Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 315 - First Victory As A Trainer

Paul has to make a move, now that Shinx has evolved into Luxio, his chances of winning are even lower than before.

Paul "Electabuzz get up and battle don't be a dead weight and drag down the battle" ​​

Paul said.

Electabuzz got back to its feet, even though it hurts it still got back up.

Julian 'That Electabuzz really got a heart, reminds me of the time Electivire was still an Electabuzz'

Julian thought and continued looking at the battle.

While the battle was going on Gengar, on the other hand, is now placing bets on the fight, the bet is not on who will win but how much longer with Paul last.

The little ones are not allowed in this because they have nothing of interest on them, while Infernape, Absol, Tyranitar, and Snorlax do, they are betting on their food, the one who predicts the closest time will win two extra shares of food while the loser will have to lose their share for today, the rest will go to Gengar as he is the organizer.

Julian wanted to facepalm himself seeing Gengar pull of this bet, the little ones are mad because they were included in the game, but they soon got over it and continued watching the battle.

Electivire looks at the Electabuzz and shakes his head.

Paul "Electabuzz, use ThunderBolt"

Knowing that his Electabuzz cannot move around due to the injured leg, Paul decides to go with Electabuzz's Special Attacks, too bad his Electabuzz's Special attacks are mediocre compared to its Physical Attacks.

The strike of Lightning flashed fast and hit Luxio but he resisted it due to his typing.

Electivire [Haha, Luxio, use Eerie Impulse]

Electivire commanded.

Luxio then stood his ground and released a wave of shock impulses in the surrounding, Electabuzz couldn't dodge this as it is a wide area attack, Electabuzz gets hit by the attack but nothing happens, instead, his Special Attack gets lowered by two stages stage.

Now Electabuzz's electric type special attacks will be useless as they won't even damage Luxio now.

Paul never felt this helpless during a pokemon battle, he cannot find a way to counter and on top of that, his Electabuzz is suffering from ankle pain if this continues his Electabuzz will go down.

Julian "You know you can always give up, your pokemon's health is more important than winning"

Julian said.

Paul looked at Julian but shook his head.

Paul "No, Electabuzz is no weakling, he will fight till the end"

Paul answers and continues to focus on the battle, seeing this Julian sighs.

Electivire [Little Luxio, let's get this over with]

Paul "Electabuzz use Brick Break"

Paul doesn't want to waste time anymore since his Special Attacks won't work and Luxio's resistance to electric type moves, he has no choice to go with the other moves in Electabuzz's arsenal.

Electabuzz rushes towards Luxio while using Brick Break.

Electivire [Luxio use your Claws on its ankle]

Luxio now can generate powerful high voltage electricity in his claws, these claws are deadly and a touch from them can cause a lot of damage, luckily they are always inside its paws or it would shock anyone that touches it.

Seeing the slow Electabuzz charging towards him Luxio charges towards it and brings out his claws, his claws are covered with high voltage electricity, Luxio moves and connect his claw to the ankle once again.

This causes a powerful surge of electricity to go through Electabuzz's body and it goes down on the ground.

Paul "Electabuzz get up"

Paul orders.

Electabuzz tried to get up and is successful till it is able to lift only half of its body of the ground and then collapse on the ground again, this time it faints, with no energy left in its body it was meant to happen.

Julian "Electabuzz is unable to battle, Luxio wins"

Julian declares the result.

Paul just looks at his Electabuzz who is on the ground and clutches his fist, he really felt frustrated by today's battle, he was forced from one situation to other, he didn't even get a chance to counter, all his effective moves were taken away alone with his Electabuzz's movement, his Electabuzz had never suffered such a shameful loss, it was like a struggling fish out of its water in today's battle from start to end.

Julian "You lost, you still have a lot to learn before you go and challenge someone who is above your level, I have seen you look down on many trainers and gym leaders you have battled with, but I will tell you one harsh truth, you can never compare yourself to them, a gym leader would never use his ace pokemon to battle a challenger or no challenger would stand a chance of winning.

You need to expand and learn before you take the next step, your performance was below average today, you couldn't counter any of Luxio's move, you were sloppy calling out moves, you were too focused on your opponent then concentrating on your own.

Next time you challenge someone thinks about the possibility and the outcome of the battle before you do so, and never look down on anyone"

Julian said his bidding and it was all up to Paul on how he changes his battling ways.

Julian "You should take Electabuzz to the pokemon center and let it rest for a few days, so it can get back to perfect state once again"

Julian said and turned around, he saw Gengar was celebrating while Absol, Tyranitar, and Infernape looked disappointed whereas Snorlax looked very happy as well.

Julian 'Looks like Snorlax won that bet'

Julian smiled and turned back to Paul, he saw Paul call back Electabuzz back to its Pokeball and he walked away.

Julian didn't say anything, Paul is just a 10-year-old kid, who is delusional, he still has a lot to learn, just like Ash.

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