Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 309 - End Of Gengar's Adventure In Sub-World

Froslass had let go of her sanity and has gone insane, she is backed to the corner but she can still hurt the Marshadow who is her last hope.

Marshadow [Tell me Froslass what did you do?] ​​

Froslass [I needed a king's order to activate the tree so that I can control it to steal the life force to live forever]

Froslass said and slowly started to back off with Marshadow in her hands.

Mismagius [Hey, do something, aren't you responsible for all this, the Marshadow is a mythical pokemon, it would be a huge loss if it loses its life so young]

Mismagius whispered in Gengar's ears.

Gengar [Gegege, let's wait and see what happens for a little while, the fun has just begun]

Gengar said and looked at Froslass.

Aegislash charged towards Froslass but suddenly got interrupted by Dusknoir and clashed with it, the Dusknoir is one of Froslass's followers and it would do anything to protect her.

Gengar just watched this.

Marshadow just looked at Froslass then started to talk again.

Marshadow [So you will sacrifice hundreds of life to stay alive? why?]

Froslass [Yes, I would, none of their life matters to me, I am a superior being, I have been trained by the greatest ghost trainer in the history of mankind, my life is superior to other, too bad my teammates didn't share my opinion and disappeared with time, but I stayed strong by feeding on the life force of the others and lived for millions of years]

Froslass said and laughed like a maniac.

Gengar took out some popcorn from his dimension and started to eat it while he watched Froslass going insane.

Mismagius was stunned by seeing Gengar giving no concern to such a serious situation in front of him, and on that he took out popcorn from nowhere and started to eat it as if he is watching some act.

Mismagius [You, what are you doing, go and save Marshadow]

Mismagius said and snatched away the popcorn form Gengar's hands.

Gengar [Geez, I wonder why women are so serious all the time, luckily master doesn't have anyone tying him up right now, I now have more respect for master, he was able to be with two women at the same time and still didn't get bored]

Gengar though and floated towards Froslass slowly, yawning in the process.

Froslass saw Gengar approaching her and panicked, for some reason she didn't feel well when she looked in his crimson red eyes.

Froslass [Don't come any closer or I will kill Marshadow]

She said, but Gengar gave to attention to it, Froslass is too scared right now to perform any action, by looking into his eyes she was already doomed.

Seeing Froslass has frozen Dusclops moved forward and get in between her and Gengar, Gengar looks at the Dusclops and grins.

This is the same one that brought them here.

Gengar [Gege, what do you want?]

Dusclops [you are not allowed to approach her lady Froslass]

Gengar [You are going to stop me? how? by attacking me?]

Dusclops [Indeed]

He said and shot a powerful Shadow Ball at Gengar, the Shadow Ball hit Gengar and Gengar screamed in pain.


Dusclops [That's what you get]

Gengar [GAAA, Gegegegegege]

Gengar stopped screaming and started to laugh.

Dusclops [Why are you laughing?]

Gengar [Because you attack tickled me?]

Dusclops [Then why did you scream?]

He asked and backed down as he felt the pressure from Gengar slowly rising.

Gengar [I thought it would be fun, gegegege]

Gengar laughed and the pressure he released started to grow and slowly cover the whole room, soon the pokemons in the room started to feel it.

Mismagius was shocked sensing the powerful pressure coming from Gengar right now, she didn't expect this easy-going, overconfident Gengar with no sense of danger or guilt of consequence is so strong.

Same could be said for the other pokemons in the room as well, they were also startled, soon all of them started to suffocate under Gengar's pressure, except Mismagius and Marshadow.

Dusknoir suddenly realized who this Gengar is.

Dusknoir [He is the one]

He said and ran away from the room scared shitlessly, he couldn't believe the monster that chased him for hours in the past, the same one that made him have nightmares even though he is a ghost type pokemon, the same Gengar is here.

Dusknoir is terrified and abandons everything and runs away, seeing her only useful follower run away so she lost hope, and she has been completely immobilized by now, she can't even move because of Gengar.

She has never felt such powerful and pure ghost energy before, not even from one of her old Friends the Marshadow that was the strongest in their group.

Gengar [Gegegegegege, looks like the fun is over, Little king tell me what should I do with this old hag]

Gengar said and laughed.

Marshadow escaped from Froslass's grasp and looked at her.

Marshadow [I don't know what to do, I don't want to be a king, I want to get out of here and see the outer world]

Gengar [Gegegege, then she is of no use to you, gegege]

Gengar laughs and looked coldly at Froslass, Froslass suddenly feels fear like never before, suddenly black chains come out from the shadows and ties her up, the chains are filled with Ghost energy, the chains then starts to drag Froslass into the shadows, she tries to struggle but cannot escape.

Froslass soon disappears from the sight of everyone in the room.

The Dusclops who is forgotten by everyone (even the author) is finally able to stand as the pressure goes away, he looks at Gengar petrified and doesn't know what to do.

Gengar [What are you looking at idiot?]

Gengar said and chucked, the Dusclops snapped back to reality and made a run for his life, seeing how the Dusclops who was acting all high and mighty before running like a scared dog made Gengar laugh again.

Marshadow [Mr. Gengar where is Froslass]

Gengar [Don't worry little king, oh wait, you don't want to be a king so you are no king, you are just a little kid, anyways she is in a very good place don't worry?]

Marshadow [Isn't she bad, why is she in a very good place?]

Gengar [Oh, I forgot you are still a kid, you don't understand sarcasm, anyways you will learn soon when you get out of this sub-dimension and get into the real world]

Gengar said.

Marshadow [This is not the real world?]

Gengar [Gege, of course not, this is just a sub-world created by those ancestors of yours I think, who knows who created this one and nobody cares if you don't want to be king you can do anything else]

Gengar said and turned around to leave.

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