Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 420 - Failed Mission

Cynthia quickly got into her new dress and walked out of her room, she looked around and saw some guards guarding outside her room.

Cynthia "Where did the Chief go?" ​​

She asked.

Guard "Champion Cynthia, the Chief is in that room"

The guard said and pointed at the room that is currently, she nods her head and walks towards the room, the guards in front of the room make way for her and allows her to enter, as she walks into the room she sees Julian and the Chief standing there looking at the two tied up people in front of them, one is the doctor and the other is the nurse that tried to kill her.

Seeing Cynthia walk in the room, Julian moves a little so she can look at her assassins.

Julian "Was it Cyrus that told you to kill Cynthia?"

Julian asked without wasting any time.

The doctor and the nurse looked at each other, they didn't know what to say.

Julian "There is nothing you can do but tell the truth, there is no escape"

He said in a stern voice.

Doctor "It was Team Galactic, they said they will pay a hefty price if I was able to kill the Champion, but if I can't do it they would kill me so I had to do it"

The doctor said.

Julian "If Cynthia had died you would be the prime suspect, how did you plan to escape with all that money?"

He asked.

Doctor "Her condition was very serious, so I told the nurse to inject a little amount of toxin in her body daily which will slowly kill her, it will look like she died as she wasn't able to recover properly"

The Doctor said.

Julian "I see, so when I healed her so suddenly you decided to kill her with a lethal poison so you don't get killed by Team Galactic"

Doctor "Yes, I panicked and told this bitch to do it but she failed and now she has risked both our lives"

The Doctor said and glared angrily at the nurse, the nurse was about to cry, she didn't want to do this, she was forced to do so and now her whole career has been jeopardized.

Julian "Chief, you got the confession, you should lock them up so that Team Galactic won't get to them"

He said and looked at the Chief, The Chief nodded and called the guards to take the doctor and the nurse away, after some time only Julian and Cynthia are left behind, the atmosphere is still a little awkward because of that kiss.

Julian "So will you tell me what happened when you raided Team Galactic's headquarters?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Ok, let's get something to eat first, I am hungry"

Cynthia said and walked out of the room and Julian followed behind, they then went down to the cafeteria to get some food, after buying what she wants to eat Cynthia sat down with Julian and started to eat, seeing her diet Julian is a little surprised.

This strong brave woman he met has a massive sweet tooth, everything on her plate is sweet to the taste.

Julian "If you eat too much sweet, you might get diabetes"

He said and teased her

Cynthia "Don't worry about me, I can handle my sweets, so should we talk?"

She decided to change the subject, she didn't want to have a casual conversation with him, she didn't want to remember what happened before.

Julian "Ya sure, go ahead"

Julian also wanted to hear Cynthia's story.

Cynthia "After I found where the main hideout and the headquarters of Team Galactic were, I made a team filled with elite members of the league and with their pokemon we headed there. When we got there, there were several Galactic grunts that tried to stop us but with the team I had gathered it was nothing, we were able to get very deep into their base, I found some research papers there that had studies about the laws of space and time, it looked like Cyrus was trying to figure out how space and time work.

As we got deeper into the base it became harder, the grunts there were more powerful but we still overcame them and got to their control base, but as soon as we got there we realized it was a trap, a video started to play in which I saw Cyrus holding a glass container that had Uxie in it, after that the base started to collapse, as we were trying to escape the explosion came after us, I was lucky Garchomp saved me but my team, they are all dead.

It is because of me, I was too careless, so many people died"

Cynthia said and started to cry, seeing Cynthia cry Julian got up from his chair and sat next to her and hugged her to calm her down.

Julian "It isn't your fault, there is a snitch in the League, don't worry we will catch Cyrus, he cannot run from me"

Julian says and creases her head to calm her down, once she finally calms down she wipes her tears and finishes her sweets.

Julian "We should head back, you should rest for a few days, I need to leave soon"

He said and got up.

Cynthia "Where are you going?"

She asked.

Julian "I found where that cult is and I found out that these men are a lot worse than I thought, I have to put an end to them"

He said.

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