

The Chief said and started to walk, Julian followed behind the Chief and tried to read this man, and he was the exact person who Julian thought he would be, a rich man with a sense of justice but struggles to make decisions that can cause some casualties.

But Julian didn't mind such character, he was strong wield and seems to be a good leader as well, they soon arrived at a heavily guarded room, seeing the chief the guards move aside and allow them to walk in, as Julian enters the room he sees Cynthia unconscious on the bed wrapped around with bandages all over her body, she has some bruises on her face and there is a cut on her lips, seeing her in such a state Julian felt really bad and a sense of hatred started to grow for the person whoever did this to her.

Chief "I know it's hard, her right knee was dislocated, four of her ribs are fractured and there is a tear on her neck muscles, it will take her months to heal"

The Chief said.

Julian "I should have gone along with her"

He said and gripped his fist hard.

Chief "Well at least she is safe, it could have been a lot worse"

The Chief said.

Julian "What about her pokemons, how are they doing?"

Julian asked.

Chief "Yes, they are doing fine, Garchomp was hurt but she healed up very quickly"

Julian nodded and approached Cynthia.

Julian 'System, is there a cure?'

Julian asked the System.

System 'There are many, this woman would self-heal within three months with the current condition, but the host has something that could accelerate the process"

Julian "Ah, I complexly forgot about it"

Julian thought and put his hand inside his dimensional pouch and pulls out a small clothe which is tied up, he opens the pouch and reveals the content inside, its Sacred Ash, he got it when he encountered Ho-Oh in the past, he had collected this item but never used it because nothing too severe came up to use such a potent yet magical item.

Chief "Mr. Julian, what is that?"

The Chief asked as he felt very good and healthy as he was exposed to the shining dust in Julian's hand.

Julian "It's the Sacred Ash from Ho-Oh itself, there is no disease in the world that it cannot cure"

Julian said and took a pinch full of the Ash in his finger and sprinkled it gently on Cynthia, he put away the remaining Ash back in his pouch and watched the magic.

As the fine sparkling dust touched Cynthia's skin, it got absorbed into her sink and she started to glow lightly, soon the bruise on her face disappeared in an instant, her fractured bone went back to normal, her torn muscles also started to heal up, but it didn't stop there, it started to strengthen her body and bones as well.

After a few minutes, Cynthia was fully healed.

Seeing the miracle that happened right in front of his eyes the Chief was shocked, he had heard about the divine Ashes from Ho-Oh could even bring back people who were at the brink of death and now seeing how easily Cynthia was restored back to health shocked him

Even Julian was shocked by this, he didn't expect the Ashes to be so powerful, he even noticed that Cynthia's body has changed a little bit, her bones have become denser and her muscles have become stronger.

Chief "Tha... That, those are really the Sacred Ashes from the Ho-oh?"

The Chief asked as he struggled to speak, he was speechless.

Julian "Indeed but this is just a secret between us three and no one else, you understand right, Chief?"

Julian said as he stared at the Chief with a serious gaze, seeing Julian staring at him like that the Chief quickly nodded his head agreeing to Julian's word.

Julian suddenly heard a light grunt and turned around to see Cynthia slowly opening her eyes.

Julian "She is awake, you should call the doctor"

Julian said and sent the Chief away.

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