Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 311 - Reaching Veilstone

Next morning is the same as usual, Julian woke up early and started to train the little ones, he could see sighs of evolution in Gible, he should evolve after few bouts.

This time Julian is not worried about premature evolution in Gible because he has already learned what he needs to do, the advantage and disadvantage of being a pseudo legendary pokemons is that the evolution process is always slow, with all this time he had he easily mastered what he needed to so he can evolve whenever he wants. ​​

When it comes to started pokemons, they do face the problem of premature evolution because they evolve faster, that is why young trainers are given these starter pokemons, these starter pokemons become powerful very fast but they still lack foundation.

While Pseudo legendaries have all the time to power up and wait for their evolution to take place.

Julian had noticed these when he didn't even start his journey, while he was still researching something, he didn't let his Bulbasaur evolve prematurely, he made him train harder and until he reached his limit, that is when Julian let Bulbasaur evolve.

But holding back an evolution can also have some side effects if an evolution stage passes, evolving will be a lot harder and it will be stuck in its base form for quite a long time until another fortunate encounter occurs.

This same happens to other pokemon as well, such as Julian's Gardevoir, she could have evolved prematurely but she held it back and was able to completely master her energy and finally evolving into a Kirlia.

Julian doesn't have to worry about Cranidos's premature evolving because he is still far behind Gible, he only has two-stage evolution so his evolution is a little slow.

The only one who can evolve prematurely in Julian's team is Shinx but Julian has already looked into this, he decided to call in Electivire so that he can give Shinx some pointers on controlling electric power.

After the little ones are finished with their training, its time for Julian to continue moving, his next stop is Veilstone city, he packed his stuff and got on his bike and rode off.

A few days of traveling and he will be in Veilstone city, the city has the fighting type gym that Julian plans to challenge it, but it also has something that might cause trouble to him in future, one of Cyrus's main company is established there.

It can possibly be a Team Galactic headquarters, and upon that Julian also has to find this evil organization who worship Giratina.


After traveling for a few days he finally arrived at the outer area of Veilstone City, Julian could see the huge sea on the north side, if he wants he can go to the Stark mountains after finishing his business in Veilstone city in search for this mysterious cave.

Julian 'Let's not think about it now, the thing is should concentrate on is challenging the gym and enjoy my time'

Julian thought and rode off towards the city, he wore his cloth mask before getting into the city, as he got into the city he saw people and pokemon gathered around in a circle, Julian got curious and stopped his bike and walked towards the crowd and tried to watch what is happening.

As he went forward he saw Paul battling with some random trainer.

Julian 'Of all the people, it is this little runt'

Julian thought and ignored the crowd and walked away, Julian has no interest in involving himself with kids right now, Julian currently is heading towards the pokemon center.

He got in his bike and rode towards the pokemon center, once he arrived there, he gave his tiny pokemons to nurse joy for a quick checkup and walked towards a monitor screen on the side.

He called Professor Oak, the screen turned on and Julian saw Professor Oak being pushed to the side by his Electivire.

Julian laughed seeing this.

Julian "How are you doing Electivire?"

Julian asked.

Electivire nodded happily saying that he is doing fine.

Julian "Ok, move to the side I want to talk to Professor Oak"

Julian said and made Electivire move away from the screen, Professor Oak came back on the screen and whipped out his sweat and laughed awkwardly while looking at the screen.

Julian "I hope you aren't having a hard time taking care of them?"

Julian asked, he knows how troublesome his pokemons can be but they are also very disciplined so he knows they won't cause many problems.

Oak "Not at all, with them around there are no fights between pokemons that come to the pokemon area, it has been very peaceful"

Julian "It's good to hear that, so can you send Electivire now"

Julian asked.

Oak "Of course, Electivire come here"

Professor Oak said and called Electivire back to his Pokeball and placed it on the transfer machine, the ball soon appeared right in front of the transfer machine that is right next to Julian.

Julian picks up the ball and smiles.

Julian "Look Gengar your friend is here"

Julian said.

Gengar's eyes surfaced in Julian's shadow and he giggled.

A kid who was very close to Julian saw Gengar's eyes and got scared so he started to cry, seeing this Gengar went back into his dimension.

Kids that cried always caused Gengar to have a traumatizing experience, so whenever he sees a crying kid he completely hides away from them.

Julian chuckles and waits for nurse joy to bring back his pokeballs.

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