Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 310 - Causal Conversation

Marshadow [I also want to be as strong as you]

Gengar [Then you have to find a good trainer who will train you to the limit] ​​

Marshadow [Were you also trained by a trainer?]

Gengar [Of course, the best there is]

Marshadow [Can he train me as well?]

Gengar [Too late, my master has already found enough little ones to train, I don't think he will take in more children, the ones already are troublesome, you have to wait for few more months, when my master is done with training the new lots he will start another journey and then train new batch of children again]

Gengar said and chuckled, Marshadow just looked at Gengar and said nothing.

Gengar turned away and went towards Mismagius.

Gengar [Let's go our work is done here, gegege]

Gengar said and floated away, Mismagius snapped out of her trance and followed Gengar silently, they soon arrived at the place where they were taken away, as they reached there they saw the little ones who they came here with are still here waiting for them here.

Misdreavus [Sis, are you ok?]

Mismagius [Yes, I am fine nothing happened]

Gastly [Mr. Gengar where did they take you?]

Gengar [To the royal palace to have some fun, nothing else]

Misdreavus [Is it true?]

She asked as she looked at Mismagius, Mismagius looked at the grin on Gengar's face and said nothing.

Mismagius [Yes, we were brought to the royal palace to have some fun]

Gengar [Gegege, ok now I have to leave, my master should be waiting for me]

Gengar said and floated away leaving the group behind, Mismagius just watched Gengar disappear from her sight, in her entire life she had never seen someone like this Gengar before, now he has left a mark in her life.

Gengar soon arrived at the exact same place he arrived at this sub-world, he looked around and started to manipulate the dimension gate in this place, and as he expected the gate opened up.

He walked through the gate and disappeared.


Near the carved rock, Julian has already made all the preparation, it has only been an hour since Julian has set up the camp here, while Gengar has already experienced half a day inside the sub-world.

Julian suddenly notices the change of aura in the environment along with his older pokemons, Julian's turn around and sees the carvings on the rock glow up, Julian looked carefully at it and felt Gengar's aura approaching near.

Julian "Looks like he is coming, ok everyone its time to eat then sleep, tomorrow, every one of you will be waking up early for some hard training"

Julian said and started to prepare food for the little ones as they have to sleep early.

As Julian did so, a void opened and Gengar flew out of it and came in and saw Julian and his friends and the little ones all looking at him.

Gengar "Gegegege"

Gengar laughed and went into Julian's shadow.

Julian continued with his work and fed his pokemon before putting them to sleep, once the little ones are asleep he sat down and looked at the night sky.

Julian "So what was this world you were into?"

Julian asked.

Gengar [It was some kind of dimension world made from ghost energy, there were a lot of ghost pokemon there]

Julian "Did you cause any trouble?"

Gengar [Just a little, gegege]

Julian "So how was this world like?"

Gengar [I saw many pokemons I have never seen before, there was this little pokemon called Marshadow, they said it is a mythical pokemon]

Julian "Oh you saw a Marshadow?"

Gengar [Yes, it was still young, and about this world, I feel like it was made by someone or something stronger than me]

Julian "Well there are still many things we don't know, you can just continue training how you do and grow stronger, once you come over the bottleneck you may grow stronger but you will face it, again and again, so we have to train our ass off to reach the limit"

Gengar [Gegege, sounds like fun]

Julian "Haha, it is, not everyone is like Infernape and Snorlax, just sit down and grow powerful"

Gengar [Gegege, indeed, I have to master my dimension faster them]

Julian "That you have to do if you want to keep up with them"

Gengar [Gegege, not to worry because I have found a pawn to use]

Julian "Who is this pawn?"

Gengar [Gegege, a Froslass, it has been alive for millions of years feeding on countless life forces of others, she should be a great candidate to work on]

Julian "You said a pokemon lived for millions of years by stealing the life force of other pokemons?"

Gengar [Yes, there was an alter down there that helped her take away the life force of pokemon by giving them boost in energy]

Julian "Interesting, you can go and continue your training"

Julian said and let Gengar go.

What he heard from Gengar made Julian think about one particular legendary pokemon, Yuveltal the pokemon that brings death to everything, but one thing didn't match up was that Yuveltal is a dark type while the world Gengar visited was created by a ghost type pokemon by what Gengar said.

Julian "There are still mysteries to this world that cannot be explained, I have to look into this further to see what really is going on"

Julian says and decides to go to sleep as well as it is getting late.

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