Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 317 - Visiting Riolu

Julian walked out after taking a soak in a warm bath, after getting refreshed, he went towards the pokemon spa area where his pokemon are relaxing when Julian arrived there he saw his pokemons were relaxed and enjoying their time here.

The best workers were assigned to them because they knew they are Julian's pokemon, seeing Julian arrive they all stopped and looked at him, this is their first time seeing him in person and they were stunned. ​​

Seeing Julian arrive the little ones rushed towards him, they were not used to being apart for Julian for a long time, this was their first so seeing him made them very happy again.

Julian "Ok we have to go now"

Julian said and called back his pokemon into their Pokeball and left the spa center, Julian is still thinking about the thing that happened a few minutes ago, the Riolu he met was really a perfect pokemon for his team when she evolves he will be able to cover both Fighting and Steel typing.

And he has not captured a Fighting-type pokemon at all, Infernape was given to him and he is the only Fighting-type pokemon he has right now and he is inactive in battles.

Julian looked at the card that the massager gave to him, it had a number and address, the massager seems to also have a small massage house of her own in her house, but she comes here sometimes if any celebrity or rich people come to relax.

Julian 'I should go there tomorrow, give them some time to think about it'

Julian could tell the Riolu was thinking about coming with him, she shared a dream with her trainer to become champions one day.

He sighed and went back to the hotel room, today is no training day, the little ones can enjoy today off and play around with each other.

The day went fine and Julian had nothing else to do except watch his pokemon play around, he called Daisy and Chloe and video chat with them the whole day.

The day ended and Julian went to sleep


Next day he woke up pretty late, he was awake with 2 AM last night talking with Chloe and Daisy, they have been living together in an apartment that Chloe's new agency gave them, they had a lot to talk about that is why Julian was awake all night.

He yawned and stretched his arms and took a quick bath, as he got out he saw the car that was given to him yesterday by the massager on the side of the table.

Julian 'I should go there I guess, she did invite me'

Julian thought and put on his clothes, Crystal who is sleeping on the small fruit basket woke up and went into Julian's front pocket as it saw Julian getting ready.

Julian "You were waiting for me to dress up huh?"

Julian smiled and rubbed Crystal's head with his finger, Crystal purred happily while its eyes closed.

Julian then got out of the hotel and headed towards the address that was written down on the card the massager had given to him.

After getting onto his bike he rode off, after asking around he finally arrived at the exact address, he was surprised to see the surroundings, he thought it would be like any other house in the city but this was different, this house is on the edge of the city, the house is in middle of the green land and the backyard is very big.

It looks more like a house in the middle of a grassy field than in a city, he looked around and saw some animals being raised here.

He was surprised to see normal animals here, the pokemon world does have normal animals but they are very rare because they cannot survive in the wild with all the pokemons living there, these animals heavily rely on humans to survive.

These animals are a good source of food so human to raise them and breed them, with their population being kept in check under human protecting they live a normal life.

The dead animals will be used to make goods such as leather and other stuff, they are also the meat source of the pokemon world, people do eat some pokemons in the pokemon world but pokemons have a way to defend themselves and any one of them can kill humans.

So humans do rely on animals for their food source.

They are normal animals, like cows and other domestic animals, there is a Houndoom with them, it looks like the Houndoom looks after these castles so they won't get attacked by any wild pokemons that fly up in the sky, but that is not most likely to happen because powerful wild pokemon prefer to stay and hunt in forest then going into the cities to hunt normal cattle.

Julian looked around and saw something, it was the same Riolu he saw yesterday, the little Riolu is training with a small baton made from its aura.

Julian was surprised to see this, it's very hard for Riolus to manifest their aura and create something with it but this Riolu already learned how to make a simple baton.

Though the baton would just shatter if it gets hit by a powerful move it's still a huge accomplishment for the little Riolu.

Jason walked towards her with a smile on his face, Riolu noticed someone approaching her, she turned around and saw Julian looking at her with a smile on his face.

Riolu got startled at first then realized Julian has come to give them a visit, she got happy and rushed into the house before Julian could even say anything.

Julian just laughed awkwardly seeing this and just stood there for Riolu to get back with her caretaker the massager.

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