Since Paul walked away the scene went back to normal, the little ones surrounded Luxio and looked at him with big sparkling eyes, one of their friends has evolved so it's very exciting for them, Gible gets a little pissed because he was supposed to evolve first but it looks like Luxio got a little lucky.

Snorlax is the happiest among all of his pokemon right now because he won the bet and will get two times the food today. ​​

Gengar being the sneaky one had scored a huge deal as well.

Julian looked at Luxio and smiled.

Julian 'System, display Luxio's current stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Electric

Level - 20

Bond - 75%

HP - 80

Attack - 115

Defense - 60

Sp. Atk - 70

Sp. Def - 55

Speed - 100

Move set - Leer, Tackle, Fake Tears, Charge, Spark, Bite, Thunder Fang, ThunderBolt, Eerie Impulse.

Ability - Rivalry, Guts.


Seeing Luxio has improved a lot Julian nods and continues the training, after a hard training session the little ones are tired and they get to eat what they are given, except Victini as it had won the monthly competition.

After his pokemons had their share of food Julian decided to go back to the city and call it a day, his pokemons now need some rest to relax their muscles.

Once he got to the city he decided to take his pokemon to the pokemon spa that is present in this city.

When he arrived in front of the pokemon spa, he realized that there is also a massage center inside.

Julian "I should check it out"

He said and walked into the spa, once he got in he gave his Pokeball to the workers of the pokemon spa, he then told Gengar to have a close watch on the little ones so that they don't get into trouble.

He then went to the massage center to get himself a massage as well.

When he walked in he had to reveal his identity and as he did so the workers there were stunned but they quickly collected themselves and got back to their work.

Since Julian himself was here in their massage parlor, they had to call in their best massager, one of the workers guided Julian to the massage room, Julian stripped and put on a towel and waited for the massager to arrive.

Soon a beautiful middle-aged woman walked in with some essential oil bottles in her hand, next to her is a Riolu who had a towel in its hand.

Julian lifted his head and looked at them and nodded, the woman nodded as well, the Riolu on her side kept staring at Julian.

Seeing the Riolu the middle-aged woman smiled, Julian also looked at the Riolu and smiled at it as well, the Riolu seems to get shy and hid behind the massager.

Massager "Don't mind her Mr. Julian she is just a little shy"

Julian "I don't mind, this little one has quite a potential, her trainer must be lucky"

Julian said and closed his eyes and let the massager do her job.

What he didn't notice is the sadness in Riolu's eyes when he said that, the massager also got sad but didn't say anything, she started to do her job and Riolu assisting her when more force was needed.

Julian felt great once the massage was over, he opened his eyes and saw something was off, the Riolu seemed sad for some reason.

Julian looked at the massager and noticed her mood was also off.

Julian "Did I say something wrong?"

Julian asked.

Massager "No its nothing, little Riolu here was my daughter's pokemon, sadly she passed away due to illness, she and Riolu are huge fan of yours and would watch all your battles repeatedly on TV, she would always say that one day she will meet you and ask you to train with her and would one day become a champion like you."

The massager got emotional and so did Riolu, Julian felt bad for jogging up these memories.

Julian "I am sorry, I didn't mean to"

The massager wiped up her tears and smiled at Julian.

Massager "No it's ok, I am happy that half of my daughter's dream come true, little Riolu got a chance to meet you, I believe that my daughter would have no regrets"

She said.

Julian nodded and looked at Riolu who is hiding behind the massager, he smiled and signaled the Riolu to come over.

Riolu peaked from the side and looked at Julian, she then stepped out and walked towards Julian, Julian picked her up and patted her head.

Julian "You are very healthy, your trainer must have taken really good care of you"

Julian said.

Riolu nodded her head and stayed quite, Julian looked at the massager and saw that she was genuinely happy, he then once again looked at Riolu.

Julian "I have a request"

Julian said.

The massager was surprised by this, why would the Julian need any help from her.

Julian "I want to train this little one as one of my own pokemon"

Julian said.

He genuinely felt sad for Riolu and the massager, it was because of him that they were reminded of the tragedy of their loved one past away, and there is one more reason, he needs a steel type pokemon in his team, if he can train Riolu he would have another good pokemon in his team once she evolves and the fighting type also made a great addition to his team.

Hearing Julian the massager was surprised, she knew how good of an offer this is for Riolu, being trained by Julian means she will become very powerful, but separating with her would be difficult for her.

Riolu is also surprised, she who looked up to Julian and his pokemons, now the same Julian wants to train her, she didn't know what to do.

Julian "I think I stepped my boundaries, Riolu must be the only connection you have with your daughter, sorry for my selfish request"

Massager "No I do not mind, but I think Riolu and I will need some time to discuss over your offer"

Julian "I understand"

Julian said and nodded.

The massager took out a card and gave it to Julian.

Massager "I hope you will come to our house tomorrow and offer a praying to my daughter, and by that time I and Riolu will be able to decide on your offer"

The massager said and looked at Riolu.

Massager "Riolu let's go"

She said and signaled Riolu to follow her, Riolu did saw and chased behind her but Riolu took one last look at Julian.

Julian smiled at her.

Riolu walked away and Julian sighed.

Julian "I should have not asked her that, I am stupid"

Julian said and put his clothes back on.

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