Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 308 - Gengar's Adventure In The Sub-World (5)

Froslass [So you are the one who burnt down the sacred tree?]

The Froslass asked with anger filled her voice, the pressure was released from her which put Mismagius in a tough spot but Gengar was not affected at all, he just stood there with a grin on his face. ​​

Froslass was surprised by seeing how Gengar was not affected by this at all, she thought that she will be able to scare the two into submission and put them in their death bed and get this over with.

Froslass [Lord, punish these criminals for burning down the sacred tree, that tree was planted by the master of our first ancestor]

Froslass said as she wanted to quickly get over this before this Gengar who just made an entrance starts to cause trouble, she knows how troublesome Gengars can be as she used to deal with one in the past.

Marshadow looked at Gengar and Mismagius, it didn't know what to do, as it is still young so it decided to go with what Froslass said.

Marshadow [The both of you will be pun-]


Marshadow [Why are you laughing?]

Gengar [Are you the king?]

Marshadow [Yes]

Gengar [How old are you?]

Marshadow [10 days]

Gengar [Gegege, as expected you are just a kid who knows nothing]

Gengar said and laughed.

Aegislash [How dare you to talk to his majesty like that, you deserve death]

The Aegislash on the side roared.

Gengar [Shut up, you peace of steel, who are you to talk when your king is talking, gegegege]

Gengar said and chuckled.

Aegislash went quiet as he realized that he had made a mistake by talking before getting permission from Marshadow.

Marshadow [What do you mean by that?]

Gengar [Don't you know kid, being a king means you can do whatever you want unless you oppose the whole region and get overthrown, that means you don't have to listen to that old hag there, from what I see, she is the one in control that you who is the king]

Gengar said and laughed.

Marshadow fell in deep thought and went through what Gengar said, it realized that Gengar is right, it seemed like, it is stuck in this palace because Froslass doesn't let it do anything except sit in this big chair when she wants something done.

Froslass [Don't listen to him, your majesty, he is trying to manipulate you]

Froslass panicked and told Marshadow to stop listening to Gengar if she loses her control over Marshadow who she has been able to manipulate for these past few days, it will be all over for her.

Marshadow [Did I commanded you to speak?]

Marshadow asked and looked at Froslass.

Froslass [No, your majesty]

Marshadow [Then shut up]

Marshadow said and looked at Gengar once again.

Gengar chucked as he got what he wanted, he started to make the kid think with his brain.

Marshadow [Then tell me what can a king do?]

Gengar [Gegege, a king can do anything he wants until he doesn't bring calamity on themselves by making too many enemies]

Marshadow [What happens when a king makes too many enemies?]

Gengar [He will get dethroned or even killed by his enemies if he makes a mistake]

Marshadow [Then how can a king be a king?]

Gengar [By being wise or cunning]

Marshadow [How can I do that?]

Gengar [Let's start from here, what is happening right in front of you?]

Marshadow [What do you mean?]

Gengar [Let's start by making you a wise king, tell me why am I and Mismagius brought here in front of you?]

Marshadow [To get punished because one of you burnt down the sacred tree]

Gengar [Indeed, we are here because I burnt down that tree and Mismagius here is just my guest]

Froslass [Your majesty, look he accepted his doings, please punish him]

Froslass keeps panicking and starts to tell Marshadow what to do again.

Marshadow [I order you to not speak a word until I have finished talking to Mr. Gengar here]

Marshadow commanded, the Aegislash on its left moved towards Forslass and stood in front of her so that she won't defy his lord's order.

Aegislashs are known for their utmost loyalty to their lord and master so any word from Marshadow is like a will to him.

Froslass is really panicking now, she couldn't believe that she will lose control over her new pawn in such a little time.

Marshadow [So you admit to burning down the sacred tree?]

Gengar [Yes, but a wise king always listens to both side of the story, don't you want to know why I burnt down the tree?]

Marshadow [Yes, tell me why did you burn down the tree]

Gengar [Because it was stealing the life span of pokemon for some greedy to feed on afterward]

Marshadow [You are saying that the tree was stealing life force from the pokemon?]

Gengar [Of course, why don't you ask that old hag there, gegegegegege]

Gengar said and laughed as he stared down Froslass with his red crimson eyes.

Froslass paled and suddenly snapped without thinking, she released a blast of frost energy and froze Aegislash on the spot and moved quickly and took Marshadow as a hostage.

Gengar [Look I told you, you cannot only be wise but cunning as well, now you are taken hostage by your own servant]

Mismagius [I didn't think you said that. You said one has to be either wise or cunning]

Gengar [Did I? well it doesn't matter anyway, the culprit is out of the bag and that old hag is really foolish, I don't know how she survived for so long?]

Gengar said and chuckled as the grin on his face became even wider as he started to enjoy this little game.

Aegislash broke out of the ice and glared at Froslass with anger but he couldn't do anything as his lord is in captive.

Marshadow [Froslass, what are you doing, let me go, this is an order]

Froslass [Shut up child, you were just a pawn for me to use to live longer, I have been doing the same for millions of years, staying alive by taking away the life force of many pokemons, I sacrificed many young idiots like you for my purpose to live longer, I thought of using you the same way as I did to your ancestors, use them as a puppet and finally take their life span away after they are successful breeding with their partner, but now everything is ruined because of that stupid Gengar]

Froslass spit out her truth without even thinking.

Gengar just smiled seeing he had to do nothing at all, living for too long without anyone by her side must have caused her to go insane, that is what Gengar thinks and it is true.

Froslass is the original pokemon of the first master of the palace, the statue of the Froslass in the entrance is actually her.

She has been taking lifeforce from other pokemons and kept on living while her friends and partners disappeared with time, leaving her all alone.

The reason she is doing so is that she is too afraid to die.

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